2020 Presidential Updates


Well-Known Member
Fake news.
Faux News=Fake News.
hush Joe's not hiding he's taking some well deserved time off after working so hard on his campaign #eyeroll

but at least you admit joe was hiding before
don the dumb has been bunkered down since his historic defeat. Joe ran a smart campaign, just sit back and let fat boy self destruct.


Well-Known Member
don the dumb has been bunkered down since his historic defeat. Joe ran a smart campaign, just sit back and let fat boy self destruct.
Joe didn't run anything. Do you know what's actually going on? If enough states are kept from certifying their vote in court to where neither candidate has 270 electoral votes, the decision to choose the next president goes to the House of Representatives. The representatives of each state decide and collectively cast one vote for president. And since there are 26 states controlled by Republicans it's highly likely Trump would win 26-24. So we'll see how this plays out.
Joe didn't run anything. Do you know what's actually going on? If enough states are kept from certifying their vote in court to where neither candidate has 270 electoral votes, the decision to choose the next president goes to the House of Representatives. The representatives of each state decide and collectively cast one vote for president. And since there are 26 states controlled by Republicans it's highly likely Trump would win 26-24. So we'll see how this plays out.
Dream on.


Well-Known Member
Your dream is to steal the election against the clear will of the voters. The worst part is republicans have no shame in their attempts to destroy democracy.
If there is irrefutable evidence of fraud presented to the courts then that demonstrates that the clear will of the people was usurped by Democrats. Whether that's so or not is for the courts to decide.


Well-Known Member
Ever hear of the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact?
So I looked it up and realized I had heard about it awhile back. As of July it represents 16 states and 196 electoral votes. All the States involved would vote Democrat anyways. But to get rid of the electoral college you need a constitutional amendment.