4 Minneapolis officers fired in death of black man


Well-Known Member
Now if you like to get to the real root of the problem, see exactly what black people are talking about, just watch the police video of the shooting of Daniel Shaver.

He’s white so maybe that will lessen you confusion.

In the minds of a militarized police force, “making a mistake” is a capital offense. It gives them the right to brutalize and murder anyone at anytime for the smallest infraction. If you in some way accept that as acceptable, then I would expect you to say simply “no lives matter”. If you do not like to say “black lives matter” and insist it should be “all lives matter” then you’re arguing semantics and ignoring the issue.
You can take race out of it and still be for the BLM cause. So why hide behind a difference of one word? As someone posted on Facebook, “if all lives mattered, there would be no need for black lives matter”.


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Well-Known Member
If I was a white cop I would probably let more blacks go rather then have someone accuse me of arresting too many blacks.

I have a novel idea.
How about blacks not doing stupid stuff that gets them arrested?

"cause" meet "effect".
"antecedent" meet "consequence".

I know it's confusing.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Seeing as how you are a racist, I understand you not seeing the pics Not Released By the tRump campaign when you only get your info from Faux News Channel!
Seeing how you are a newcomer to CE, I have expressed and understand that everyone is racist.
Obviously, you are a very bigoted person and racism is just a form of bigotry and fear of things that are different.

This is such a beautiful song with such a beautiful message and this is such a beautiful reaction!
I tear up everytime I play this video (it's 9 years old) or listen to this song!
This is a message that addresses this time in America.

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Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Seeing as how you are a racist, I understand you not seeing the pics Not Released By the tRump campaign when you only get your info from Faux News Channel!
Seeing how you are a newcomer to CE, I have expressed and understand that everyone is racist.
Obviously, you are a very bigoted person and racism is just a form of bigotry and fear of things that are different.

El Correcto

god is dead
Was he? Why aren’t white people outraged by this? I do have a theory and I think we’ll probably get to the true root cause one day, but why do you think white people don’t demonstrate against police brutality? Are white people somehow incapable or do they condone this kind of violence against everyone?
I think it’s because they are not protesting police violence. They are mainly protesting racism and virtue signaling they are not racist. Their slogan is “Black Lives Matter” after all.


The truth never changes.
Ah. So you’ve only seen rioting? You haven’t seen the vastly more peaceful protests? You’re probably just seeing what you want to see then.
Nah, I see what's there and peaceful protests normally turn violent, especially where racial issues are at play.

El Correcto

god is dead
Then you haven’t paid attention to the history of BLM.
I’m not talking just about BLM.
I’m talking about all the people who swarm to BLM when a black man is killed by police. For all I know BLM does protest when a white is killed by police, but even if that was true they don’t have nearly the support they do when it is a black man killed by a white cop.