4 Minneapolis officers fired in death of black man

El Correcto

god is dead
Most of the state is pretty much white but Mpls. / St. Paul has a fairly large population of "people of color". (And guess where,if you watch the News, the majority of the drug / shooting stories originate from).
From those dirty no good trump supporting gun owning honkies in the rest of the state.


Retired 23 years
What do these side by side mean to you?
Nobody would have cared if it was the football player?


Retired 23 years
Didn’t they wait until after the officers were acquitted before rioting during the Rodney King thing?

At least have some manners and wait for the acquittal before you burn down your community.
I remember the riots after O J was acquitted.


Well-Known Member
You don't know that and you don't know how much pressure he was applying. All you know is what the high profile lawyer the family hired wants you to know. Eventually we'll know more and the cop will likely go to jail given the publicity.
I saw an ambulance drive up to collect a passed out man who had a police officer put a knee on the man's neck even after ambulance was called. You've got guys like Dan Bongino(former NYC cop and Secret Service agent)and Bernie Kerik(former NYC police commissioner)saying there's no justification for what they did. Not about winning an argument on a forum, it's about doing the right thing.


Well-Known Member
Seriously? You just pointed out all the groups who don't riot so it's a fair question. I get disgusted when race hustlers play on black fear of white cops to get their vote. Memorial day weekend in Chicago alone saw dozens of shootings and a bunch of murders, can't remember the number. No one ever talks about that and often it's white cops putting their necks on the line to protect people in those neighborhoods. No pun intended. But there's good reason many blacks fear cops and a lot of it goes back to the days when blacks got routinely lynched. I'm not going to take the cops side no matter what. They've got a tough job but it requires every one of them to uphold the law every step of the way.

What part of I disagree did you not understand?


Well-Known Member
I saw an ambulance drive up to collect a passed out man who had a police officer put a knee on the man's neck even after ambulance was called. You've got guys like Dan Bongino(former NYC cop and Secret Service agent)and Bernie Kerik(former NYC police commissioner)saying there's no justification for what they did. Not about winning an argument on a forum, it's about doing the right thing.

I'm sorry you were saying somebody did something wrong?


Well-Known Member
Didn’t they wait until after the officers were acquitted before rioting during the Rodney King thing?

At least have some manners and wait for the acquittal before you burn down your community.

That's them old victims of racism screwing up a chance to riot twice.


Strength through joy
Please think about what you actually saw on those videos.
Does anyone think this looked more orchestrated than real ?
Watch again.
Something is not right.
The cop knew he was being recorded, why would he intentionally kill him in front of a camera?