251 United Action Slate


Well-Known Member
I was hoping to get some info about the Action Slate. I got nothing. I know no more about them now then I did before the meeting. They offered no information about themselves what- so- ever.
That is a question that I here from a lot of people lately. There is not 1 flyer, website or mailing that states their credentials to handle or local or the 42 million dollars in our health fund. There are a bunch of unanswered questions about AU251. They say they will train stewards, well who will train them when almost all of the UA slate were never stewards let alone BA's. They say they will have members on contract negotiating committees. That does zero good for us UPSers. Our negotiators are selected by the international, we currently had 3 on the committee. How many will UA251 have? Answer is zero. They say they will cut officers salaries by 250k? Why won't they tell us how much each will make and how they will allocate each position? How will their relationships with neighboring locals be? Will they cut ties? You can't learn this job as you go. Pretty much everyone on the Membership Slate started as a steward, then a trustee, then an assistant BA, then BA and so on. UA251 boasts education? You can't get a better education then learning from the beginning on up.


Well-Known Member
Funny thing is one running for BA doesn't even know his OWN contract! Rih251 they didn't tell u anything because they have nothing to tell you. They have no union buisness experience! They'll just hand u the tdu paper with a bumper sticker!

There's no way I'm gonna vote for a bunch of non experienced nobody's! Stick to your day job. 251
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Well-Known Member
So I guess I'm at a loss as to why anyone would put them in there. I just got a chunky 5% raise! I pay a little for my family health coverage but nothing and I mean nothing like what some of my friends pay. And they don't get half the coverage we do. I have Legal Care for crying out loud....Who the friend*#& gets Legal Care? There is just too much at risk here to put in a rookie team. To be honest I'm a little jerked that some of my coworkers are willing to risk it. Not a good idea people.


Well-Known Member
Funny thing is one running for BA doesn't even know his OWN contract! Rih251 they didn't tell u anything because they have nothing to tell you. They have no union buisness experience! They'll just hand u the tdu paper with a bumper sticker!

There's no way I'm gonna vote for a bunch of non experienced nobody's! Stick to your day job. 251
Slave, were you there? At nominations.


Well-Known Member
I was embarrassed by some of my fellow hospital workers that claim to be the right people to run this local. Jumping up and down, high fiving, and Sandra...Oh dear Sandra with that foolish dance she was doing. I can assure you that not all of us at RIH are buffoons. We do have a lot of great people here. Medical professionals.


You know me...
I just don't understand why the UA slate didn't take the opportunity to supply qualifications of each other. I think Joe B. knocked it out of the park with his presentation.

I have been reading and laughing at this membership slate, Good stuff guys! Till I got to this one. This one almost made me choke on laughter.

Hit it out of the park? By alienating 50% of the membership at RIH saying they need GPS to find the union hall? By insulting 20+ year dues paying members with the "Johnny Come Lately" line? Don't get me wrong, I think he hit it out of the park as well, he hit a home run for the UA slate. Joe B has GOT to be the worst politician in the history of politics. What kind of elected official insults HALF of his voting block? The fact that JB hasn't realized that he CANNOT win this election without at LEAST 60% of the hospital vote (which he absolutely put out of reach with that preformance he gave at Nominations) says everything you need to know about his aptitude to be a leader. Who the hell is counseling this guy for Christ Sake? Benedict Arnold? If I were his supporter, I would have been LIVID with him for the way he insulted 50% of the membership at RIH. I know your eyes were glued to Jojo during his speech about how half the membership is stupid, and needs a GPS to find the hall, and (insert generalized new guy hazing here) but did you, by any chance, glance over at the locals Lawyer MG? When Jojo the clown said that, he dropped his head into both his hands. It was the highlight of the meeting!

And then with the "You cry babies at RIH don't know how good you have it with KR, You don't see what he does behind the scenes" line was :censored2: PRICELESS seeing how the UA slate EXPOSED all of KR's behind the scenes backroom memorandum of understanding deals with the Vice President of HR at RIH....

So again Stinky, we agree. JB hit it out of the park! Tell him the UA slate said "Thanks"!


You know me...
I made it to nominations, glad I went but also a little disappointing. We've been bombarded with info from the RI Action slate. Mostly just the same promises over and over and A LOT of negative campaigning against the incumbents, spare me. Like most people I'm smart enough to know politicians promise everything opposite of the incumbents position and rarely come through. Some of my co workers insisted there would be a debate at this event, others said no, no such thing happens. Either way I convinced my wife Id be forgiven for missing church and off I went. No debate, however still educational. The current administration broke out the pom poms and told us all about themselves. Fairly impressive, there's a lot of knowledge in that group, and I like the lead guy Joe Barros. My problem....I was hoping to get some info about the Action Slate. I got nothing. I know no more about them now then I did before the meeting. They offered no information about themselves what- so- ever. A wasted trip, Should have gone to church. (don't tell my wife)

They did not give a speech because they knew they were up against classless :censored2: that would boo them the entire time. It's called being classy. (Google that word, I'm sure none of you know its true definition)

The UA slate has a website, a platform, a REAL plan for change for a local teetering on the brink of bankruptcy, that has lost just over 500 members in 2 and a half years (Ask for the mailing list from delegates in 2011, and then take a look at the mailing list for this election. 500 people. Gone) A cure for the bloated salaries, REAL representation for EVERY member, no more "Somebodys friend got hired" BS. TRANSPARENCY, Everything done above water. COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT. Reaching out to other Unions, Holding elected officials accountable for our support ORGANIZING (Take a look at Local 251's accomplishments in organizing, 2 places, one of them was part of a NATIONAL EFFORT) building, educating and empowering the membership...you know, the kinds of things that Local 25, and all the REAL locals out there do? You can find all this out on their website.

What I'd like to know is, WHAT THE HELL IS THE MEMBERSHIP SLATES PLAN TO TURN US AROUND? They offer us the status quo. And if you think this local is in good shape, you are either illiterate, incapable of preforming basic mathematical function, or just a clapping seal that believes everything he was told. I'm guessing the latter.

You say start at the bottom and work your way up? That is IMPOSSIBLE with these fascists. You can say what you'd like about me, but I believe I have made it fairly clear that I am not a stupid man. When I showed interest in becoming a Steward several years ago, I was told by my BA "Nah...you're not right for it."

The pre law undergraduate that reads contracts for fun and can recite labor law verbatim isn't right to serve as a Steward for the Membership Slate. Why do you think that is RIH251? Go ahead and roll that one around a bit for me.

The Membership slates iron grip choke hold on this local is coming to an end. I think you all should embrace it. It's the best thing that's happened to you since you became a teamster.


Well-Known Member
They did not give a speech because they knew they were up against classless :censored2: that would boo them the entire time. It's called being classy. (Google that word, I'm sure none of you know its true definition) The UA slate has a website, a platform, a REAL plan for change for a local teetering on the brink of bankruptcy, that has lost just over 500 members in 2 and a half years (Ask for the mailing list from delegates in 2011, and then take a look at the mailing list for this election. 500 people. Gone) A cure for the bloated salaries, REAL representation for EVERY member, no more "Somebodys friend got hired" BS. TRANSPARENCY, Everything done above water. COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT. Reaching out to other Unions, Holding elected officials accountable for our support ORGANIZING (Take a look at Local 251's accomplishments in organizing, 2 places, one of them was part of a NATIONAL EFFORT) building, educating and empowering the membership...you know, the kinds of things that Local 25, and all the REAL locals out there do? You can find all this out on their website. What I'd like to know is, WHAT THE HELL IS THE MEMBERSHIP SLATES PLAN TO TURN US AROUND? They offer us the status quo. And if you think this local is in good shape, you are either illiterate, incapable of preforming basic mathematical function, or just a clapping seal that believes everything he was told. I'm guessing the latter. You say start at the bottom and work your way up? That is IMPOSSIBLE with these fascists. You can say what you'd like about me, but I believe I have made it fairly clear that I am not a stupid man. When I showed interest in becoming a Steward several years ago, I was told by my BA "Nah...you're not right for it." The pre law undergraduate that reads contracts for fun and can recite labor law verbatim isn't right to serve as a Steward for the Membership Slate. Why do you think that is RIH251? Go ahead and roll that one around a bit for me. The Membership slates iron grip choke hold on this local is coming to an end. I think you all should embrace it. It's the best thing that's happened to you since you became a teamster.
Who are you referring to when you say pre law undergrad? Do you feel that the UA slate will have a good relationship with local 25?


Well-Known Member
Look 251. U have ZERO and I mean ZERO experience! Your whole slate has ZERO experience! There's no way I'm leaving my future in ure hands!

Noticed some familiar faces on ure flier. 1 got caught with his browns around his ankles at OUR arbitration building, another canned for forging miles, ure running BA has a file so thick they had to start a new one, and half ure slate speaks broken English! No disrespect!

Every single one of them have the membership to thank! I have a idea for u. Give the friend:::K UP!!! Save ure time and money!!!!


Well-Known Member
Did you just call our members illiterate? God man, get a grip.
Were you at the Nom Meeting? Eastern International VP stated, "One of the most respected locals".
Why is every person on your NO ANSWERS slate and their supporter have Stu as a Facebook friend? You guys are so quick to stick it to K. What about scumbag Stu that wrote the book? You guys kill me. All you do is bad mouth because you have zero value in you approach.
Every member of your slate is TDU. TDU is a cancer that puts itself over our union.
What will the salaries be for each person on the slate?
Why have your own key people express a split vote for your UA?
Maybe you should file charges on my post.