They did not give a speech because they knew they were up against classless
that would boo them the entire time. It's called being classy. (Google that word, I'm sure none of you know its true definition) The UA slate has a website, a platform, a REAL plan for change for a local teetering on the brink of bankruptcy, that has lost just over 500 members in 2 and a half years (Ask for the mailing list from delegates in 2011, and then take a look at the mailing list for this election. 500 people. Gone) A cure for the bloated salaries, REAL representation for EVERY member, no more "Somebodys friend got hired" BS. TRANSPARENCY, Everything done above water. COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT. Reaching out to other Unions, Holding elected officials accountable for our support ORGANIZING (Take a look at Local 251's accomplishments in organizing, 2 places, one of them was part of a NATIONAL EFFORT) building, educating and empowering the know, the kinds of things that Local 25, and all the REAL locals out there do? You can find all this out on their website. What I'd like to know is, WHAT THE HELL IS THE MEMBERSHIP SLATES PLAN TO TURN US AROUND? They offer us the status quo. And if you think this local is in good shape, you are either illiterate, incapable of preforming basic mathematical function, or just a clapping seal that believes everything he was told. I'm guessing the latter. You say start at the bottom and work your way up? That is IMPOSSIBLE with these fascists. You can say what you'd like about me, but I believe I have made it fairly clear that I am not a stupid man. When I showed interest in becoming a Steward several years ago, I was told by my BA "'re not right for it." The pre law undergraduate that reads contracts for fun and can recite labor law verbatim isn't right to serve as a Steward for the Membership Slate. Why do you think that is RIH251? Go ahead and roll that one around a bit for me. The Membership slates iron grip choke hold on this local is coming to an end. I think you all should embrace it. It's the best thing that's happened to you since you became a teamster.