251 United Action Slate

smells like godzilla

Well-Known Member
Prime weeks? The low guy in question last year took the last week in September and first week in October as a vacation bid. Not exactly prime now is it.

When you talk about deals, why do the stewards get 9.5 every day yet anyone else who signs the 9.5 list gets pulverized (10-12 hours daily) and grievances don't ever get paid?


Well-Known Member
3 9.5's are on docket to panel. Another got paid. It's tough to pay on them when some guys recant their grievances. I'm not looking to reduce my hours. Tough to make 9.5 when your sitting on 50 house at 6pm and are 2 hours paid over everyday.
And your AU buddy had 3 weeks in September. 7 drivers with higher seniority have "forced" weeks between November and February.


Well-Known Member
Can you fill this out in the meantime?

United Action Salary List to reduce salaries by $250,000.00 per year as stated by their campaign.

Secretary Treasurer: $
President: $
Vice President: $
Recording Secretary: $
Treasurer 1: $
Treasurer 2: $
Treasurer 3: $
Treasurer 4: $
Business Agent 1: $
Business Agent 2: $
Business Agent 3: $
Business Agent 4: $
I have managed to destroy every single one of your arguments and establish the following facts about your slate:1. You are running a convicted felon with family ties to the mafia as a trustee.These are the FACTS of the local 251 election, and they cannot be disputed. Have a nice life gentlemen. I'm done here.
Stink 219, Is this true?


Well-Known Member
Only 1 of those is true. And that is 251 is a quitter. I love how some people tell you they won and run away. It's like a little kid that changes the rules of a game to fit their goal. Facts are, I've answered every single question from these UA folks, yet they have offered zero in return. I keep my questions simple so that they can understand. Now Mr. Penn, why do you think that is?
I have managed to destroy every single one of your arguments and establish the following facts about your slate:1. You are running a convicted felon with family ties to the mafia as a trustee.These are the FACTS of the local 251 election, and they cannot be disputed.
Stink 219, Is this true?


Well-Known Member
United Action Salary List to reduce salaries by $250,000.00 per year as stated by their campaign.

Secretary Treasurer: $
President: $
Vice President: $
Recording Secretary: $
Treasurer 1: $
Treasurer 2: $
Treasurer 3: $
Treasurer 4: $
Business Agent 1: $
Business Agent 2: $
Business Agent 3: $
Business Agent 4: $


Well-Known Member
The UA platform says reduce officer salaries by $250,000 annually (that's an aggregate number), so do the math. You can't have the same salaries and reduce them simultaneously. That'd be some crazy sleight of hand stuff.
The UPS guys don't even make $160k (never mind what the RIH folks make), so cutting officer pay isn't a 'pay cut' from current pay. Why are you even confused by this?
Any chance we can get this in english? Something simple. With actual numbers for each position. please.


Well-Known Member
Any chance we can get this in english? Something simple. With actual numbers for each position. please.
That's the problem. They never will. I even made it easy for them. What they are claiming is a 27.5% reduction across the board. So as an example, a BA making 60 hours at top rate is 120,000. Reducing that by 27.5% is 87K. 87K for a 24/7 job? I made more than that last year slinging cardboard. Unless it means they are just going to eliminate assistant BA's all together, which in turn reduces representation, which in turn reduces protections, which in turn weakens our union. But I think that's their goal.

smells like godzilla

Well-Known Member
JB $160,999
KR $152,750
DM $132,584
DT $135,207
SL $131,599
Combined elected full time salary
Cutting $250,000 from that alone isn't hard to do. Never mind from ABA's and E board spots.
Cutting $250k from salaries is the platform point. I can see why.

ups legacy

Active Member
Did anyone else see J.C. and his buddy A.T. outside the guard shack supporting the UA cause? It was classic on so many levels. How many times has each one been fired for egregious offenses and the old guard got their jobs back? I actually lost count.


Well-Known Member
Did anyone else see J.C. and his buddy A.T. outside the guard shack supporting the UA cause? It was classic on so many levels. How many times has each one been fired for egregious offenses and the old guard got their jobs back? I actually lost count.
Odd how that happens. No? AT is actually running on the UA ticket for BA.

Teamster for life

Well-Known Member
Everyone has the right to support who ever they want !! And people try to intimdate who they support! I owe nothing to anyone i got my job on my own and worked hard so i have the right to support who i want!


Well-Known Member
Congratulations. I guess you had success without the aid of the current administration.
Btw, questioning someone about supporting a particular party is not intimidation. I'd call it more like shocked. Do you know the difference? I hear that intimidation crap a lot. If asking questions is considered intimidation, you guys are in for some culture shock dealing with UPS.

Hawfuh Sux

Old Guard Assassin!
Stink, what do you have to say about Sean O. being brought up on charges by the IRB for threatening the reform members of your local?

IRB Charges IBT V.P. Sean O'Brien for Threatening Members | Teamsters for a Democratic Union

This is comedy. Can't wait to see this scumbag go down in disgrace.
Stink, what do you have to say about Sean O. being brought up on charges by the IRB for threatening the reform members of your local?

IRB Charges IBT V.P. Sean O for Threatening Members | Teamsters for a Democratic Union

This is comedy. Can't wait to see this scumbag go down in disgrace.
I wish I could have threatened them for Sean O.