4 Minneapolis officers fired in death of black man

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage

Hey man ... I'm friend:censored2:king telling you if I was a poo-lease ...
If you wake me up ... watch out man!
I don't care, you wake me up, I'm gonna knock your MoFoing ass out.

Hey, I gots to call my momma. I'm 42 years old but I still got a momma. I love my momma.
Got to take care of our mommas!


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
I don't give two s:censored2:s what happens to anyone, or how it happens, after they resist arrest.
If you resist, the result, no matter what it is , is on you.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
As he walks around the Wendy's all burnt down, and reaches the drive in ordering station ...

"Hey! I want a number 1 with no onions"
"Damn, I want a quarter pounder!"
"Damn Man! They done burn this place down!
I ain't kidding! S:censored2:t!"

"They shouldn't have called the poo-lease!Even if they pushed the car over to the side"
"Look at that sign!" "WE MATTER" "WE MATTER" "WE MATTER"
"Man! This mother is burned down!"

"LOL! Look at that sign ... Fresh and Hot That's funny as s:censored2:t"

"Their burgers are flame broiled!"


Well-Known Member
I don't give two s:censored2:s what happens to anyone, or how it happens, after they resist arrest.
If you resist, the result, no matter what it is , is on you.

thats the thing about these killings , Its never a choirboy. It seems its always someone being arrested that resist arrests. you point a gun at a cop they are probably going to shoot. In that scenario the cop does not necessarily know that the perp is pointing his taser gun back at or another gun he just pulled out of his waist band. The guy resisted arrest for some reason before being thoroughly searched. He does know the guy just pointed a gun back at him. As a police officer you cant assume anything when someone appears to be pointing a gun at you.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Every incident? Lol must be nice to live in your fantasy world.
"it seems" Any balanced person who read the comment knows it did not mean "every incident "
Really , the only ones we see, "it seems" is of black idiots to incite the stupidity of other idiots.

Fantasy is the world of left loons.

Poop Head

Judge me.
thats the thing about these killings , Its never a choirboy. It seems its always someone being arrested that resist arrests. you point a gun at a cop they are probably going to shoot. In that scenario the cop does not necessarily know that the perp is pointing his taser gun back at or another gun he just pulled out of his waist band. The guy resisted arrest for some reason before being thoroughly searched. He does know the guy just pointed a gun back at him. As a police officer you cant assume anything when someone appears to be pointing a gun at you.
The guy was just trying to take a drunken nap in the wendys drive thru! Since when is that even a crime!?


Full Service
So rather than just admit he's drunk and settle for a possible stupid DUI the idiot refuses to show his ID, resits arrests, physically fights with the cops, steals one of the cops tazer units, runs from the cops and turns around and points the tazer at a cop and we are suppose to feel sorry because the idiot got shot? No--that's not happening.
Even I agree with you on THIS one. Preventable.


Well-Known Member
via the link:
“You can’t have it both ways in law enforcement," Stewart said. “You can’t say a Taser is a nonlethal weapon ... but when an African American grabs it and runs with it, now it’s some kind of deadly, lethal weapon that calls for you to unload on somebody.”


Working on a new degree, Masters in BS Detecting!
Yes, they had body cams running and these have been released.
They back up the police officers' story.

Looking for the body can footage this am on news channels, wasn't released as of her last night.

So had the officers searched the victim before the fight and flight?