4 Minneapolis officers fired in death of black man

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Then you haven’t paid attention to the history of BLM.

That's why I don't post about them ...
All I know is what the press puts out about them and I'm experienced enough to not believe any of the crap they say.


Are you like, "using the force" in what you know/believe?:ninja3:
Sorry, I forgot and used high school level communications.
I'll try and post at a 6th grade level.

I don't post anything about the BLM movement.
I am White and I can't relate.
I have only heard about BLM through what 'The Press' publishes about BLM.
Over the years, I have learned to not take anything The Press publishes as accurate or the truth.
For that reason and the fact that I am White ... I have no opinions about the organization BLM.


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
Oh, and this too...

It’s Past Time to Examine How Police Unions Protect Bad Cops

After every nationally publicized incident — the latest being the horrific death of George Floyd — there are calls for change. Experts demand better police training, more civilian oversight, and the hiring of a more diverse force. Many police departments have taken those steps.

But New York mayor Bill de Blasio had to admit on Sunday, “We need faster, speedier discipline when it comes to policing.” Yet it never seems to happen.

Maybe it’s finally time to consider the role that police unions play in perpetuating police brutality. Mayor de Blasio has frequently tangled with his city’s powerful unions, but he’s never challenged their vast political power. And make no mistake, that power is often used to cover up and deflect charges of police misconduct.

“We have officers that violate public policy, they have a pattern of doing that, and chiefs and sheriffs try to fire them, and our courts reinstate those jobs.”

Indeed. Derek Chauvin, the former Minneapolis police officer who held his knee on George Floyd’s neck, had 18 prior complaints filed against him with the Minneapolis Police Department. Like many departments, “privacy” regulations negotiated as part of police-union contracts make it impossible to know the details.



Staff member
I think you know that... The narrative for some on the left and much of the media must be upheld.

I found this interview with Condi to be a nice way to explain things. Be interested to hear your opinion...

No. I don’t know. Why don’t white people demonstrate against such things?


Well-Known Member
Sorry, I forgot and used high school level communications.
I'll try and post at a 6th grade level.

I don't post anything about the BLM movement.
I am White and I can't relate.
I have only heard about BLM through what 'The Press' publishes about BLM.
Over the years, I have learned to not take anything The Press publishes as accurate or the truth.
For that reason and the fact that I am White ... I have no opinions about the organization BLM.

Put down brown cafe for a little bit and read it.


Well-Known Member
Oh, and this too...

It’s Past Time to Examine How Police Unions Protect Bad Cops

After every nationally publicized incident — the latest being the horrific death of George Floyd — there are calls for change. Experts demand better police training, more civilian oversight, and the hiring of a more diverse force. Many police departments have taken those steps.

But New York mayor Bill de Blasio had to admit on Sunday, “We need faster, speedier discipline when it comes to policing.” Yet it never seems to happen.

Maybe it’s finally time to consider the role that police unions play in perpetuating police brutality. Mayor de Blasio has frequently tangled with his city’s powerful unions, but he’s never challenged their vast political power. And make no mistake, that power is often used to cover up and deflect charges of police misconduct.

“We have officers that violate public policy, they have a pattern of doing that, and chiefs and sheriffs try to fire them, and our courts reinstate those jobs.”

Indeed. Derek Chauvin, the former Minneapolis police officer who held his knee on George Floyd’s neck, had 18 prior complaints filed against him with the Minneapolis Police Department. Like many departments, “privacy” regulations negotiated as part of police-union contracts make it impossible to know the details.

I also think it's ironic that blm was chanting "NO JUSTICE NO PEACE", when the very next day the officer was arrested for second degree murder. I guess they forgot the peace part of their catchy street tune...


Working on a new degree, Masters in BS Detecting!
Reported as a Personal Attack.Maybe one of the Mods that are not left-wing will see my report.

Obviously, you are a very bigoted person and racism is just a form of bigotry and fear of things that are different.

Anybody that actually believes that is a clueless friend:censored2:king idiot!

Glass houses old man!

But this is an example of why the social unrest is raging right now! Here we have an entitled white old man who throws around incendiary comments, personal attacks demeaning comments and straight up lies daily without second considerations.

Then when he doesn't like what someone else posts he cries to "the authorities" or someone "in charge" fully expecting to get his way.
"How dare someone act that way or say that thing!"

This is the same as all the viral videos of "Karen" that have been trending in 2020.

The "entitled" way of life is so entrenched you don't even recognize it!


Staff member
I think you know that... The narrative for some on the left and much of the media must be upheld.

I found this interview with Condi to be a nice way to explain things. Be interested to hear your opinion...

My opinion may surprise but it shouldn’t. I love Condi Rice. I’d vote for Condi Rice. I’ve said so many times on this board. About the only thing in this interview that I disagree with was when she said that there was no place for the violence.
I agree that the violence is unfortunate and hopefully it remains the exception to peaceful protests. But I do think without the violence it becomes easier for people to ignore and it’s been ignored for far too long which Ms. Rice agreed.


Staff member
Oh, and this too...

It’s Past Time to Examine How Police Unions Protect Bad Cops

After every nationally publicized incident — the latest being the horrific death of George Floyd — there are calls for change. Experts demand better police training, more civilian oversight, and the hiring of a more diverse force. Many police departments have taken those steps.

But New York mayor Bill de Blasio had to admit on Sunday, “We need faster, speedier discipline when it comes to policing.” Yet it never seems to happen.

Maybe it’s finally time to consider the role that police unions play in perpetuating police brutality. Mayor de Blasio has frequently tangled with his city’s powerful unions, but he’s never challenged their vast political power. And make no mistake, that power is often used to cover up and deflect charges of police misconduct.

“We have officers that violate public policy, they have a pattern of doing that, and chiefs and sheriffs try to fire them, and our courts reinstate those jobs.”

Indeed. Derek Chauvin, the former Minneapolis police officer who held his knee on George Floyd’s neck, had 18 prior complaints filed against him with the Minneapolis Police Department. Like many departments, “privacy” regulations negotiated as part of police-union contracts make it impossible to know the details.
Bad cops put good cops at risk. Good cops need to do something about that.


Inordinately Right
I see you've totally forgoten what I said about Faux News, AON, Daily Caller, Breitbart and Alex Jones!
Cheer up my young friend.

It's another glorious day with Donald Trump as your president.

And as a bonus, that POS violent felon George Floyd got what was coming to him.

God bless America!

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
My opinion may surprise but it shouldn’t. I love Condi Rice. I’d vote for Condi Rice. I’ve said so many times on this board. About the only thing in this interview that I disagree with was when she said that there was no place for the violence.
I agree that the violence is unfortunate and hopefully it remains the exception to peaceful protests. But I do think without the violence it becomes easier for people to ignore and it’s been ignored for far too long which Ms. Rice agreed.
You endorse more violence against blacks? The shame!