4 Minneapolis officers fired in death of black man

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
The concept has been floating around for year's. There is already a market place for optional coverage. The idea would be the institution would pay for the average coverage and the individual would have to cover any premium increases that would arise from... I don't know doing dumb :censored2:. :censored2: a good cop might even get to keep their lower costs to employ. As for your question I move box's for a living...
Would only work if it involved a no-fault system.

Box Ox

What can be, unburdened by what has been.
"Informed"? Opinions are formed with or without info every day.

Yes, but I'd prefer to have an opinion based on information rather than cave man grunt out a best guess based only on how I feel about things like black people, law enforcement and my personal politics.

El Correcto

god is dead


Inordinately Right
The family hired a well known quack who has been a :censored2: up through out his medical examiner career to do their relatives autopsy.

the same guy Epstein’s brother hired to claim his brother didn’t commit suicide in prison.
Jeffrey Epstein Case: Expert Hired By His Family Suggests Doubt On Suicide Finding
You know they are desperate to pin his death on police hiring well known publicity hound quacks.
Independent autopsy finds George Floyd died of asphyxia
He testified in defense of OJ Simpson FFS.

The scumbag lawyer also paid this guy to contradict Michael Brown's autopsy when he shook down taxpayers for money in that case.


Well-Known Member
The real results. The one from the corrupt police force for corrupt police doesn’t count. This is an independent autopsy.

Read em and weep those of you that sympathize with these racists crooked cops!

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Strength through joy
he resisted getting in the car. that video has not been released. Obviously it does not fit the planned narrative.

otherwise at this point I'm not sure what difference it would make. The office kneeling on a dying man is burned into everyones memory.
That is the way police officer are trained.
Did you not see the photo of all four officers holding him down ?
By the way I have seen part of the video you claim " has not been released ".


Strength through joy
How much did George Floyd's multiple arrests and five years in prison cost the tax payer?

How much will the damage caused by the animals rioting cost people?
Don't forget the Trickle Down effect that the looted and burned businesses caused. Each and every store had suppliers that depended on those services and sales.


Strength through joy
The family hired a well known quack who has been a :censored2: up through out his medical examiner career to do their relatives autopsy.

the same guy Epstein’s brother hired to claim his brother didn’t commit suicide in prison.
Jeffrey Epstein Case: Expert Hired By His Family Suggests Doubt On Suicide Finding
You know they are desperate to pin his death on police hiring well known publicity hound quacks.
Independent autopsy finds George Floyd died of asphyxia
Mr Floyd was in good health according to his family in Texas, says the quack.