What do you really want ?
This is an excellant topic of conversation to be started about a year before voting a new contract. First of all the senior employees need to make sure to get to know each of the employees who have been kept and decide to stay (more importantly these days) after their 30 day probation period and gains seniority. Senior members need to talk to and explain what being in the Union really means to them and their future with UPS. They will be the future of UPS succeeding and for our pensions to continue being paid, they need to understand how important it is to vote on the contract.
PT employees need new language for paid breaks for anything worked over 4.5 hours- I know in our hub we haven't seen under 30 hours weekly as part time employees the majority of this contract. PT employees are working 5-8 hours daily without any breaks.
New language for complaints filed on supervisors working, when it is clear violation of management working and complaint is filed have local level meeting withing the month complaint filed, and paid within a 2 week period of being settled.
Keep health and welfare benefits the same or better.
Continue with reasonable guaranteed annual raises.