251 United Action Slate


Stink, what fantasy world are you in? BAs dead father? Did I miss a leaflet or news link? Negative videos? Where are those? The rule of thumb is if it doesn't say 'United Action' on it, well chances are it isn't United Action. If random members don't like some of you guys then you can't blame it on the organized opposition trying to put forward a solution.
Flip flop? The platform is in black n white. No variation. Offering jobs? Do you spend all day thinking of the next bs line to throw out there? Like the lies about some UA not having been stewards or not organizing? Or the lie about KR organizing RIH? That takes the cake, lie of all lies. Really? Did JB really say that?

Your infatuation with TDU is comical. There are TDU members involved with United Action. Is that a surprise to you?
It's not some conspiracy - TDU is Teamster members fighting for democracy and a stronger IBT. When officials get coaxed by the position and lose sight, members need to organize.

Pay no attention to the gullible adolescent........


Some of you guys are too easy. Lmao It obviously worked on a few of you. You don't even realize it sometimes.

Hey Sean, and JoJo can I make one more post before the ballots are counted.......Oh thank you, see I was trained well by you guys...... " we ask first"

dont net worry stink, in a few days the M&M boys will be moving to a new employment location.......and guess what ? You will be still sitting when you pee....... You whiny little ;)


Yes, your non negative campaign about a BA's dead father is spot on? Your TDU story of the car haul deal was not negative and inaccurate? Your countless negative videos of our former BA and E board is not negative? Flip flop on the agents cars? Flip flop on the the 250k reduction in salary? Negative campaign? Your outright lying to people! Your promising jobs to members left and right. At this rate our local will have 25 assistant BA's. Dude, get a life, please!
Oh yeah, the good old LMRDA speech! I heard this before somewhere. You unfair practice of officials vs non incumbents. Weren't you spewing this crap when you were outside UPS with printed libels remarks? No offense Elvis, I dig the tats, but shave the burns, change the glasses, use your big boy voice and grow a set. Don't tell me for one second that your campaign is all clean and wholesome. As for the OB thing, you guys are soooo reaching. You were TDU from the get go. Another lie. You will do anything for a vote, from what I heard even collect ballots. Tisk tisk tisk. You must be going for a record # of charges. Landrum-Griffin Act! Yeah you know what the Landrum-Griffin Act also says? It say STOP BEING A :censored2:!

Hey Elvis grow a set like him........ I guess if you man up it goes like this........ " we ask first "


Well-Known Member
My concern is a little more localized. --- How will this local be looked upon by New England, JC 10, the International now that we're the proud owners of a**holes that turned one of our own into the IRB. That was just plain stupid and extremely short-sighted. I just hope that the union world both within and outside of RI can seperate these people (mentally, emotionally, politcally) from the rest of the 251 membership. True Teamsters would have known better. Im guessing this is why the boys in brown call him "Matt the Rat".


My concern is a little more localized. --- How will this local be looked upon by New England, JC 10, the International now that we're the proud owners of a**holes that turned one of our own into the IRB. That was just plain stupid and extremely short-sighted. I just hope that the union world both within and outside of RI can seperate these people (mentally, emotionally, politcally) from the rest of the 251 membership. True Teamsters would have known better. Im guessing this is why the boys in brown call him "Matt the Rat".

Worried about what JC 10 thinks??????? Did you type this with your clown pants on ?


Package Car is cake compared to this...
Piedmont is as always spot on. Most people do forget that Presser had more impact removing corruption in our union than the government or TDU combined. Granted he was the epitome of corruption at his inception. Do you think Carey was devoid of corruption? Think before you answer...... I'm not talking about the election BS.
Elvis, you asked why do I hate TDU? Because I can see the farce within the group. I question the hypocrisy of that group. I wouldn't have an issue if they posted ALL the news. But they chose only the negative. Why doesn't TDU mention that our local raised $80,000 for Hasbro Children's Hospital this past April? Why no mention of local 25's Autism Gala that has donated over 1.5 million in the last 7 years? My problem with TDU is that they are one sided and they are indirectly weakening us. My priorities in simple terms are:
#1 Family
#2 Country
#3 Teamsters
#4 God
You might a have similar list. Some people put TDU before these. I don't dig that.

Stick with bashing TDU. Presser removing corruption in our union? The same Presser who negotiated crap contracts, who was in the mob's back pocket and the same Presser who lived the life of a rat? Once a rat, always a rat.


Well-Known Member
Stick with bashing TDU. Presser removing corruption in our union? The same Presser who negotiated crap contracts, who was in the mob's back pocket and the same Presser who lived the life of a rat? Once a rat, always a rat.
Are you ever correct in any post? You need a history lesson. These guys were killing each other left a right. Indirectly Presser was ridding corruption. He also worked with the FBI. This is just one example.

Question, are you saying that someone that rats on people in our union is and will always be a rat and is not needed?


Package Car is cake compared to this...
Haha, no, I'm never correct in any of my posts.

Let's see if we've got this right....Presser's DEFENSE attorneys say his corruption was to keep up the appearance of being corrupt? Hmm. I figured his attorneys would tell the truth.

You can spin it any way you want, but facts are facts. Presser, like his daddy, was an old guard, steal from the members, corrupt SOB. In the modern era, the worst president we've ever had.

Answer: I'm saying a rat is someone who gets caught with his pudgy fingers in the cookie jar, then starts making deals with the FBI.

That, sir, is as rat-like, as rats get.


Well-Known Member
Haha, no, I'm never correct in any of my posts. Let's see if we've got this right....Presser's DEFENSE attorneys say his corruption was to keep up the appearance of being corrupt? Hmm. I figured his attorneys would tell the truth. You can spin it any way you want, but facts are facts. Presser, like his daddy, was an old guard, steal from the members, corrupt SOB. In the modern era, the worst president we've ever had. Answer: I'm saying a rat is someone who gets caught with his pudgy fingers in the cookie jar, then starts making deals with the FBI. That, sir, is as rat-like, as rats get.
Worst ever? What about Roy Williams?


My concern is a little more localized. --- How will this local be looked upon by New England, JC 10, the International now that we're the proud owners of a**holes that turned one of our own into the IRB. That was just plain stupid and extremely short-sighted. I just hope that the union world both within and outside of RI can seperate these people (mentally, emotionally, politcally) from the rest of the 251 membership. True Teamsters would have known better. Im guessing this is why the boys in brown call him "Matt the Rat".

The biggest question that is being asked by a lot of folks, how dumb is Sean......... When your in a position such as Sean is rule # 1 never leave yourself open.......Sean you failed that miserably.......

My my own question to Sean, what in Gods name are you sticking your neck out for Jethro ( Bodine) B ......

I mean this clown could watch the Geico commercial and argue, well cow is spelled Cow eieio


Well-Known Member
Listerine, are you involved in union politics? It could be a list of reasons why OB has a quality friendship with JB. OB travels to many areas and is up to date and the operations in many locals. Maybe he sees a negative trend in these "reform" locals. I'll still say that you folks are reaching when it comes to his speech. That was over a month ago, and of the hundreds that were there and everyone who saw it, nobody took the literal meaning. Last I checked, all UA members were safe. I mean, there are professional sporting coaches that pump a team up by saying way worse things like "go out there and kill those guys" or "bury that quarterback" or "knock his head off". Do the players take those comments literally? Does the NFL bring reproach against that coach? Maybe OB was addressing the nasty inaccurate and untrue campaign tactics used against JB and the Membership in the previous weeks. Not sure if you have seen some of the stuff but I can tell you that it wasn't written by the Boy Scouts. Maybe if everyone knew the WHOLE story, there would be a better understanding.

smells like godzilla

Well-Known Member
The whole story is that the incumbents have been almost entirely negative in their 'campaign' offering no solutions to members' concerns. The challengers have a positive platform to give members a choice.

As far as arrest records, have you been involved in any strikes, ups legacy? Sometimes things happen.


Well-Known Member
The whole story is that the incumbents have been almost entirely negative in their 'campaign' offering no solutions to members' concerns. The challengers have a positive platform to give members a choice. As far as arrest records, have you been involved in any strikes, ups legacy? Sometimes things happen.
That's not the whole story Elvis. Not one bit.