4 Minneapolis officers fired in death of black man


Well-Known Member
his leg would have to be straight on the neck. His leg is at an angle therefore i think it is very possible that his weight is bridged on the shoulder and neck.
If his leg and all his weight was on the neck then there is no way the perp would be able to lift his head and talk.
Looked at it again. His knee looked to be squarely on the man's neck. Caused the man to piss himself and pass out. He was unresponsive with the officer still applying pressure for several more minutes. The officers made no attempt I saw to ask him if they let him up would he be cooperative. Just kept on with the pressure. I saw the man drag his face back and forth under pressure. Didn't look like he lifted his head to talk other than tried to force himself up a bit. He was clearly under duress. Would you want a cop to do that to your kid if he was already handcuffed? Another thing, how did an ambulance get there so quickly and at what point did they realize they needed an ambulance? And yet still applied pressure with him passed out and until the ambulance got there.


Well-Known Member
The initial charge involved passing a counterfeit bill. Do we know what evidence the police had other than a description of the suspect?

it looks like it started as a traffic stop in the second video. it also appears the guy was uncooperative when first questioned and maybe even combative. at one point the second cop comes around to help.

not sure where the forgery charge comes in to the scene.


Well-Known Member
Looked at it again. His knee looked to be squarely on the man's neck. Caused the man to piss himself and pass out. He was unresponsive with the officer still applying pressure for several more minutes. The officers made no attempt I saw to ask him if they let him up would he be cooperative. Just kept on with the pressure. I saw the man drag his face back in forth under pressure. Didn't look like he lifted his head to talk other than tried to force himself up a bit. He was clearly under duress. Would you want a cop to do that to your kid if he was already handcuffed? Another thing, how did an ambulance get there so quickly and at what point did they realize they needed an ambulance? And yet still applied pressure with him passed out and until the ambulance got there.

yea i looked at it closely i dont see the knee directly on the neck . the leg is at an angle and the knee appears to be bridged on the intersection of the neck and shoulder.


Well-Known Member
Neck and throat are two different things. An autopsy should show if he was strangled or not. Right now the only information we have is from people with an agenda.
And a pretty clear cut video. Why did they call an ambulance and still apply pressure until the ambulance got there? With the man clearly passed out.


Well-Known Member
Neck and throat are two different things. An autopsy should show if he was strangled or not. Right now the only information we have is from people with an agenda.

its been a while since i studied anatomy in my medic days but I believe the carotids run up the righ and left sides of the front of the throat. Not anywhere near the back of the neck?


Well-Known Member
yea i looked at it closely i dont see the knee directly on the neck . the leg is at an angle and the knee appears to be bridged on the intersection of the neck and shoulder.
Looks on the neck to me. Others on tv, and not with a left wing agenda, thought it was on his neck too.


Well-Known Member
Looks on the neck to me. Others on tv, and not with a left wing agenda, thought it was on his neck too.

it appears we disagree. I studied it pretty carefully last night I'm convinced his knee and weight were not directly on the neck.

if you had 180 pounds directly on your neck you would not be able to move your head.


Well-Known Member
it appears we disagree. I studied it pretty carefully last night I'm convinced his knee and weight were not directly on the neck.

if you had 180 pounds directly on your neck you would be able to move your head.
And him being an African American has no bearing on your view?


Well-Known Member
that was silly . why do you get so bitchy when someone disagrees with you. grow up
Seriously? You just pointed out all the groups who don't riot so it's a fair question. I get disgusted when race hustlers play on black fear of white cops to get their vote. Memorial day weekend in Chicago alone saw dozens of shootings and a bunch of murders, can't remember the number. No one ever talks about that and often it's white cops putting their necks on the line to protect people in those neighborhoods. No pun intended. But there's good reason many blacks fear cops and a lot of it goes back to the days when blacks got routinely lynched. I'm not going to take the cops side no matter what. They've got a tough job but it requires every one of them to uphold the law every step of the way.


Well-Known Member
I disagree.

We don't know who called an ambulance, when, or why. Since we're just making stuff up at this point, I can think of lots of reasons why an ambulance would have been there so soon after he passed out.
At some point they realized he was going to need an ambulance yet still applied pressure to his neck until the ambulance got there. Even after he passed out. One doesn't just pass out. At the point he was out the cop should have stopped if not well before.


Retired 23 years
Where were community leaders like Sharpton and Jackson? Maybe they could have calmed their people down before the looting and burning began. Not like it was any surprise THAT was gonna happen...
The Gov. should of called in the National Guard to protect those businesses. Martial law--shoot looters on site. friend'in animals. A couple of dead bodies stacked up in front of each business as a warning. Sharpton and Jackson should be the first targets. That area has thousands of hard working law abiding people of all races who deserve better protection from the pukes who roam the streets at night just looking for trouble. It was both blacks and whites looting and burning. Pulling all the law enforcement out and making it a no fire fighting zone is just plain STUPID. That just leaves the animals in charge.


Inordinately Right
At some point they realized he was going to need an ambulance yet still applied pressure to his neck until the ambulance got there. Even after he passed out. One doesn't just pass out. At the point he was out the cop should have stopped if not well before.
You don't know that and you don't know how much pressure he was applying. All you know is what the high profile lawyer the family hired wants you to know. Eventually we'll know more and the cop will likely go to jail given the publicity.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
What do these side by side mean to you?


Retired 23 years
minnesota is about the whitest state I've ever seen. they probably had to bus some blacks in or add some somali's in just to get a decent riot crowd.
Most of the state is pretty much white but Mpls. / St. Paul has a fairly large population of "people of color". (And guess where,if you watch the News, the majority of the drug / shooting stories originate from).

El Correcto

god is dead
Didn’t they wait until after the officers were acquitted before rioting during the Rodney King thing?

At least have some manners and wait for the acquittal before you burn down your community.