2020 Presidential Updates

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Of course anyone with the presidential voting record you have would think so.
So I looked it up and realized I had heard about it awhile back. As of July it represents 16 states and 196 electoral votes. All the States involved would vote Democrat anyways. But to get rid of the electoral college you need a constitutional amendment.
Good, it's gaining traction. The info I had is from 2016.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
You're behind the times, it's 16 states as of July. @It will be fine how do you feel about a state going against the will of it's voters?
States have laws on how their electors are chosen. Currently most states award them by the popular vote in the state. The states in the compact have decided to award them by national popular vote. If the voters in that state don’t like that they can vote for state representatives that would change the law. I have no problem with states following the laws they pass. This has nothing to do with what Trump is trying to do now, which is steal the election after he lost.


Well-Known Member
States have laws on how their electors are chosen. Currently most states award them by the popular vote in the state. The states in the compact have decided to award them by national popular vote. If the voters in that state don’t like that they can vote for state representatives that would change the law. I have no problem with states following the laws they pass. This has nothing to do with what Trump is trying to do now, which is steal the election after he lost.
So if Trump presents irrefutable evidence in court of voter fraud he's still, in your estimation, trying to steal the election?


I'm a star
So if Trump presents irrefutable evidence in court of voter fraud he's still, in your estimation, trying to steal the election?

The issue is that there is irrefutable proof of voter fraud, but they have to go through other channels to seek remedies, like recounts. The courts won't even touch it if there isn't enough to change the results, regardless of the fact that there is a criminal act having taken place.

Recounts won't do anything about fraudulent ballots, and you can't prove which ballots are fraudulent because they are anonymous. The mail-in ballots get separated from the signature on the envelope. The 120 year old guy that voted? Can't toss out his vote 'cause you don't know which one it was.

You can't eliminate anonymity of votes due to the issues of voter intimidation. How many people are calling for a list to be made of all Trump supporters? You want to talk about trying to destroy the republic because someone wants to challenge the results of an election? How about voter intimidation? That's straight up stasi-gestapo B.S. right there. That's what the left wants, and that's why they are the left.
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Well-Known Member
The issue is that there is irrefutable proof of voter fraud, but they have to go through other channels to seek remedies, like recounts. The courts won't even touch it if there isn't enough to change the results, regardless of the fact that there is a criminal act having taken place.

Recounts won't do anything about fraudulent ballots, and you can't prove which ballots are fraudulent because they are anonymous. The mail-in ballots get separated from the signature on the envelope. The 120 year old guy that voted? Can't toss out his vote 'cause you don't know which one it was.

You can't eliminate anonymity of votes due to the issues of voter intimidation. How many people are calling for a list to be made of all Trump supporters? You want to talk about trying to destroy the republic because someone wants to challenge the results of an election? How about voter intimidation? That's straight up stasi-gestapo B.S. right there. That's what the left wants, and that's why they are the left.
Sure, if there is limited provable fraud that won't change the result. But if they can prove for example that voter machine software changed hundreds of thousands of votes across many states they'd have a case.


Well-Known Member
Your dream is to steal the election against the clear will of the voters. The worst part is republicans have no shame in their attempts to destroy democracy.

nope the plan is to protect the real election results that an agent of china is trying to steal from our great president and the people of our country that voted for him.


I'm a star
Sure, if there is limited provable fraud that won't change the result. But if they can prove for example that voter machine software changed hundreds of thousands of votes across many states they'd have a case.

I'm still waiting on that smoking gun, but I'm pointing out that fraud has been proven, the courts are dismissing the cases because remedies exist outside the courts, not due to lack of evidence.