4 Minneapolis officers fired in death of black man

Just for kicks, then, list the sequence of events.

Just for kicks.

(Edit: Get it? Just for *kicks*? lol)
There were enough officers present to subdue that situation early on without the significant number of baton strokes. And you could see from the body language of many of the officers, there was not a tense altercation going on there. Most of the officers were somewhat relaxed. There were a large number of them there.


Well-Known Member
There were enough officers present to subdue that situation early on without the significant number of baton strokes. And you could see from the body language of many of the officers, there was not a tense altercation going on there. Most of the officers were somewhat relaxed. There were a large number of them there.

So, what series of events occurred?

Is there a reason you're so allergic to listing them?


Well-Known Member
Dan Bongino on FOX pointed out when the cop had his left knee on the man's neck his right foot was up in the air. .

if you look at the video the man is moving his head around. Everyone can speculate what they think they see. This topic is too sensitive for anyone including bongino to say anything in defense of the cops. even Sean Hanitty a big supporter of the police wouldnt touch it.

One thing i would not be surprised to find out is that those police officers were actually trained to use this style of restraint.

i have a friend who is a retired BC police officer. They received specific training on this type of restraint but were trained to never apply it very long. minutes at the most.
They would have been okay if they had rolled the guy onto his side rather then having him face down.
The city did not pursue charges against King for driving while intoxicated and evading arrest. He was later awarded $3.8 million, as well as $1.7 million in attorney's fees.
if you look at the video the man is moving his head around. Everyone can speculate what they think they see. This topic is too sensitive for anyone including bongino to say anything in defense of the cops. even Sean Hanitty a big supporter of the police wouldnt touch it.

One thing i would not be surprised to find out is that those police officers were actually trained to use this style of restraint.

i have a friend who is a retired BC police officer. They received specific training on this type of restraint but were trained to never apply it very long. minutes at the most.
They would have been okay if they had rolled the guy onto his side rather then having him face down.
I don't believe that you can sit there and look at that tape, just as the community looked at it, and find rationales that could justify what occurred. . . .


Well-Known Member
Choking is when there’s something inside your throat blocking the airway. Being strangled is external. The cop was strangling him with what amounted to uneven pressure on his neck. Sometimes he was able to grab a breath and eek out some words. You people that defend bad cops are deranged.

And the guy was able to move his head around and speak despite your expert medical analysis.


Well-Known Member
The city did not pursue charges against King for driving while intoxicated and evading arrest. He was later awarded $3.8 million, as well as $1.7 million in attorney's fees.

Yes, he won because the city and courts have been biased in favor of minorities for a long time. They're scared to death of the riots that will occur if they cross the minorities too much.

So, you listed the charges that weren't pursued.

List the events.


Well-Known Member
No violence isn't the answer, nor looting. The problem is there is years, decades of pent up emotions surrounding things like this. It keeps happening, more rapidly. We are seeing a breaking point. Some people don't know how to channel those emotions, to use them as a positive force for good. We need guidance. We all play a part. Those of us with hearts and minds must find the way to show others. This weighs heavily on my heart. For my my people, this society, world. I'm not hopeless. I can not stop seeking a positive solution. It's a driving force inside me, I can't turn it off. We have to figure this out. It's always darkest before dawn. Love is the answer, has always been.

i dont understand the pent up anger , dems have given the blacks a wonderful place to live.


Staff member
Where were community leaders like Sharpton and Jackson? Maybe they could have calmed their people down before the looting and burning began. Not like it was any surprise THAT was gonna happen...


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Jump on the media narrative train!!! America is racist! See?! This is perfect!

If you jumped straight to those cops hate blacks and are racist before anything else, go back to your safe room until we can get another clip of white on black for you. You push for the narrative (America is racist) and not the facts.

Stupidity is not racism. Can we wait until the truth is revealed?
Most Americans are not racist like the left media wants you to buy.
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Well-Known Member
Where were community leaders like Sharpton and Jackson? Maybe they could have calmed their people down before the looting and burning began. Not like it was any surprise THAT was gonna happen...

Black leaders love the riots.

The threat of riots are why they can shakedown cities and companies at will. It's their best method to get their way.

The rioters are their army.


Just a turd
looked like it to me , looked like he was able to move his head around too which would seem to indicate he was not pinned to the ground. If he's not pinned hes not being choked.

I do think the cops stayed on him too long. They should have gotten off of him when they saw he was getting quiet. I honestly dont think the guy was suffocated I do believe he had some kind of medical emergency.

its interesting when you watch video one you can even hear his buddy chewing him out for resisting when the cops had tried to put him in the car.

thats the part I want to see. How does a guy thats handcuffed fight off 4 cops for 10 minutes and end up on the other side of the car.
That was a lifeless body they put on the stretcher so I am pretty sure he wasn't talking the entire time he was on his neck. I wouldn't mind seeing the body cam footage to see this 10 minute fight of 1 on 4 while one of them is handcuffed either