4 Minneapolis officers fired in death of black man


Strength through joy
Oh, by the way heard from a supplier of the CVS stores in Boston. He still had to pay his drivers to go out on their normal daily runs only to be told by the cops that the damaged CVS stores are off limits. Now he's stuck with merchandise and storage fees to hold everything.


nowhere special
Oh, by the way heard from a supplier of the CVS stores in Boston. He still had to pay his drivers to go out on their normal daily runs only to be told by the cops that the damaged CVS stores are off limits. Now he's stuck with merchandise and storage fees to hold everything.
Just park their trucks in back and let the looters empty them.


Strength through joy
53 were arrested last night in Boston.
I would be shocked to see any of them have a trial.
The sitting DA has said that she would not be charging people who just need the basics to survive; like car jackers, shop lifters, welfare cheats, you know well brain washed democratic voters.


Strength through joy
In a statement Sunday, the Fort Wayne Police Department (FWPD) said the incident occurred when 21-year-old Balin Brake remained outside the Allen County Courthouse after officers told protesters to leave, according to WPTA 21.
The statement read:
Gas was deployed in the area and the protester bent over to pick up the canister to throw it back at officers as many others were trying to do. When he bent over another canister was deployed in the area and that canister skipped and hit the protester in the eye. There was no deliberate deployment of gas to any persons head.

Dumb-dumb said to anybody curious. My eye ruptured when a FWPD Officer unnecessarily and improperly fired a tear gas canister at my head hitting my eye. I’ll be fine but I’m probably losing my eye after surgery tomorrow.



Strength through joy
Of the 53 arrested in Boston ; 27 were Boston residents, all but 2 are Massachusetts residents. Those 2 non residents were from Maine.


Strength through joy
I guess the BIG Apple sleeps after all.

NEW YORK — (AP) — New York City imposed an 11 p.m. curfew Monday as the nation’s biggest city tried to head off another night of destruction erupting amid protests over George Floyd’s death.

With an 11 p.m. to 5 a.m. curfew, New York is joining other cities around the country in imposing such measures after days of violence.


nowhere special
I guess the BIG Apple sleeps after all.

NEW YORK — (AP) — New York City imposed an 11 p.m. curfew Monday as the nation’s biggest city tried to head off another night of destruction erupting amid protests over George Floyd’s death.

With an 11 p.m. to 5 a.m. curfew, New York is joining other cities around the country in imposing such measures after days of violence.
de Blasio didn't want the curfew but was pretty much forced to do it.


Strength through joy
I'm not surprised that Gov. Baker hasn't said anything about all the people who have been not following his social distancing advisories. When packed into a crowd of protesters, wearing a mask really does not help to slow the advance of COVID.


Well-Known Member
That is the way police officer are trained.
Did you not see the photo of all four officers holding him down ?
By the way I have seen part of the video you claim " has not been released ".
Part of it . That's the point I made they are trained to use that technique.

I heard a story today that that technique has been used 44 times to render a suspect unconscious in Minneapolis.


Retired 23 years
I heard a story today that that technique has been used 44 times to render a suspect unconscious in Minneapolis.[/QUOTE]
Verne Gagne used it in every wrestling match he fought----The Sleeper.


Well-Known Member
Well, crucially lot's of detail was left out. Crucially, he may have died while being restrained high on drugs and in poor health. Officially that is.

While being restrained? Is that what you call being choked out while already handcuffed? Just curious, if someone takes a gunshot to the head, of what relevance is the fact they were high and in poor health, as it relates to their cause of death?