4 Minneapolis officers fired in death of black man


Staff member
There's an outcry.

It's just not with violence, arson, theft, and grandstanding.

I'd have more empathy for the black community if they responded like the church folks shot by that stupid kid who was white. The black community has largely burned their own community respect from the LA riots to date.

No one should die unjustly. White, black, or other and I feel bad for the black kids lack of self esteem from childhood. I actually grieve for them and the way many grow up.

But let's take the chip off our shoulders and move forward because this kind of hateful response is not making things better.
Ah. So you’ve only seen rioting? You haven’t seen the vastly more peaceful protests? You’re probably just seeing what you want to see then.


Staff member
Now if you like to get to the real root of the problem, see exactly what black people are talking about, just watch the police video of the shooting of Daniel Shaver.

He’s white so maybe that will lessen you confusion.

In the minds of a militarized police force, “making a mistake” is a capital offense. It gives them the right to brutalize and murder anyone at anytime for the smallest infraction. If you in some way accept that as acceptable, then I would expect you to say simply “no lives matter”. If you do not like to say “black lives matter” and insist it should be “all lives matter” then you’re arguing semantics and ignoring the issue.
You can take race out of it and still be for the BLM cause. So why hide behind a difference of one word? As someone posted on Facebook, “if all lives mattered, there would be no need for black lives matter”.
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Well-Known Member
Not in LA. The police chief pulled the force off the street and officers were outraged while watching scum burn the city and attack the innocent people stuck in between.

Only the Hispanic and Asian store owners protected what was theirs during those riots.

Maybe a taste of Libyan retribution would get their minds right. Gadaffi could narrate the story for them.

I was talking about looters being shot


Well-Known Member
Now if you like to get to the real root of the problem, see exactly what black people are talking about, just watch the police video of the shooting of Daniel Shaver.

He’s white so maybe that will lessen you confusion.

and yet no protests in the streeets. no looting and burning. the man was the wrong color to receive such outrage.


Well-Known Member


Staff member
and yet no protests in the streeets. no looting and burning. the man was the wrong color to receive such outrage.
Was he? Why aren’t white people outraged by this? I do have a theory and I think we’ll probably get to the true root cause one day, but why do you think white people don’t demonstrate against police brutality? Are white people somehow incapable or do they condone this kind of violence against everyone?


Well-Known Member
No. But then again he implied he ran from the cops.

I'm confused. Are you saying its normal for cops to shoot at people fleeing them?

since we're having this nationwide dialogue do you think there will be any liberal leadership that will ever speak out or peaceful cooperation with the police?

even in this horrible video , you can hear Georges buddy begging him to cooperate and get in the car.

wouldn't George still be alive if he had gotten in the back seat of that car instead of resisting like he did? Not in any way alibiing what the cops did , just saying resisting the police does seem to lead to bad outcomes?


Well-Known Member
Was he? Why aren’t white people outraged by this? I do have a theory and I think we’ll probably get to the true root cause one day, but why do you think white people don’t demonstrate against police brutality? Are white people somehow incapable or do they condone this kind of violence against everyone?

i think white people realize that police make horrible mistakes at time.

blacks accuse racism even when two or all of the cops are of color.


Staff member
I'm confused. Are you saying its normal for cops to shoot at people fleeing them?

since we're having this nationwide dialogue do you think there will be any liberal leadership that will ever speak out or peaceful cooperation with the police?

even in this horrible video , you can hear Georges buddy begging him to cooperate and get in the car.

wouldn't George still be alive if he had gotten in the back seat of that car instead of resisting like he did? Not in any way alibiing what the cops did , just saying resisting the police does seem to lead to bad outcomes?
I’m saying it happens.
I believe four cops are plenty to put a restrained and handcuffed man in the squad car whether he is resisting or not. If the statements of some of the officers are to be believed, they knew they were crossing the line.


Well-Known Member
I’m saying it happens.
I believe four cops are plenty to put a restrained and handcuffed man in the squad car whether he is resisting or not. If the statements of some of the officers are to be believed, they knew they were crossing the line.

All that sounds logical but for some reason those 4 cops were not able to get him in the car. I saw a video years ago when a guy was on pcp and 6 cops couldn't control him. George had something in his system. the video is still being held back because it clearly does not help the narrative that is being sold here by the libs. George was taken to the drivers side of that car, he ended up in the street on the passenger side despite 4 cops trying to get him in the back seat of the car.

but this is the question that does not get asked . why didn't he just get in the back seat? Is it possible that you liberals are selling the wrong message to black America? The number of deaths by white cop to black prisoner is miniscule

but yet the message liberals are selling to blacks Is that its not there fault the cops are racists. And then blacks are outraged when they get stopped and they resist. George was suspected of passing a counterfeit bill. He was arrested. he should have gotten in the back of that car without resisting .

whey didn't he do so and why isn't your leadership telling black America to stop resisting?


Staff member
the numbers don't support your theory , in this case are you saying the black and Asian police office engaged in race based murder?
Nope. You’re getting caught up in race again. I’m saying excessive and at time completely unnecessary use of force by police on all people. We may see it more in black communities but as the previous video shows both the attitude of the officer and the fact that he was acquitted are problematic. All this points not to a few bad cops or a few horrible mistakes but to systemic problems.


Staff member
All that sounds logical but for some reason those 4 cops were not able to get him in the car. I saw a video years ago when a guy was on pcp and 6 cops couldn't control him. George had something in his system. the video is still being held back because it clearly does not help the narrative that is being sold here by the libs. George was taken to the drivers side of that car, he ended up in the street on the passenger side despite 4 cops trying to get him in the back seat of the car.

but this is the question that does not get asked . why didn't he just get in the back seat? Is it possible that you liberals are selling the wrong message to black America? The number of deaths by white cop to black prisoner is miniscule

but yet the message liberals are selling to blacks Is that its not there fault the cops are racists. And then blacks are outraged when they get stopped and they resist. George was suspected of passing a counterfeit bill. He was arrested. he should have gotten in the back of that car without resisting .

whey didn't he do so and why isn't your leadership telling black America to stop resisting?
If there is video backing what you are selling, now would be a good time for the arrested officers to get that out there.
Why does anyone resist arrest? I don’t know. I do know that it’s not a capital offense. I do know officers are trained to be non lethal. Sure looked to me like a certain officer with his knee on a man’s neck was enjoying his spotlight for the moment. Probably not so much anymore.


Well-Known Member
Nope. You’re getting caught up in race again. I’m saying excessive and at time completely unnecessary use of force by police on all people. We may see it more in black communities but as the previous video shows both the attitude of the officer and the fact that he was acquitted are problematic. All this points not to a few bad cops or a few horrible mistakes but to systemic problems.

Damn I may have to agree with you on some level on this one. Chauvin and the Asian cop had extensive histories that should have gotten them more oversight then it did. That's clearly another contributing factor in this mess.

a resistant prisoner and an overly aggressive abusive cop is a bad combination.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
All that sounds logical but for some reason those 4 cops were not able to get him in the car. I saw a video years ago when a guy was on pcp and 6 cops couldn't control him. George had something in his system. the video is still being held back because it clearly does not help the narrative that is being sold here by the libs. George was taken to the drivers side of that car, he ended up in the street on the passenger side despite 4 cops trying to get him in the back seat of the car.

but this is the question that does not get asked . why didn't he just get in the back seat? Is it possible that you liberals are selling the wrong message to black America? The number of deaths by white cop to black prisoner is miniscule

but yet the message liberals are selling to blacks Is that its not there fault the cops are racists. And then blacks are outraged when they get stopped and they resist. George was suspected of passing a counterfeit bill. He was arrested. he should have gotten in the back of that car without resisting .

whey didn't he do so and why isn't your leadership telling black America to stop resisting?
You really think the reaction of black people is based on a media narrative? You don’t think they may have lived a very different experience with police than you?