4 Minneapolis officers fired in death of black man


Retired 23 years
Entire Buffalo Emergency Response Team resigns in solidarity with cops who pushed old man

The entire Buffalo police Emergency Response Team has resigned following the suspension of two officers who were caught
on video shoving Martin Gugino, a 75-year-old protester to the pavement, according to reports Friday. Gugino, an activist who is well known in Buffalo, was listed in serious but stable condition. The shocking video shows blood gushing from his head after he fell.

A total of 57 officers resigned from the emergency team in solidarity with the two suspended cops, who pushed Martin Gugino, causing him to stumble backward and crack his head on the ground, WGRZ reported.
“Fifty-seven resigned in disgust because of the treatment of two of their members, who were simply executing orders,” said John Evans, president of the Buffalo Police Benevolent Association.
The special squad was created in 2016 and is deployed for mass protests or riots, the network reported.

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The old geezer is bleeding bad. I hope he learned a lesson about not charging up on cops.


Well-Known Member
I agree with Ben Shapiro that the upping of charges from 3rd to 2nd degree murder might ultimately be what gets the officer off the hook. Overcharging feels good and righteous but can be a loser for the prosecution a lot of the time.

overcharging got zimmerman off


Well-Known Member
The old white guy was trying to provoke the cops but they should have kept their cool. They were wrong to shove him but he was hardly an innocent bystander.

their using techniques they were trained on. when they march they push anyone and everyone out of the way that tries to block them. Standard riot movement methods


Well-Known Member
You would think that by the time you reached 75 years old you would be smart enough to know not to confront the cops during a frikin riot. What an idiot.

he was trying to impede thier movement when you do that you get shoved and jabbed into movement. everyone here should know that . we have these black pity party lets loot the stores riots every couple of years.


Well-Known Member
Common tactic to try to get a plea deal but sometimes it backfires. Zimmerman rolled the dice and took his chances. He was lucky he was being prosecuted by a bunch of grandstanding clowns.

most of these cases are brought by granstanding clowns trying to show how tough they are on the police. the news has to get this one right either Ellison upgraded to second degree as has been reported or he added a second degree charge to the laundry list.


Well-Known Member
It's time for cop's to go back to school, it's time for federal oversight of training, it's time for statewide oversight... The United States has one of the least educated police in the first world and anyone wonder's why :censored2: like this happens.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
How long have you been a riot cop?

They're a riot unit making a movement to clear a street . That's what they do.
Why was a riot unit deployed to a protest that wasn’t a riot? Why do you support the state violently cracking down on citizens petitioning their government for a redress of their grievances?