4 Minneapolis officers fired in death of black man


Well-Known Member
So an officer walks up to you on the street and tells you to put your hands behind your back. Is that a lawful request?

A cop can detain anyone, if that person is a suspect in an investigation of any crime. I might look like someone they are looking for. Once I cooperate and they clear me, I go on my way. OR............. I can follow the lead of your buddy there, throw a complete and total :censored2: fit, get tasered in the throat, and then go to jail for resisting arrest instead. Life is all about choices my dude.


Well-Known Member
Did you say the same thing at the Bundy ranch? Waco? Ruby Ridge? Just trying to understand if law enforcement is always within their rights to demand anything and everything.

The Bundy ranch was an actual political protest because the government was giving away THEIR land to China so that the Chinese could build solar farms on it. Apples to Oranges. In that case, what the government was doing was illegal. In the case of your video, what the citizen was doing was illegal.


Well-Known Member
Did you say the same thing at the Bundy ranch? Waco? Ruby Ridge? Just trying to understand if law enforcement is always within their rights to demand anything and everything.

I went to jail when I was younger, and when I went to court, you know what I did? I plead guilty, because I did do exactly what they said I did do. I accepted responsibility for my actions, took my punishment on the chin, and moved forward with my life. This idea that Im not in trouble because I dont want to be is the silliest crap Ive ever heard. Also, I stopped doing the things that put me in jail, and you know what, I havent been back since. Imagine that.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
bbsam said:
No. I don’t know. Why don’t white people demonstrate against such things?
Old Man Jingles said:
We have better judgment realizing it is a very small number?
The single most racist thing posted on BC today!
It was a question to continue the conversation.

And if you think it was racist ... your opinion does not concern me nor do I take it seriously.

PS - That is an acceptable personal attack.


Well-Known Member
Did you say the same thing at the Bundy ranch? Waco? Ruby Ridge? Just trying to understand if law enforcement is always within their rights to demand anything and everything.

Also, dont get me wrong, Im not the kind of person that thinks all police or government officials are saints. I think the officer that let George Floyd die SHOULD be in prison for murder and should have been off the police force a long time ago. Its a shame that it took something like this to happen to get that done.

Do I think many aspects of our system need reform? Absolutely. Its broken in every area. But people have to be honest with themselves about where the problems are if its ever truly going to be reformed. Not just looking for scapegoats to say "See! There are NO problems in the black community other than racist cracka cops!", when literally every other day there are black mayors, judges, getting arrested for fraud, embezzlement, profiteering schemes. See Kip Simpson on youtube for more.

All Im saying is, if its illegal to smoke weed in a state, and you walk around smoking weed because you dont feel like following the rules of that state, then dont cry when you get arrested in that state. *shrug*


Well-Known Member
Also, dont get me wrong, Im not the kind of person that thinks all police or government officials are saints. I think the officer that let George Floyd die SHOULD be in prison for murder and should have been off the police force a long time ago. Its a shame that it took something like this to happen to get that done.

Do I think many aspects of our system need reform? Absolutely. Its broken in every area. But people have to be honest with themselves about where the problems are if its ever truly going to be reformed. Not just looking for scapegoats to say "See! There are NO problems in the black community other than racist cracka cops!", when literally every other day there are black mayors, judges, getting arrested for fraud, embezzlement, profiteering schemes. See Kip Simpson on youtube for more.

All Im saying is, if its illegal to smoke weed in a state, and you walk around smoking weed because you dont feel like following the rules of that state, then dont cry when you get arrested in that state. *shrug*
I wonder why Floyd is remembered, and rightfully so, but the media isn't talking about those killed in the riots this week, including mostly blacks and Hispanics?


Well-Known Member
I wonder why every time this kind of outrage happens it always turns out the "victim" was a total POS like George Floyd or Michael Brown.
I agree but there's a huge difference between the two. I wish that officer and his buddies had just manhandled Floyd into the car. What a different world we would be looking at right now. At least until another cop killed an unarmed black for no valid reason.


Staff member
Also, dont get me wrong, Im not the kind of person that thinks all police or government officials are saints. I think the officer that let George Floyd die SHOULD be in prison for murder and should have been off the police force a long time ago. Its a shame that it took something like this to happen to get that done.

Do I think many aspects of our system need reform? Absolutely. Its broken in every area. But people have to be honest with themselves about where the problems are if its ever truly going to be reformed. Not just looking for scapegoats to say "See! There are NO problems in the black community other than racist cracka cops!", when literally every other day there are black mayors, judges, getting arrested for fraud, embezzlement, profiteering schemes. See Kip Simpson on youtube for more.

All Im saying is, if its illegal to smoke weed in a state, and you walk around smoking weed because you dont feel like following the rules of that state, then dont cry when you get arrested in that state. *shrug*
I guess you’d have to see other weed infractions handled. Most often it’s a ticket and done.


Well-Known Member
I guess you’d have to see other weed infractions handled. Most often it’s a ticket and done.

Agreed. But you have to also acknowledge the "lack of cooperation" right off the bat in that video. Ive also been let off the hook before, not because Im a privileged cracka-lacka, but because I cooperated. Police are humans too, and they have patience to a degree. Sometimes I dont know how they maintain their composure as WELL as they do MOST of the time. If I had to deal with the kind of idiots that they have to deal with, every hour, of every day, of every month, of every year, Id be shooting people all over the place too. Then again, thats why I didnt choose that as a career path because I know my own psychological limitations. I wouldnt be good at it.


Inordinately Right
I agree but there's a huge difference between the two. I wish that officer and his buddies had just manhandled Floyd into the car. What a different world we would be looking at right now. At least until another cop killed an unarmed black for no valid reason.
They tried that, we don't know why it didn't work out.


Well-Known Member
For anyone thinking that this is strictly racism, I suggest watching videos on youtube of the HOARDS of so called "Sovereign Citizens" who are white, getting their a**es handed to them by the police in every single video where they refuse to follow basic instructions. No rioting follows, no looting, just a good old fashioned a**-whipping followed by the inevitable jail-sentence.

The land of make-believe, where you just follow whatever rules you feel like.


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
I guess you’d have to see other weed infractions handled. Most often it’s a ticket and done.
depends what state you are in and I for one am not for decriminalizing herion, crack, cocaine and whatever other narcotics are out there, dont need those people on the street selling or buying


Happy Verified UPSer
So an officer walks up to you on the street and tells you to put your hands behind your back. Is that a lawful request?
Unfortunately yes. Unfortunately you have to obey a police officer even if you think they are wrong.

Have your day in court. When I was young my Dad told me never argue with a man with a badge and gun and who can take your freedom away.

pretty good advice imo.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Simply that we aren’t just talking about police brutality that ends up in dead black men. Even a simple weed arrest is overkill. Therefore we aren’t talking about a “relatively small number”.
OK ... thanks for the clarification.
I certainly do not argue about over-policing but the crux of the issue is too many unnecessary and unneeded laws!
Remember, I am a Socially Liberal Libertarian and specifically a Natural-Rights Libertarian, and I would say very conservatively that 90% of the laws in the USA violate our natural rights as referenced in the Declaration of Independence.
One can study the works of St. Thomas Aquinas and John Locke to understand my beliefs and supposedly the beliefs of every member of the American Libertarian Party.