What is Carol and Brian’s new initiative?…Fit to serve….


Well-Known Member
What is this new initiative we are hearing of from the earnings call? Fit to serve?… Fit to serve what? Who? How?. More mysterious tag lines from the senior leadership…
You have to understand Carol and Brian are “Professional Managers” - they can’t go with a simple story such as we overbuilt and overhired during the pandemic - no they must invent a new paradigm to justify the simple errors. Instead they are selling vaporware while UPS is hollowed out in the name of offshoring.

Make no mistake - functions like AP, Customer Support, HR, Pricing, etc. are gone forever.


Well-Known Member
Ah... ok??? ... WUT?
@Future, @burrheadd, @MyTripisCut , @542thruNthru
Sounds about right


Well-Known Member
"Yep, working at UPS is like working at a brothel. The better you perform the more you get screwed."
"the worse you perform the more you get yelled at"
"It's a lose lose"