4 Minneapolis officers fired in death of black man

Ancient Alien

UPS Vacation
So, he died from being restrained, was in poor health and drugs. So, without doubt...murder? So, why was he restrained in the first place? Exact details please.
I think he tried to buy a pack of smokes with a counterfeit $20. Plus, had a long rap sheet. The cop that snuffed his life out supposedly worked with him in the past as bouncers. So couple that with; I can't breathe and call outs to his mother looks to be murder. Everyone deserves a fair trail.

Do you think it's wrong to be shopping for higher end jewelry, clothing, shoes on eBay & Etsy now thinking a lot of the looters goods will be on auction on the cheap?

quad decade guy

Well-Known Member
Is google broken?

IDK. Point is lot's of folks KNOW it's murder. Without doubt. Lot's of detail left out about how it came to his death. The ME ruled he wasn't strangled and such. You know what would be considered murdered. Seems to me it will come down to: did the cop knowingly/try to kill him? And you can prove this(without doubt)?


Well-Known Member
As far as I'm aware, we don't dole out the death penalty for what amounts to petty theft/counterfeit bills. At the very minimum, this was reckless disregard for human life. He was essentially executed, in broad daylight, while others watched; and crucially, nothing was done until video surfaced, and public outcry compelled local authorities to take action.


Working on a new degree, Masters in BS Detecting!
He was accused of passing a counterfeit $20. Also, there's going to be a second autopsy so let's see what that one says.

He was, "accused of passing a counterfeit $20?" Seems like to a lot of people the officer never let him to even get to "accused" part of the arrested, charged, trial then sentencing process!


He was, "accused of passing a counterfeit $20?" Seems like to a lot of people the officer never let him to even get to "accused" part of the arrested, charged, trial then sentencing process!

I meant by the store, who called the cops in the first place. But I understand what you're saying.


Working on a new degree, Masters in BS Detecting!
It's gonna say whatever the family's lawyer wants it to say.

Wrong! The lawyer will say it says what he wants it to say, says me!

On a side note and just my opinion:

I do not see kneeling on him would obstruct his airway. It could have caused a stroke by causing a tear or obstruction in the verterobasilar artery!

Vertebrobasilar Artery Occlusion

The simple test done in a doctor's office for this is the exact head and neck position we see in the video!!!!!! Rotation and extension of the head!

Vertebrobasilar Insufficiency Screening


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
Two Women Face Charges in Connection With Molotov Cocktail Incident in Brooklyn

Police say 27-year-old Samantha Shader, of the Catskills, is being charged with four counts of attempted murder after she allegedly threw a lit Molotov cocktail inside a police van while four officers were inside.

Police say she was taken into custody afterward and bit an officer on the leg.

With animals like these, the real cause for some kind of change gets lost.

quad decade guy

Well-Known Member
As far as I'm aware, we don't dole out the death penalty for what amounts to petty theft/counterfeit bills. At the very minimum, this was reckless disregard for human life. He was essentially executed, in broad daylight, while others watched; and crucially, nothing was done until video surfaced, and public outcry compelled local authorities to take action.

Well, crucially lot's of detail was left out. Crucially, he may have died while being restrained high on drugs and in poor health. Officially that is.