251 United Action Slate


Well-Known Member
Look 251. U have ZERO and I mean ZERO experience! Your whole slate has ZERO experience! There's no way I'm leaving my future in ure hands! Noticed some familiar faces on ure flier. 1 got caught with his browns around his ankles at OUR arbitration building, another canned for forging miles, ure running BA has a file so thick they had to start a new one, and half ure slate speaks broken English! No disrespect! Every single one of them have the membership to thank! I have a idea for u. Give the friend:::K UP!!! Save ure time and money!!!!
This is awesome!

smells like godzilla

Well-Known Member
It's funny that you guys think that anything you post here actually matters. Upwards of 20 (I'm being generous) Local 251 members read this. What matters is how members feel about their Local and that means listening to them on the shop floor.


Well-Known Member
Insulted half the local? With what the truth? Where were all of my coworkers? The disgusted, disgruntled, dejected masses that support the UA Slate? Where were these great union members? They have zero interest in nominations. They have zero interest in This little "Action" slate. They're not gonna change a thing down here. They enjoy $26/week benefits, and they definitely enjoy 5% raises. Quit now and save yourself what little dignity you might have.


Well-Known Member
Like I said! Pants around ankles, forging miles and files thicker than thick! Couple weeks off and ure working! Deals r made to help us! Its called politics! Who gives a sh:t about the floor! Were all union! Problem is no one has the kohones to file grievences for management doing work! I'll bet that happens in every friend:::n barn! U won't change a Damn thing except run our sh:t into the ground!!
Just remember something. Hoffas still the boss!


Well-Known Member
Joe B has GOT to be the worst politician in the history of politics. What kind of elected official insults HALF of his voting block?
#1 Joe isn't a politician. He works for the people.
#2 You know full well he was referring to the 10 of your Stu slate members and their followers that never go to the meetings. It's only been since this past year that your folks show up. You see there is a process in place to address certain concerns, when your at a union meeting, there is time when they call "Any new business" 3 times.


Well-Known Member
#1 Joe isn't a politician. He works for the people.
#2 You know full well he was referring to the 10 of your Stu slate members and their followers that never go to the meetings. It's only been since this past year that your folks show up. You see there is a process in place to address certain concerns, when your at a union meeting, there is time when they call "Any new business" 3 times.
Confession..I'm guilty of the same. As I stated early on in my posts here I was never one to get involved much in union politics, union meetings, and certainly not blogging on union issue website's. BUT, the absolute flooding of political trash that the RI Action slate has dumped into my workplace this time around is both sickening and unacceptable! These so called "reformers" have offerd me and my co-workers nothing in terms of solutions to problems that they themselves say "allegedly" exist. Hell I'm gonna start a slate. My slate can just as easily go around saying "this is wrong, that's wrong, this incumbent is no good, things could be so much better. Just vote for us"! Meanwhile...me and my slate not only cannnot offer solid methods for these "needed Iimprovements", but we have zero experience in the field. YES YES VOTE FOR MY SLATE! EVERYTHING WILL BE JUST FINE! And please, please don't refer me to that UA website for your "platform". I've looked at it. SURPRISE...no details, just promises. No thanks.


Well-Known Member

smells like godzilla

Well-Known Member
#1 Joe isn't a politician. He works for the people.
#2 You know full well he was referring to the 10 of your Stu slate members and their followers that never go to the meetings. It's only been since this past year that your folks show up. You see there is a process in place to address certain concerns, when your at a union meeting, there is time when they call "Any new business" 3 times.
You full well know that's a lie. Many have been going to meetings for years.
Problem is meetings last 30 seconds and members get called "Johnny come lately's" rather than informed & embraced.
The incumbents have been out maneuvered by the 'GPS slate' in organizing members and going out to workplaces. Maybe you guys need GPS to find the workplaces to talk to members?
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Well-Known Member
You full well know that's a lie. Many have been going to meetings for years.
Problem is meetings last 30 seconds and members get called "Johnny come lately's" rather than informed & embraced.
The incumbents have been out maneuvered by the 'GPS slate' in organizing members and going out to workplaces. Maybe you guys need GPS to find the workplaces to talk to members?

Many? Many RIH employees? Here comes that fuzzy math problem again. "Hundreds" turned out for the picnic. Looked like around 60 to me. (Some were actually members). "Hundreds" turned out at the bylaws vote to support UA. Well ok, there were hundreds there..but some were there to support NOT changing the bylaws. And of course "hundreds" showed to support them at nominations. I counted 8 rows of 8 plus a few standies. 75-80 maybe?


You know me...
Many? Many RIH employees? Here comes that fuzzy math problem again. "Hundreds" turned out for the picnic. Looked like around 60 to me. (Some were actually members). "Hundreds" turned out at the bylaws vote to support UA. Well ok, there were hundreds there..but some were there to support NOT changing the bylaws. And of course "hundreds" showed to support them at nominations. I counted 8 rows of 8 plus a few standies. 75-80 maybe?

And the 50+ that were outside yelling in the windows because they were told the hall was at capacity? They don't count?
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You know me...
Many? Many RIH employees? Here comes that fuzzy math problem again. "Hundreds" turned out for the picnic. Looked like around 60 to me. (Some were actually members). "Hundreds" turned out at the bylaws vote to support UA. Well ok, there were hundreds there..but some were there to support NOT changing the bylaws. And of course "hundreds" showed to support them at nominations. I counted 8 rows of 8 plus a few standies. 75-80 maybe?

Also, there was probably a max of sixty at the picnic at any given time, it was a a 6 hour, all day event, and as you well know, many RIH employees work weekends and came after work. So if you were there at noon, you would have seen 60 people there. if you came at 4,, you would have seen 60 completely different people there. Remember, tickets were sold to this event. They know EXACTLY how many people showed up, if only 60 were there, you would not have that beautiful full color 4 page leaflet in your mailbox right now. (GO look at it, it's gorgeous. Can't wait for the membership slates mailers that are designed in MS paint, and printed in dox matrix, complete with misspellings and horrible grammar...)


Well-Known Member
Were there 50 outside the windows? I didn't count and I'm not sure I should trust your math at this point. I'll assume you want all 50 to be UA 251 supporters? Or can we divide them at the same 25:1 ratio the MS slate had inside?


Well-Known Member
And the 50+ that were outside yelling in the windows because they were told the hall was at capacity? They don't count?
Lmfao!! There were no people that didn't make it in. Maybe except that creepy dude in the red beater on top of the hill. Maybe he didn't have the stones. The lot was empty. So don't try to BS people.


You know me...
Lmfao!! There were no people that didn't make it in. Maybe except that creepy dude in the red beater on top of the hill. Maybe he didn't have the stones. The lot was empty. So don't try to BS people.

When you were inside the Lot was empty. Many UA supporters were at Martin Junior high enjoying the free breakfast Nick cooked for them (Which ended up being his first bad idea as most of our supporters ended up getting there late...but its ok, we still love him) when the meeting started. They came over late and were told the hall was at capacity. Which it most likely was, even the door was clogged. So they were told to hang out at the windows and scream their heads off. And they did. If you don't believe me, ask the Cop that was there. He seemed to be pretty good friends with Jojo and the gang.

smells like godzilla

Well-Known Member
Lmfao!! There were no people that didn't make it in. Maybe except that creepy dude in the red beater on top of the hill. Maybe he didn't have the stones. The lot was empty. So don't try to BS people.

Maybe you were too busy up front sucking up to the incumbents but the hall was more than half United Action supporters and there were members hanging by the windows outside (there were quite a few members outside - some were Mem Slate supporters holding signs, but mostly UA supporters).
This rosy picture you paint is one of pure fantasy. If YOU'VE been going to monthly meetings then you'll notice that every meeting has been majority UA since last May, including the big ones (bylaws vote and nominations). And the boys know it.

And from what I've heard about the softball tourney (the one that the UA boys have been at every year except this year), KR hasn't been to ONE, so you know what they say about glass houses....


Well-Known Member
Maybe you were too busy up front sucking up to the incumbents but the hall was more than half United Action supporters and there were members hanging by the windows outside (there were quite a few members outside - some were Mem Slate supporters holding signs, but mostly UA supporters). This rosy picture you paint is one of pure fantasy. If YOU'VE been going to monthly meetings then you'll notice that every meeting has been majority UA since last May, including the big ones (bylaws vote and nominations). And the boys know it. And from what I've heard about the softball tourney (the one that the UA boys have been at every year except this year), KR hasn't been to ONE, so you know what they say about glass houses....
Did you just say that you had more than half the house? Did you really just say that? Why does every "reform" slate use this mega inflated number to describe there support structure only to lose in a landslide? I was right near a window. Weren't you a little busy looking at the ground t t t t trying to stutter out your nominations acceptance.