My Senior Picture
You don't see the IBT allowing UPS to pay their withdraw liability as the "death blow" for the Central States Pension Fund???Considering the condition of some of our pensions now, do you ever wonder if a "company" pension would have been a good idea?
The admitted delicate balance (and ponzi scheme dynamic) already admittedly "upside down" of retirees to active participants, we as a Union allow the single biggest contributor (UPS) to withdraw, then pretend like it's inevitable collapse wasn't helped along by the powers that be???.....please, give me a break.
In the end the irony is that we, the active UPSer's at the time (and perhaps the unborn for once?) who ratified that contract will be the only ones who benefit from it....
....while those who retired before us and UPS (as a corporation) with their "guarantee" are left holding the empty bag.
Feels like blood money to me, as I watch 15,000 retirees march on my state's Capitol seeking help and answers.