4 Minneapolis officers fired in death of black man


Well-Known Member
For the most part it looks like things have settled down in Minneapolis. Its the rest of the countries turn to deal with all this riot crap.
I guess the rent a riot is moving on.
Best to stay clear of the south.
Atlanta, easy picking, stay in the city in any southern location, venture to far out..... it's yerass.
Just my opinion, backed by knowing my neighbors. Black or white we don't cotton to someone pissin in our Wheaties or imposing beyond our hospitality.
Simple as that.

Box Ox

What can be, unburdened by what has been.
How about disobeying and/or disregarding a command of a police officer?
How is today's black on black crime helping your case?
It's not.

Did it really look like George Floyd was putting up resistance in any of the videos or are we assuming? I want to have an informed opinion here.


Well-Known Member
Did it really look like George Floyd was putting up resistance in any of the videos or are we assuming? I want to have an informed opinion here.
I don't like to affix color or pigmentation to anything, it's too easy, it keeps people from looking deeper for the truth or reasons. I will say this affected me greatly, I hated the cop, and if it wasn't deleted you can read exactly what I would like done with the murderer.
That said, I hate seeing the destruction of a country and society, imperfect as it may be for manufactured or exploded incidents.
A segment of society is currently waging warfare against all we have worked to build, enjoy and leave to our children.
I don't want my working years to be destroyed or negated.
Just my point of view. My parents came from a disadvantaged start and gave me a good foundation, I've done well.
All of this hurts an old man's bones,


The truth never changes.
I don't like to affix color or pigmentation to anything, it's too easy, it keeps people from looking deeper for the truth or reasons. I will say this affected me greatly, I hated the cop, and if it wasn't deleted you can read exactly what I would like done with the murderer.
That said, I hate seeing the destruction of a country and society, imperfect as it may be for manufactured or exploded incidents.
A segment of society is currently waging warfare against all we have worked to build, enjoy and leave to our children.
I don't want my working years to be destroyed or negated.
Just my point of view. My parents came from a disadvantaged start and gave me a good foundation, I've done well.
All of this hurts an old man's bones,
Great statement. Thank you.

El Correcto

god is dead
Did it really look like George Floyd was putting up resistance in any of the videos or are we assuming? I want to have an informed opinion here.
Yes, he was already sassing the officers in the video I seen.
Something about his mother and breathing.
Little smart ass.


Well-Known Member
Did it really look like George Floyd was putting up resistance in any of the videos or are we assuming? I want to have an informed opinion here.

he resisted getting in the car. that video has not been released. Obviously it does not fit the planned narrative.

otherwise at this point I'm not sure what difference it would make. The office kneeling on a dying man is burned into everyones memory.