4 Minneapolis officers fired in death of black man


Well-Known Member
What’s a real cop?
A real cop is someone who can use His own discretion in who he deems to arrest based on his judgement. Now it all comes down from the top and zero tolerance is doled out. Small example would be in the 70’s and 80’s a cop could take your keys and tell you to sleep it off in the parking lot after too many beers. Now for many reasons; that it impossible.

quad decade guy

Well-Known Member
I think he tried to buy a pack of smokes with a counterfeit $20. Plus, had a long rap sheet. The cop that snuffed his life out supposedly worked with him in the past as bouncers. So couple that with; I can't breathe and call outs to his mother looks to be murder. Everyone deserves a fair trail.

Do you think it's wrong to be shopping for higher end jewelry, clothing, shoes on eBay & Etsy now thinking a lot of the looters goods will be on auction on the cheap?

That's all it takes? Really?


nowhere special
A real cop is someone who can use His own discretion in who he deems to arrest based on his judgement. Now it all comes down from the top and zero tolerance is doled out. Small example would be in the 70’s and 80’s a cop could take your keys and tell you to sleep it off in the parking lot after too many beers. Now for many reasons; that it impossible.
That is how most local police forces did thing then.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
A real cop is someone who can use His own discretion in who he deems to arrest based on his judgement. Now it all comes down from the top and zero tolerance is doled out. Small example would be in the 70’s and 80’s a cop could take your keys and tell you to sleep it off in the parking lot after too many beers. Now for many reasons; that it impossible.
That’s not discretion, that’s dereliction of duty. Enabling one lawbreaker doesn’t protect the hundreds of innocents he will endanger.


Well-Known Member
That’s not discretion, that’s dereliction of duty. Enabling one lawbreaker doesn’t protect the hundreds of innocents he will endanger.
Respectfully disagree. you had 4 beers at a BBQ and a town cop used to be able to cut you a break but now cannot due to department protocol so they won’t be sued?

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Police say 27-year-old Samantha Shader, of the Catskills, is being charged with four counts of attempted murder after she allegedly threw a lit Molotov cocktail inside a police van while four officers were inside.

Police say she was taken into custody afterward and bit an officer on the leg.
With animals like these, the real cause for some kind of change gets lost.
Did they check her for rabies?

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Respectfully disagree. you had 4 beers at a BBQ and a town cop used to be able to cut you a break but now cannot due to department protocol so they won’t be sued?
Until your grandchild’s funeral because Good Ol’ Boy ran over them on his way home.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member