4 Minneapolis officers fired in death of black man


Well-Known Member
Dan Bongino on FOX pointed out when the cop had his left knee on the man's neck his right foot was up in the air. That means his weight was completely on the man's neck. Bongino was at a loss to explain why this happened because the man was in cuffs and there's no evidence of any kind of struggle. When Michael Brown attacked that cop, striking him, then charged him when told to stop or he would be shot, that was justifiable. But from this video there doesn't appear to be any valid reason to do what the cop did. It doesn't matter if the victim had a long rap sheet, if he said something that made the officer angry, etc. They had him in custody, handcuffed, and should have put him in the car and drove him to jail.


Inordinately Right
Thugs burned down their top employment opportunity last night.


It will be fine

Well-Known Member
and the difference is? He was able to speak while allegedly being strangled . You would not be able to tell the cop you cant breathe if you actually couldnt breathe.
Choking is when there’s something inside your throat blocking the airway. Being strangled is external. The cop was strangling him with what amounted to uneven pressure on his neck. Sometimes he was able to grab a breath and eek out some words. You people that defend bad cops are deranged.


Full Service
No violence isn't the answer, nor looting. The problem is there is years, decades of pent up emotions surrounding things like this. It keeps happening, more rapidly. We are seeing a breaking point. Some people don't know how to channel those emotions, to use them as a positive force for good. We need guidance. We all play a part. Those of us with hearts and minds must find the way to show others. This weighs heavily on my heart. For my my people, this society, world. I'm not hopeless. I can not stop seeking a positive solution. It's a driving force inside me, I can't turn it off. We have to figure this out. It's always darkest before dawn. Love is the answer, has always been.