251 United Action Slate


Well-Known Member
Another RI Action Slate rumor gone sour. just opened my check, sure enough...5% raise. $1.52/hour! Anyone else getting tired of the 251 United Scare Tactics Slate? I sure am.

Us brownie folks can't even get our .70 raise because our contract is held hostage. But nice work. $1.52!!! That's one hell of raise!


Well-Known Member
When did the UA slate say RIH was not getting their raise? I checked their website, all I found was this...

View attachment 10028View attachment 10029View attachment 10030

No mention of getting the 5% cut at all....where do you get this stuff from RIH 251? Please link your sources or admit you're lying. There's enough mis-information going around after 12 years of KR, lets not add to it. mmmkay?

I think maybe you should talk to your so called "supporters" down here on the floors because its exactly the kinda bs rumors they start. We've got one (1!) In our dept. Shes been claiming for months we weren't getting this final raise. Today..pay day, I asked her what happened to the "no raise" ? She had no comment.
Its an interesting strategy actually. You guys have a website where you kind of have your " official" stance on things. But, at the same time your people are spreading rumors that u never have to "officially" answer to. Its sneaky. Looks bad .


You know me...
I think maybe you should talk to your so called "supporters" down here on the floors because its exactly the kinda bs rumors they start. We've got one (1!) In our dept. Shes been claiming for months we weren't getting this final raise. Today..pay day, I asked her what happened to the "no raise" ? She had no comment.
Its an interesting strategy actually. You guys have a website where you kind of have your " official" stance on things. But, at the same time your people are spreading rumors that u never have to "officially" answer to. Its sneaky. Looks bad .

The slate cannot control the fact that their supporters don't believe a thing their union officials say. It's a learned behavior. Last contract was negotiated early and the 5% went with it. Can't blame them for expecting more of the same. I've personally heard the UA slate answer the "Are we getting our raises?" question with "According to Secretary Treasurer J.B. Yes." Which is usually followed by the disgruntled RIH member saying "Well, I won't believe it till I see it in my check. These *Expletive*s lie about everything"

Great leadership does not spawn that kind of discontent my friend. KR might have been great to you, but there are hundreds of people in that hospital that he has screwed over....BIGTIME.


Well-Known Member
The slate cannot control the fact that their supporters don't believe a thing their union officials say. It's a learned behavior. Last contract was negotiated early and the 5% went with it. Can't blame them for expecting more of the same. I've personally heard the UA slate answer the "Are we getting our raises?" question with "According to Secretary Treasurer J.B. Yes." Which is usually followed by the disgruntled RIH member saying "Well, I won't believe it till I see it in my check. These *Expletive*s lie about everything"

Great leadership does not spawn that kind of discontent my friend. KR might have been great to you, but there are hundreds of people in that hospital that he has screwed over....BIGTIME.

Or just an embellishment of ones own fault. 5% raise doesn't show him screwing over the people. When our heads on the chopping block, I guess we all need someone else to blame. KR did a good job for your boy running for Sec/Tres. Intersection accident in his 30 and gets a redo? Now that I think of it, it sounds like your slate just enjoys stabbing backs. A history with UA251.


You know me...
Or just an embellishment of ones own fault. 5% raise doesn't show him screwing over the people. When our heads on the chopping block, I guess we all need someone else to blame. KR did a good job for your boy running for Sec/Tres. Intersection accident in his 30 and gets a redo? Now that I think of it, it sounds like your slate just enjoys stabbing backs. A history with UA251.

LoL @ a "redo" Tell me the exact path that our recording secretary took to get into feeders. outline it for me. And then ask yourself how many people on the lists got absolutely screwed by that little sweetheart deal along. From part time to feeders? Happens all the time! Right? lol Give me a break.

ups legacy

Active Member
Not to mention the other guy being video taped stealing time in the mall. He liked KR when he needed his job back to be able to pay for that mortgage and those fancy car payments.


Well-Known Member
LoL @ a "redo" Tell me the exact path that our recording secretary took to get into feeders. outline it for me. And then ask yourself how many people on the lists got absolutely screwed by that little sweetheart deal along. From part time to feeders? Happens all the time! Right? lol Give me a break.

Actually no it doesn't, and it didn't happen in the Rec Sec's situation either. If I recall he was first in package, made his 30 days there (on Allens Ave if I recall corectly), and then went to feeders. As for how many got screwed? Zero, and you know it. Anybody and everybody was offered that job before him. Including people off the street who ended up with seniority above him. (Who got screwed?) Ask your feeder driver pal BL. He got hired off the street and ended up ABOVE an 8 year ups employee.(Who got screwed?) Nice try though on the spin.


You know me...
Anybody and everybody was offered that job before him.

Except 99.9% of the barn. Give me a break Stink. The corruption, and under the table dealings by the membership slate are out of control. Local 251 is their own personal cash cow. 12 years without a single successful organizing drive, and you honestly think these guys give a damn about the future of this local? Give me a break. They are either milking the local or the most useless teamster officials on two legs.

Rumor has it, there is a recording of their own Liaison over at RIH admitting to a member that he was screwed over by a back-room deal made by KR. But you don't believe that, right? Everything the membership slate does is above the table in your eyes, so proof of backroom deals that screw over members can't possibly exist, right? (Apparently you didn't actually READ the "Memorandums of understanding" your boy KR signed over there at the hospital... I'd give them an objective gander if I were you.)


You know me...
And give me a day or 2 on the video, been just too busy to fart around on the computer the past few days, and tomorrow doesn't look much better...


Well-Known Member
Except 99.9% of the barn. Give me a break Stink. The corruption, and under the table dealings by the membership slate are out of control. Local 251 is their own personal cash cow. 12 years without a single successful organizing drive, and you honestly think these guys give a damn about the future of this local? Give me a break. They are either milking the local or the most useless teamster officials on two legs. Rumor has it, there is a recording of their own Liaison over at RIH admitting to a member that he was screwed over by a back-room deal made by KR. But you don't believe that, right? Everything the membership slate does is above the table in your eyes, so proof of backroom deals that screw over members can't possibly exist, right? (Apparently you didn't actually READ the "Memorandums of understanding" your boy KR signed over there at the hospital... I'd give them an objective gander if I were you.)
Wow...99.9%? Really? ill admit i dont know the actual membership total at UPS. But lets assume for the sake of arguement its 1200. Your saying 1,198 members got screwed out of feeder jobs? Incredible! And all at the fault of the Rec Sec? Amazing....And you wonder why people accuse TDU of embellishing and spinning? Why don't you ask two of your supporters BL of feeders and TS formerly of feeders, now a south ctr driver (both hired off the street into feeders) how they feel about "screwing over" 99.9% of our barn. You certainly don't seem to mind having THEM on your side.


You know me...
ill admit i dont know the actual membership total at UPS.But lets assume for the sake of arguement its 1200

Wow. you are completely out of touch. Now I understand why you actually think the membership slate stands a chance. Your numbers are WAY off my friend. Let me explain to you why JB and KR cannot sleep at night.

Biggest barn in the local = RIH with 2090. (UA has the staunch majority there...even if you don't believe it. Facts is facts Stink)

Next is UPS with 790. As you well know, that barn is split.

Next is Bradford Soap works at 144

Notice anything Stinky? Did any of those numbers jump out at you?

Jojo and the gang can't possibly win without taking a majority of RIH and UPS, or cheating their asses off, which we fully expect them to do (I'm personally expecting in the range of a thousand contested ballots, mostly bull**** c4's from RIH members on checkoff...once counted and confirmed to be legit, will all be yes votes for the UA slate)

But Those 2 barns combined make up well over half the local my colorfully tattooed friend. Sorry if that shattered your alternate reality, but sometimes the truth hurts.


You know me...
Dosent anyone realize that the decision to not let family members work in the same department was reversed last February?

Funny you should bring that up anth....errrr RIH251. Yes, most people know that. What most people DON'T know is...why was the memorandum even signed in the first place?

Because your boss KR was trying to screw over a members son and get his boy a premium job off the streets. EXACT same reason every premium job in that hospital is posted as "Temporary", and members are told they loose all seinority, bumping rights, and the 5 day grace period if they attempt to apply for the temporary position....which becomes permanent...and goes to the "Temporary" worker due to the "temporary workers get first pick over every teamster in that hospital" deal your piece of you know what boss signed with LS. And to pour salt in the wounds, the temporary workers get a spot on the OT wheel. What's next Anth...errr RIH251? KR gonna pour sugar in everyone's gas tank?

Your reign is OVER brother. Better get used to actually working for a living instead of spending the entire day in the Cafeteria....


You know me...
Funny you should bring that up anth....errrr RIH251. Yes, most people know that. What most people DON'T know is...why was the memorandum even signed in the first place?

Because your boss KR was trying to screw over a members son and get his boy a premium job off the streets. EXACT same reason every premium job in that hospital is posted as "Temporary", and members are told they loose all seinority, bumping rights, and the 5 day grace period if they attempt to apply for the temporary position....which becomes permanent...and goes to the "Temporary" worker due to the "temporary workers get first pick over every teamster in that hospital" deal your piece of you know what boss signed with LS. And to pour salt in the wounds, the temporary workers get a spot on the OT wheel. What's next Anth...errr RIH251? KR gonna pour sugar in everyone's gas tank?

Your reign is OVER brother. Better get used to actually working for a living instead of spending the entire day in the Cafeteria....

*Lose. Not "loose" WTB an edit button...


Well-Known Member
And what qualifications do the current clowns have?

I made it to nominations, glad I went but also a little disappointing. We've been bombarded with info from the RI Action slate. Mostly just the same promises over and over and A LOT of negative campaigning against the incumbents, spare me. Like most people I'm smart enough to know politicians promise everything opposite of the incumbents position and rarely come through. Some of my co workers insisted there would be a debate at this event, others said no, no such thing happens. Either way I convinced my wife Id be forgiven for missing church and off I went. No debate, however still educational. The current administration broke out the pom poms and told us all about themselves. Fairly impressive, there's a lot of knowledge in that group, and I like the lead guy Joe Barros. My problem....I was hoping to get some info about the Action Slate. I got nothing. I know no more about them now then I did before the meeting. They offered no information about themselves what- so- ever. A wasted trip, Should have gone to church. (don't tell my wife)