251 United Action Slate


Well-Known Member
Did you get permission to put a post up ? In your own whiny words " we ask first" You gave me a great idea, I will put a bottle of Listerine as my avatar, if you put up the Revlon logo......
Did you say something Mr. 3 posts? I'm sure you can come up with 100 more user names.


Well-Known Member
What? Wait! I thought United Action was running. They said they were not TDU when they campaigned. Now your saying TDU is taking over? So who is who on that slate? I can't keep up with the lies. So TDU is taking over? You mean the TDU that's not a union? You mean the TDU that uses the book "The Communist Manifesto" as their bible? You mean the TDU that preaches rules and regulations in unions yet has zero of their own? You mean the TDU that has been nothing but one term wonders? You mean the TDU that promotes negativity of unions? You mean the TDU that stifles free speech on their website? You mean the TDU that has not a single positive story of our union on their commie site?
Great job in the effort to spin and promote negative publicity. You know you can't win. Isn't that TDU tactic #21, "Inflate self worth and try to damage and despair"? And if you did win, you lost. All you did was instantly piss off 11,000 members from another local.......to start. Do me a favor, at the next commie get together, tell Paff to eat my ass!
What you say is 100% correct. We had a TDU group in my local for one term. They did accomplish a few things. We lost members, we lost respect of the IBT and other locals, we has TDU agents that literally couldn't read or write which meant they had to use attorneys to hear grievances, our finances went in the tank and oh yea the legal fees were about 120, 000 per year for all three years they were in because they were incompetent. That's TDU for you. I don't know why anyone would want that for their local or themselves.

smells like godzilla

Well-Known Member
This is the worst spin I think I could ever imagine from Stink and co. SOB and JB get caught trying to intimidate members from taking part in a local union election, and somehow the people protecting themselves from being 'punished' are at fault?
SOB's speech was at a JB & Membership Slate function. And Stink posted it up on youtube, and on this site. And some other JB supporters blast texted it out. Who is to blame for this?

The Membership Slate waged an almost completely negative campaign against the challenging United Action Slate. And the UA slate campaign is somehow negative and lies? The only lies about the UA slate campaign spoken of is by Stink, RIH Teamster and UPS legacy on this board. You guys twisted anything and everything. Any 'negative' campaigning by the UA was a limited response to outright lies and mudslinging by the Membership Slate.

Face it, the boys at the hall don't like members challenging for their elected positions. And that's fine. But the LMRDA (Landrum Griffin Act) guarantees the rights of union members to internal democracy, freedom of speech and freedom of assembly. Seems like you guys are 44 years behind the times on this issue.


Well-Known Member
Yes, your non negative campaign about a BA's dead father is spot on? Your TDU story of the car haul deal was not negative and inaccurate? Your countless negative videos of our former BA and E board is not negative? Flip flop on the agents cars? Flip flop on the the 250k reduction in salary? Negative campaign? Your outright lying to people! Your promising jobs to members left and right. At this rate our local will have 25 assistant BA's. Dude, get a life, please!
Oh yeah, the good old LMRDA speech! I heard this before somewhere. You unfair practice of officials vs non incumbents. Weren't you spewing this crap when you were outside UPS with printed libels remarks? No offense Elvis, I dig the tats, but shave the burns, change the glasses, use your big boy voice and grow a set. Don't tell me for one second that your campaign is all clean and wholesome. As for the OB thing, you guys are soooo reaching. You were TDU from the get go. Another lie. You will do anything for a vote, from what I heard even collect ballots. Tisk tisk tisk. You must be going for a record # of charges. Landrum-Griffin Act! Yeah you know what the Landrum-Griffin Act also says? It say STOP BEING A :censored2:!


Well-Known Member
This is the worst spin I think I could ever imagine from Stink and co. SOB and JB get caught trying to intimidate members from taking part in a local union election, and somehow the people protecting themselves from being 'punished' are at fault?
SOB's speech was at a JB & Membership Slate function. And Stink posted it up on youtube, and on this site. And some other JB supporters blast texted it out. Who is to blame for this?

The Membership Slate waged an almost completely negative campaign against the challenging United Action Slate. And the UA slate campaign is somehow negative and lies? The only lies about the UA slate campaign spoken of is by Stink, RIH Teamster and UPS legacy on this board. You guys twisted anything and everything. Any 'negative' campaigning by the UA was a limited response to outright lies and mudslinging by the Membership Slate.

Face it, the boys at the hall don't like members challenging for their elected positions. And that's fine. But the LMRDA (Landrum Griffin Act) guarantees the rights of union members to internal democracy, freedom of speech and freedom of assembly. Seems like you guys are 44 years behind the times on this issue.
This guy is delusional. You should see the crap theyve been saying, printing etc at work here. ITS ALL SLANDEROUS and NEGATIVE.


Well-Known Member
This guy is delusional. You should see the crap theyve been saying, printing etc at work here. ITS ALL SLANDEROUS and NEGATIVE.
They all plead the 5th and say they didn't know this and that. But know this, they said they are not TDU. The campaign manager of United Action is on the TDU steering committee. All these Trolls on this thread. Make a post about TDU, and these clowns come out of the woodwork. This is BROWN CAFE!! Not TDU Cafe. We are allowed to post freely. We are not stifled and forced to only post negativity. I'm bringing BLAST back.
They all plead the 5th and say they didn't know this and that. But know this, they said they are not TDU. The campaign manager of United Action is on the TDU steering committee. All these Trolls on this thread. Make a post about TDU, and these clowns come out of the woodwork. This is BROWN CAFE!! Not TDU Cafe. We are allowed to post freely. We are not stifled and forced to only post negativity. I'm bringing BLAST back.
TDU sucks
What you say is 100% correct. We had a TDU group in my local for one term. They did accomplish a few things. We lost members, we lost respect of the IBT and other locals, we has TDU agents that literally couldn't read or write which meant they had to use attorneys to hear grievances, our finances went in the tank and oh yea the legal fees were about 120, 000 per year for all three years they were in because they were incompetent. That's TDU for you. I don't know why anyone would want that for their local or themselves.
TDU sucks


Package Car is cake compared to this...
Jackie Presser 4 life!!!

Yeah, Jackie Presser for life. One of our worst International Presidents ever. And you want him for life.

What was it, '84 or '87, when he was carried in to a Las Vegas convention center with four guys dressed in gold, on a golden platform, for the Teamster convention?

Yeah, nothing says democracy like being carried like a Greek King into the convention.

That tells me everything I'll ever need to know about you, or anyone else who claims Jackie Presser as a hero.

How about Roy Williams or Frank Fitzsimmons, yeah?

smells like godzilla

Well-Known Member
Stink, what fantasy world are you in? BAs dead father? Did I miss a leaflet or news link? Negative videos? Where are those? The rule of thumb is if it doesn't say 'United Action' on it, well chances are it isn't United Action. If random members don't like some of you guys then you can't blame it on the organized opposition trying to put forward a solution.
Flip flop? The platform is in black n white. No variation. Offering jobs? Do you spend all day thinking of the next bs line to throw out there? Like the lies about some UA not having been stewards or not organizing? Or the lie about KR organizing RIH? That takes the cake, lie of all lies. Really? Did JB really say that?

Your infatuation with TDU is comical. There are TDU members involved with United Action. Is that a surprise to you?
It's not some conspiracy - TDU is Teamster members fighting for democracy and a stronger IBT. When officials get coaxed by the position and lose sight, members need to organize.


Yeah, Jackie Presser for life. One of our worst International Presidents ever. And you want him for life.

What was it, '84 or '87, when he was carried in to a Las Vegas convention center with four guys dressed in gold, on a golden platform, for the Teamster convention?

Yeah, nothing says democracy like being carried like a Greek King into the convention.

That tells me everything I'll ever need to know about you, or anyone else who claims Jackie Presser as a hero.

How about Roy Williams or Frank Fitzsimmons, yeah?


He was also an FBI informant and one of the highest paid IBT officials of all time; to be fair, when he was carried into that convention, he was in miserably poor health and dying from cancer. Still, the image of Presser being carried on a litter like a Roman emperor into an IBT convention is the epitome of labor corruption and one of those images that's going to haunt us for a while.

TDU did some good things.. in the 1970's and 1980's. They do some solid things, now, as far as informing/educating the members, but nearly everything they publicize is misrepresented information -- at the very least -- and heavily slanted, at worst. Their entire "union within a union" concept is just a bad idea, in my opinion.

And pushing for IRB charges on such flimsy **** as what was said by O'Brien is really grasping at straws.


Package Car is cake compared to this...
Stink, what fantasy world are you in? BAs dead father? Did I miss a leaflet or news link? Negative videos? Where are those? The rule of thumb is if it doesn't say 'United Action' on it, well chances are it isn't United Action. If random members don't like some of you guys then you can't blame it on the organized opposition trying to put forward a solution.
Flip flop? The platform is in black n white. No variation. Offering jobs? Do you spend all day thinking of the next bs line to throw out there? Like the lies about some UA not having been stewards or not organizing? Or the lie about KR organizing RIH? That takes the cake, lie of all lies. Really? Did JB really say that?

Your infatuation with TDU is comical. There are TDU members involved with United Action. Is that a surprise to you?
It's not some conspiracy - TDU is Teamster members fighting for democracy and a stronger IBT. When officials get coaxed by the position and lose sight, members need to organize.

Aww, sheet, you just painted yourself as Stalin, my friend.

Even though Communism died a while back, you're the new king of Russia. See how easy that was? No? Me either.

But at least you who hates you now. You doubt?

Just wait........it'll come...


Package Car is cake compared to this...
View attachment 10338

He was also an FBI informant and one of the highest paid IBT officials of all time; to be fair, when he was carried into that convention, he was in miserably poor health and dying from cancer. Still, the image of Presser being carried on a litter like a Roman emperor into an IBT convention is the epitome of labor corruption and one of those images that's going to haunt us for a while.

TDU did some good things.. in the 1970's and 1980's. They do some solid things, now, as far as informing/educating the members, but nearly everything they publicize is misrepresented information -- at the very least -- and heavily slanted, at worst. Their entire "union within a union" concept is just a bad idea, in my opinion.

And pushing for IRB charges on such flimsy **** as what was said by O'Brien is really grasping at straws.

To be fair, FDR used a wheelchair...

But thank you for putting a picture to my decades old memory. Never could forget that...

And I said Greek. I meant Egyptian...


To be fair, FDR used a wheelchair...

But thank you for putting a picture to my decades old memory. Never could forget that...

I'm not excusing his corruption and/or largesse by any means, just trying to provide some context. Former General Presidents like Presser, Fitzsimmons, and Williams did nothing but sell out the members while enriching themselves and are at least partially responsible for the shape we're in today. For example, Fitzsimmons allowed companies under the National Master Freight Agreement to create double-breasted subsidiaries.

Ignoring this part of our history is irresponsible, at best, and also extremely dangerous.


Package Car is cake compared to this...
I'm not excusing his corruption and/or largesse by any means, just trying to provide some context. Former General Presidents like Presser, Fitzsimmons, and Williams did nothing but sell out the members while enriching themselves and are at least partially responsible for the shape we're in today. For example, Fitzsimmons allowed companies under the National Master Freight Agreement to create double-breasted subsidiaries.

Ignoring this part of our history is irresponsible, at best, and also extremely dangerous.

I agree completely, and I'm ready for the onslaught...


Well-Known Member
Piedmont is as always spot on. Most people do forget that Presser had more impact removing corruption in our union than the government or TDU combined. Granted he was the epitome of corruption at his inception. Do you think Carey was devoid of corruption? Think before you answer...... I'm not talking about the election BS.
Elvis, you asked why do I hate TDU? Because I can see the farce within the group. I question the hypocrisy of that group. I wouldn't have an issue if they posted ALL the news. But they chose only the negative. Why doesn't TDU mention that our local raised $80,000 for Hasbro Children's Hospital this past April? Why no mention of local 25's Autism Gala that has donated over 1.5 million in the last 7 years? My problem with TDU is that they are one sided and they are indirectly weakening us. My priorities in simple terms are:
#1 Family
#2 Country
#3 Teamsters
#4 God
You might a have similar list. Some people put TDU before these. I don't dig that.