I am in agreement with you. And I also could never understand why vacations are not permitted during "peak".
All 52 weeks should be made available.....especially nowadays when it's December pretty much year round.
I personally get ample time off between taking my regular vacations and unpaid days, and I don't get hammered with super long days like many others and I'm not really affected by it all. But enough of just "going along with the program" because that's how it's always been.
This company more than ever needs to get the screws tightened on them in a big way. Unfortunately we have too many soft puzzieee

$$ drivers and also union stewards who don't have the proper male anatomy to see things thru and get things headed in the right direction.
Saddest thing is that most of the wimp drivers I speak of are long term veterans with no guts who have taken pounding after pounding for so many years......and have no backbone to stand up for themselves.