1000 Jobs Saved...


Well-Known Member
People act like this is the first time government has given tax relief. I listed 3 instances earlier where FDX got about 35 million in tax relief. Nobody complained then. Why start now?
You are wasting your time.
They will never get it.
Dems the enemy!


Well-Known Member
He's not even president yet. Give him time.
He's taking all the credit for the Carrier deal under the guise of being president elect along with the power and influence that goes with it. Therefore the people at the other plants are also entitled to the same representation and influence that was used to strike the Carrier deal. They too are American citizens entitled to the same representation at the Carrier 800.


Well-Known Member
He's taking all the credit for the Carrier deal under the guise of being president elect along with the power and influence that goes with it. Therefore the people at the other plants are also entitled to the same representation and influence that was used to strike the Carrier deal. They too are American citizens entitled to the same representation at the Carrier 800.
Then tell the current president, who does have the power, to do something.


Well-Known Member
He's taking all the credit for the Carrier deal under the guise of being president elect along with the power and influence that goes with it. Therefore the people at the other plants are also entitled to the same representation and influence that was used to strike the Carrier deal. They too are American citizens entitled to the same representation at the Carrier 800.
He has a lot of catching up to do. The numerous regulations that Obama put in place that hurt businesses ability to expand and compete with foreign countries is no small thing to undo. It will take time and some legislation and tax changes to move the process along. On top of that, you just can't save all the jobs, as bad as people want to. The damage is done and undoing years and years of job loss is not an overnight process.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
He has a lot of catching up to do. The numerous regulations that Obama put in place that hurt businesses ability to expand and compete with foreign countries is no small thing to undo. It will take time and some legislation and tax changes to move the process along. On top of that, you just can't save all the jobs, as bad as people want to. The damage is done and undoing years and years of job loss is not an overnight process.
Unemployment is the lowest it's been since 2007. You know, right before republican policies tanked the global economy. The economy has been adding jobs for years, not sure where you get years and years of job losses.


Well-Known Member
Unemployment is the lowest it's been since 2007. You know, right before republican policies tanked the global economy. The economy has been adding jobs for years, not sure where you get years and years of job losses.
Years and years of McJobs. Years and years of college kids moving back in with their parents because they can't find a job in their chosen field. And Democrats had a big hand in the meltdown.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Years and years of McJobs. Years and years of college kids moving back in with their parents because they can't find a job in their chosen field. And Democrats had a big hand in the meltdown.
I've got drivers that still live at home. They make more than I did when I started. I moved out when I was just a package handler. It's a cultural issue more than monetary, these kids don't take responsibility for themselves.


Well-Known Member
Unemployment is the lowest it's been since 2007. You know, right before republican policies tanked the global economy. The economy has been adding jobs for years, not sure where you get years and years of job losses.
I was referring to manufacturing jobs. The US has lost over 300k manufacturing jobs since 2009. Who was president during that time?


I was referring to manufacturing jobs. The US has lost over 300k manufacturing jobs since 2009. Who was president during that time?
A lot less than Bush.
Manufacturing Jobs Rise Under Democratic Presidents
The biggest decline in manufacturing jobs occurred under George W. Bush: About 2.9 million, or more than 18 percent. That was despite the addition of 3.5 million jobs overall, a 2.9 percent rise from 2001 through 2008. The period was marked by tax cuts that helped wipe out the budget surplus, the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, the sub-prime lending debacle that devastated the housing market, the ensuing financial crisis and the onset of the worst recession since the Great Depression when GDP declined 2.1 percent in the last quarter of 2008.


Well-Known Member
I don't have to get used to it. You can move if you don't like people criticizing Drumpf.
Doesn't matter to me who you criticize. My man won and your woman lost. Doesn't matter if you don't accept it. Early next year we will have a new president. It shows the difference between rational and irrational people. We didn't loot and burn when Obama got elected. But the heathens in the country decided to hurt innocent people and burn and destroy people's property.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
I was referring to manufacturing jobs. The US has lost over 300k manufacturing jobs since 2009. Who was president during that time?
Manufacturing jobs aren't coming back. They aren't going to stay either. They will continue to decline, no policy will reverse that trend.


Well-Known Member
Is the economy doing better than it was, exactly eight years ago?

Don't hold back, tell me what you honestly think...
Well of course it is. But is it an economy that encourages entrepreneurship? Can college grads find work in their fields? Is the middle class growing or shrinking? We can go round and round about who's to blame for what but is the status quo good enough or is there room for improvement? Shouldn't we be striving to improve the lives of as many as possible or is it unfair to those who don't do as well so no one should do better? If the jobs don't come back, if all those out of work union workers in the Rust Belt don't have a chance, it'll soon become apparent. Until then, everything we can do to bring jobs to them and everyone else should and must be done. Worrying that it might make your party look bad if the other party is successful is putting your party before the country's best interests. If Trump fails I'm sure the Dems will do better in 2020.
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Well-Known Member
Manufacturing jobs aren't coming back. They aren't going to stay either. They will continue to decline, no policy will reverse that trend.
The US output of manufactured goods has quadrupled since 1980 but it's being performed by one fifth the number of workers. The job figures for November bear it out. We lost 4000 manufacturing jobs but created 63,000 new business sector jobs. The manufacturing jobs are not coming back It's like Mnuchi said that just the other day. He said the only way to counter the trend is to increase US exports. Manufacturing jobs in the future will be fewer in number and require much higher training, skills and education than what was required back in the 1950's.


Well-Known Member
I've got drivers that still live at home. They make more than I did when I started. I moved out when I was just a package handler. It's a cultural issue more than monetary, these kids don't take responsibility for themselves.
They make more than you did factoring for inflation? How does a $14hr driver provide himself with a home of his own? Not to mention a car, utilities, etc.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
They make more than you did factoring for inflation? How does a $14hr driver provide himself with a home of his own? Not to mention a car, utilities, etc.
Yes, my drivers make 4 times what I made as a package handler. I lived with roommates and advanced my career until I could afford a place on my own.