251 United Action Slate


Well-Known Member
I just can't vote for an Elvis Costello wannabe! Or Rivers Cuomo...
I gotta be honest, I had no idea who Rivers Cuomo was. I just spit my beer laughing and I think I peed a little. That was genius. When you see "Elvis" tell him his right hand man isn't even voting for him. Lmao!! Talk about not trusting your own side!!! Hahaha!!!


Well-Known Member
Hey RIH, I heard the Membership Slate was at your facility today. How did it go? Any feedback? They were at UPS yesterday and the response was amazing. Just wondering if you had info?
I met them in the cafeteria at lunch. Decent group of individuals, professional, well spoken. I had a few questions they were able to answer (like actually answer!). They also had some flyers discrediting some of the members of the RI Action thugs. One flyer showed the original contract team that Paul S is claiming to be a part of, but his names not on it?
Unfortunately I found myself being embarrassed by my co-workers once again. The Action slate came in for lunch, sat together at a few tables. They made complete ass's of themselves. A similar show as the one put on at nominations, yelling hooting wooping it up like 4th graders. EMBARRASSING! One of them, the strip club bouncer (really?) was passing flyers out to people that were eating lunch, they didn't look to happy. I'm disgusted with the whole thing. My ballot is already in the mail voted for the incumbents and encouraging my co-workers to do the same.
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Well-Known Member
Lemme guess, was the cheerleader the female of the group? What I don't understand is why can't TDUA251 answer a question? Like any question. I've asked 20 different direct questions. All have been ignored.

smells like godzilla

Well-Known Member
Lemme guess, was the cheerleader the female of the group? What I don't understand is why can't TDUA251 answer a question? Like any question. I've asked 20 different direct questions. All have been ignored.
Because you are completely against everything United Action does and will twist anything to your advantage. And this is an irrelevant forum for the election (I.e. no one cares or reads this but a small crew of insiders). So no one really bothers. Read the website and flyers. Those are the platform of United Action. I still haven't read a platform to make our local stronger by the incumbents. Just negative crap against the challengers.


Well-Known Member
Apparently it does matter. UA251 hasn't answered 1 question. Not a single element. Why is that? Look at the team. Is this the strongest bunch you could pull together? Or did you take ANYONE that was willing? I mean seriously. We all know that the ex Sec/Tres is behind the scenes. I've seen your website. I don't know how you have the balls to say that the Membership bashes you when you have done it them for the last 10 years. You even posted pictures if a BA's dead father where that BA works. What a bunch of scumbags.
Why can't you answer the questions?
Why can't you answer the questions?
Why can't you answer the questions?
Is it because you don't know? Or are you just trying to once again scam the members?


Well-Known Member
Here's an interesting twist. I'm sitting at lunch in the cafeteria. Beside me are several employees speaking spanish and broken english. From what I could gather, they think the election is to remove the Teamsters union all together lol. They have apparently confused TDU with UNAP (That's the nurses union) and are under the impression they are switching UNIONS all together. Nice job RI ACTION SLATE !


Well-Known Member
OMG!! Are you serious? Well, it wouldn't surprise me one bit. It wouldn't be the first time UA251 lied. They tried it when we had an attempted bylaws change. They told people that the nominations meeting was a debate. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I heard that they were telling RIH that you folks would not receive your 5% raise? Is that true? I also heard that the dude running against K claimed he helped negotiate the contract but it was proven false? Hell, I heard a UA member with my own ears say he practice labor on the side? RI BAR Association has no record of his name. So that isn't true either.


Well-Known Member
If UA wins, what will be their salaries? They must already have some idea of what the salary will be for each position.
The answer is, their salaries will be exactly the same. But because not a single person on that UA slate will be on any national board, they won't receive any additional salaries or stipend. They think the members are stupid. They will never answer it. They already flip flopped on the car issue. First it was no cars, now it's they will use existing cars. But news flash, those cars go back.


Well-Known Member
So answer the question that everyone wants to know. What are you folks gonna make? The paranoia comes from the mouths of UA251.

ups legacy

Active Member
If I ran for one of those positions, I wouldn't reduce the salary. I would want to make as much money as possible. I wonder if that is something that they truly want as well. Of course they will flip flop on the car situation, who would give up the car to keep driving an HHR or Flex. When they don't or won't answer the salary question, it makes you wonder if they are really telling you their true intentions.

Teamster for life

Well-Known Member
Was once a steward til KR ass kisser came in and took over people off the street . No idea about ups and we got pushed aside . I put my time in and got **** on :censored2: all of them time for change . They need to go and soon


Well-Known Member
What fantasy land do you hear any of the things you are posting? Seems like the paranoia is really setting in.
Its no fantasy. Ive heard all of these rumors or some form of them around the hospital. This UA slate has really filled peoples heads with nonsense down here. Its really kinda sad.


Well-Known Member
Was once a steward til KR ass kisser came in and took over people off the street . No idea about ups and we got pushed aside . I put my time in and got on :censored2: all of them time for change . They need to go and soon
I cannot understand any of this. Have you been sipping on grandpa's old cough medicine? My google translator over heated when I put this in.


Well-Known Member
What's the salaries going to be?
If I ask the UA slate what their duties are, will they know?
Are you done working side deals out with management to get preferential vacation picks over high seniority drivers?

smells like godzilla

Well-Known Member
The UA S/T candidate has been out on FMLA for the birth of his daughter. You probably know that.

The other vacations were supporters offering to switch their weeks to help the campaign. Switching weeks is nothing new or different.

smells like godzilla

Well-Known Member
The UA platform says reduce officer salaries by $250,000 annually (that's an aggregate number), so do the math. You can't have the same salaries and reduce them simultaneously. That'd be some crazy sleight of hand stuff.
The UPS guys don't even make $160k (never mind what the RIH folks make), so cutting officer pay isn't a 'pay cut' from current pay. Why are you even confused by this?


Well-Known Member
The UA S/T candidate has been out on FMLA for the birth of his daughter. You probably know that. The other vacations were supporters offering to switch their weeks to help the campaign. Switching weeks is nothing new or different.
So we can get into the habit of high seniority drivers eating up prime weeks for junior guys? Great. I understand getting married or FMLA for the birth of a child, but 3 weeks for a seniority violation?


Well-Known Member
The UA platform says reduce officer salaries by $250,000 annually (that's an aggregate number), so do the math. You can't have the same salaries and reduce them simultaneously. That'd be some crazy sleight of hand stuff. The UPS guys don't even make $160k (never mind what the RIH folks make), so cutting officer pay isn't a 'pay cut' from current pay. Why are you even confused by this?
Ohhhhhh I get it. So you are lying to you people. Makes sense.