22.2 job pay rate


Are you referring to the new language? ...41.3 it states for 22.2 refer to 41.2 for pay scale and 41.2 is driver wages....NEW CONTRACT
Thanks for your help


Are you referring to the new language? ...41.3 it states for 22.2 refer to 41.2 for pay scale and 41.2 is driver wages....NEW CONTRACT
Thanks for your help
I hope you get driver rate, but here the top rate for the 22.2 job classification, is top rate of inside unskilled
The progression for employees entering a package car driving, feeder or other full-time job (other than an air driver or a job covered by Section 3 below) after August 1, 2013 shall be as follows:
Start $18.75 Seniority $18.75 Twelve (12) months $19.50 Twenty-four (24) months $21.00 Thirty-six (36) months $25.00 Forty-eight (48) months Top Rate
It specifies "other full time job" and "Top Rate"
and our Top Rate here is a little less than Driver job classification, but aim for the highest you think you can get out of them.