251 United Action Slate


You know me...
I took this off another thread. This is exactly what I'm talking about. This is local 804 which is a TDU local.

So, you take the word of a man that claims "Holmes suit (sic) are valued at 3,000.00 thousand dollars" as Gospel? No wonder why Jojo has you convinced they are the "Good Guys" LMFAO! You are a special, special man, Stinky. Now go get your helmet before you headbutt the window you are trying to lick and become even more special...

smells like godzilla

Well-Known Member
Also with the softball tourney, there was no cancellation one week in advance. There was never any firm committment to being involved and that was finalized before the deadline to buy shirts. So whatever you feel was a misdeed is off base.
Was the problem that there was a low turnout this time around? I guess you're fine with the troublemakers donating money and time while being given a hard time about it (pink shirts, hassling over a custom lineup, criticizing having a grill, etc).
I understand giving for a union function, but don't get grouchy if the opposition involves a lot of members (and gives a lot of $) and then decides that the election timeline you set (and corresponding political tension) prevents involvement.
There is also that 'safety first' aspect as well. Bats and balls can be used against opposition in non-softball ways. I'll refer to Article 18 on that one. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't doubt it if Jojo and his gang of crooks skim off the top of the proceeds to every event they hold. Not making an accusation that they do, but if they did, I would not even be a little bit surprised.
Read your two sentences again. This from the prelaw guy?


Well-Known Member
Again, point out ONE threat I have made and I will turn in all of my firearms to the police tonight.

Pro tip: Falsely accusing someone of making threats with a firearm is textbook Libel. You've been warned.

Sounds like a scare tactic. And you just threatened me again prelaw.


Well-Known Member
Also with the softball tourney, there was no cancellation one week in advance. There was never any firm committment to being involved and that was finalized before the deadline to buy shirts. So whatever you feel was a misdeed is off base.
Was the problem that there was a low turnout this time around? I guess you're fine with the troublemakers donating money and time while being given a hard time about it (pink shirts, hassling over a custom lineup, criticizing having a grill, etc).
I understand giving for a union function, but don't get grouchy if the opposition involves a lot of members (and gives a lot of $) and then decides that the election timeline you set (and corresponding political tension) prevents involvement.
There is also that 'safety first' aspect as well. Bats and balls can be used against opposition in non-softball ways. I'll refer to Article 18 on that one. Thanks.

Why be scared? Prelaw has a gun.


Well-Known Member
So, you take the word of a man that claims "Holmes suit (sic) are valued at 3,000.00 thousand dollars" as Gospel? No wonder why Jojo has you convinced they are the "Good Guys" LMFAO! You are a special, special man, Stinky. Now go get your helmet before you headbutt the window you are trying to lick and become even more special...
Is it me or did this scumbag just attempt some humor about mentally challenged people? Bro, I don't like you. I don't like you at all. My grandson has a serious issue in life in which he often wears head protection ,weighted vests and things of that nature. I assure you, its not funny. its not funny in any way.


You know me...
Sounds like a scare tactic. And you just threatened me again prelaw.

I warned you so you'd have a chance to reign in your own stupidity. It's called being nice. Unlike Brooke, I actually know how to file a lawsuit for Libel. Keep it up, you have nothing to lose. It's not like the membership slate will revoke your Stewardship for having a class 6 felony on your record or anything. Actually I think the meeting after the court sentence will go a bit like this...

Ultimate Gangster Collection (Contemporary) - Goodfellas - First Pinch - YouTube


You know me...
Is it me or did this scumbag just attempt some humor about mentally challenged people?

No. I was saying that Stinky is mentally retarded. You're a pretty sensitive guy arenchya? Don't worry, I won't huwrt your feewings any more big guy. You're a good little teamster, yes you are! Yes you are! Who's my good widdle teamster? YOU ARE! ;-*


Well-Known Member
Also with the softball tourney, there was no cancellation one week in advance. There was never any firm committment to being involved and that was finalized before the deadline to buy shirts. So whatever you feel was a misdeed is off base.
Was the problem that there was a low turnout this time around? I guess you're fine with the troublemakers donating money and time while being given a hard time about it (pink shirts, hassling over a custom lineup, criticizing having a grill, etc).
I understand giving for a union function, but don't get grouchy if the opposition involves a lot of members (and gives a lot of $) and then decides that the election timeline you set (and corresponding political tension) prevents involvement.
There is also that 'safety first' aspect as well. Bats and balls can be used against opposition in non-softball ways. I'll refer to Article 18 on that one. Thanks.
Again with the math issue? The softball tourney had the highest number of teams and registered players thus far.What school did you say you went to? They teach math there, at all?
You guys should have come, "Hundreds of TDUA supporters attended in support of this great event" lmfao


You know me...
Again with the math issue? The softball tourney had the highest number of teams and registered players thus far.What school did you say you went to? They teach math there, at all?

Your reading comprehension issue trumps his "Math" issue. Usually when a sentence (That's a group of words that are placed in a particular order in an attempt to convey a thought) ends with a ? (We call this a QUESTION mark...can you say that with me big guy? QUESTION mark) The writer is usually ASKING A QUESTION, and not stating a fact.

Is dropping out of school in the 4th grade a pre-requisite to supporting the membership slate? Is there some kind of IQ test that you had to fail miserably before they gave you those t-shirts?


Well-Known Member
Again, point out ONE threat I have made and I will turn in all of my firearms to the police tonight. Pro tip: Falsely accusing someone of making threats with a firearm is textbook Libel. You've been warned.
What are you warning me of? Are you gonna shoot me? I walk in UPS everyday at 8:20am if you want to attempt to kill me. Wouldn't be the first time I had a gun in my face. And you call RIH251 the criminal? Lol. It wouldn't go well for you.

Teamster for life

Well-Known Member
Dont understand why you guys get mad when someone challenges you . This is america and everyone has the right to run for office its that what makes america what it is freedom!

smells like godzilla

Well-Known Member
If the softball tourney was such a huge success then why give United Action a hard time about it?
How many members participated? Was there an influx of non member bar teams like last year that may've artificially inflated the 'success' of the tourney?


You know me...
Well, I just got notice that my posts on this Nazi forum are going to be permanently filtered and judged by the gestapo, while you *** get to post freely. (which has been the case since I signed up) despite this handicap, I have managed to destroy every single one of your arguments and establish the following facts about your slate:

1. You are running a convicted felon with family ties to the mafia as a trustee.
2. Your business agents make bathroom deals with management.
3. Your candidate for president screws over the membership to get his alcoholic friends a job.
4. Your candidate for ST creates and feeds division in his own local.

These are the FACTS of the local 251 election, and they cannot be disputed. Have a nice life gentlemen. I'm done here.


Well-Known Member
I think the only thing you did prove is that your team doesn't think the rules apply to them. If you think it's a competition, we aren't the ones on lockdown because of threats. October 30th and the intelligent people of our local will decides who won. So you better call Mr. Rogers because your train to the Land of Make Believe is going to be leaving without you.

P.S. Here is a link of what the union hall will look like if TDUA251 ever took office.


blahblahblah blahblahblahblahblahblah blahblahblahblahblahblah blahblahblahblahblahblah blahblahblahblahblahblah blahblahblah
blahblahblah blahblahblahblahblahblah blahblahblah
blahblahblah blahblahblah

Have a nice life gentlemen. I'm done here.

Don't let the door hit ya in the ass. We re taking ya at ur word, so dont come back.