3Q Earnings

Our competitors deliver seven days per week while we hold packages for entire zip codes regardless of service level and with no regard for medication and other time sensitive items.
I normally don't blame the Teamsters contract for holding us back (I actually think it protects us most of the time from stupidity)

a seven day network is basically impossible with our contract, there's no way to profitably pull it off; either you have a horribly two-tiered labor force (tried that, RIP) or you need a LOT of scheduling flexibility


Baseball, dart board
I normally don't blame the Teamsters contract for holding us back (I actually think it protects us most of the time from stupidity)

a seven day network is basically impossible with our contract, there's no way to profitably pull it off; either you have a horribly two-tiered labor force (tried that, RIP) or you need a LOT of scheduling flexibility
Good! Eff Sundays and might as well stop doing ground service on Saturdays and just run your air.
just a theory, but I think a few high IQ people have a plan that after we automate the hubs, and if we can get some self-driving feeders that we can implement a 7 day network basically with a skeleton crew working the weekends with self driving vehicles doing the feeder runs so that only package driver staffing hurts us, or at the least we are putting loads into better position for our current 5 day network
Good! Eff Sundays and might as well stop doing ground service on Saturdays and just run your air.
yeah, screw the competitors, we will offer less service, that'll show the customers how good we are!
