251 United Action Slate


Package Car is cake compared to this...
I wish I could have threatened them for Sean O.

Who are you threatening now, and why?

Seems like I've seen this road played out before, and guess what?

We all end up in the newspapers--websites--and we all take a hit.

You would think by now, we would've figured this out.

And we wonder why our union looks like the halls of Congress.


Well-Known Member
Funny how people only know 10% of the story. TDUA251 gets to lie and smear our local E board every chance they get. Problem is, UA251 says they are not TDU. Sean addressed TDU. UA pressed charges. So I guess UA is TDU. You folks that want to call out from the back seat have no idea of the dirty tactics this UA group has pulled and is still pulling. They are like the Westboro Baptist Church. But good job to them, they just lost the election, even if they win, they lost. It's my opinion that Sean was speaking about the negative propaganda and lies they were putting out about our local. I come from a different group of thought than TDU, if I have an issue with someone, I address them directly. Some people love to just sue.
Dumb to
Who are you threatening now, and why? Seems like I've seen this road played out before, and guess what? We all end up in the newspapers--websites--and we all take a hit. You would think by now, we would've figured this out. And we wonder why our union looks like the halls of Congress.
Don't worry about me worry about yourself.
Btw, TDU still will not post a comment from me. TDU sucks.
I absolutely hate TDU. There is nothing positive for them ever to say. They make lies and the print stories that have a small portion of truth. Next time you look at a TDU communist newspaper try and find a positive sentence. You won't find it.


Well-Known Member
I absolutely hate TDU. There is nothing positive for them ever to say. They make lies and the print stories that have a small portion of truth. Next time you look at a TDU communist newspaper try and find a positive sentence. You won't find it.
No doubt brother. That proves that their agenda is not to inform but to destroy.


Well-Known Member
Funny how people only know 10% of the story. TDUA251 gets to lie and smear our local E board every chance they get. Problem is, UA251 says they are not TDU. Sean addressed TDU. UA pressed charges. So I guess UA is TDU. You folks that want to call out from the back seat have no idea of the dirty tactics this UA group has pulled and is still pulling. They are like the Westboro Baptist Church. But good job to them, they just lost the election, even if they win, they lost. It's my opinion that Sean was speaking about the negative propaganda and lies they were putting out about our local. I come from a different group of thought than TDU, if I have an issue with someone, I address them directly. Some people love to just sue.
Dumb to
This was stupid and selfish. Typical TDU. They are all mouth when it comes to slandering the crap out of people, but as soon as something is said about them they going running to mommy. They have done nothing here but bring unneeded negative attention to our union and our local. We are surely screwed now. Even if these idiots won, the local would suffer from every direction. The Teamsters Union will never help this Local again. NICE JOB A**HOLES
This was stupid and selfish. Typical TDU. They are all mouth when it comes to slandering the crap out of people, but as soon as something is said about them they going running to mommy. They have done nothing here but bring unneeded negative attention to our union and our local. We are surely screwed now. Even if these idiots won, the local would suffer from every direction. The Teamsters Union will never help this Local again. NICE JOB A**HOLES
We have a local in Ohio with a whack job who is so far up TDU's ass that I have a feeling his local will be so far into the Stone Age for the rest of time. These people don't get how many flavor of the month one term an done locals have been ravaged by TDU. I hope your local wins and keeps the TDU virus out. It bad news for your members. God bless


This must be the experience the Membership slate, and Stink, have been touting all summer........ They are experienced amateurs at best...... Hey Stink, I would not be holding my nose if I were you.....Better yet, you should cross your fingers, say your prayers, and brush your teeth........

TDU is taking its first step to controlling the New England region......


Well-Known Member
This must be the experience the Membership slate, and Stink, have been touting all summer........ They are experienced amateurs at best...... Hey Stink, I would not be holding my nose if I were you.....Better yet, you should cross your fingers, say your prayers, and brush your teeth........ TDU is taking its first step to controlling the New England region......
What? Wait! I thought United Action was running. They said they were not TDU when they campaigned. Now your saying TDU is taking over? So who is who on that slate? I can't keep up with the lies. So TDU is taking over? You mean the TDU that's not a union? You mean the TDU that uses the book "The Communist Manifesto" as their bible? You mean the TDU that preaches rules and regulations in unions yet has zero of their own? You mean the TDU that has been nothing but one term wonders? You mean the TDU that promotes negativity of unions? You mean the TDU that stifles free speech on their website? You mean the TDU that has not a single positive story of our union on their commie site?
Great job in the effort to spin and promote negative publicity. You know you can't win. Isn't that TDU tactic #21, "Inflate self worth and try to damage and despair"? And if you did win, you lost. All you did was instantly piss off 11,000 members from another local.......to start. Do me a favor, at the next commie get together, tell Paff to eat my ass!


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Look, I'm sorry your crack pot wannabe IBT prez Sandy lost. She was swallowed by the last election. She will be ok. She still has the 1.7 million. As for Sean, you don't get it. This is a trend with you. Selective ignorance?

Looks like the IRB saw the same video I saw. Nothing but a deep HATRED of TDUers.
This must be the experience the Membership slate, and Stink, have been touting all summer........ They are experienced amateurs at best...... Hey Stink, I would not be holding my nose if I were you.....Better yet, you should cross your fingers, say your prayers, and brush your teeth........

TDU is taking its first step to controlling the New England region......
fat chance.


Well-Known Member

I keep getting this from TDU. But nothing of mine gets posted. I guess just another situation of commies preventing free speech. They should at least put a disclaimer,"Nothing will be posted on the TDU site unless it is negative against the Teamsters Union in which we have no part in because TDU is not a union."


Did you get permission to put a post up ? In your own whiny words " we ask first"

You gave me a great idea, I will put a bottle of Listerine as my avatar, if you put up the Revlon logo......