4 Minneapolis officers fired in death of black man

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
So the officer should have stood there and taken being tased? This is what is so difficult about being a police officer. People now assume that it's the police who did something wrong when a minority, especially a black, dies. If a suspect is capable of fighting off two cops and has the mental alertness enough to grab a taser and attempts to use it then he's not a "passed out drunk" like some would have you believe to defend his actions.
Sort of a knee jerk over-reaction don't you think
I did not express any notion he "should have stood there and taken being tased?".

My thoughts is that the press and demonstrators will lock onto this and use it against the officer.

Geez! Somebody is touchy today!!!

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
I think the shots were fired after he turned and faced the cops.

If he was shot in the back how could he turn around and aim the Taser?
Brooks was clearly shot in the back! I've posted the video twice showing he was.
He turned and fired the taser and then turned back around and continued to run away.
By the time the officer had drawn his pistol, Brooks back was facing towards the officer.

Watch the video on this page:


Well-Known Member
Sort of a knee jerk over-reaction don't you think
I did not express any notion he "should have stood there and taken being tased?".

My thoughts is that the press and demonstrators will lock onto this and use it against the officer.

Geez! Somebody is touchy today!!!

always. look for the 10 paragraph response next


Well-Known Member
Brooks was clearly shot in the back! I've posted the video twice showing he was.
He turned and fired the taser and then turned back around and continued to run away.
By the time the officer had drawn his pistol, Brooks back was facing towards the officer.

i thought it more instantaneous , perp points gun as he is running away , cop fires


Well-Known Member
Sort of a knee jerk over-reaction don't you think
I did not express any notion he "should have stood there and taken being tased?".

My thoughts is that the press and demonstrators will lock onto this and use it against the officer.

Geez! Somebody is touchy today!!!
You've obviously been influenced by the very touchy Newfie. Now excuse me, I have 10 paragraphs to write! :)

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Sorry, had to fix it.

A news report here has the officer firing 3 times. 3!
Obviously you have never been trained to shoot a pistol!
The training is that if you are shooting at a person that is a threat to you, shoot three times.
I practice all the time and I always pull the trigger three times ... it takes less than a half second.


Well-Known Member
Obviously you have never been trained to shoot a pistol!
The training is that if you are shooting at a person that is a threat to you, shoot three times.
I practice all the time and I always pull the trigger three times ... it takes less than a half second.
Had an argument with my stepdaughter about this. She thinks police should always be aiming for a leg or shoulder, never shoot to kill. Doesn't want to hear that things often happen very fast and officer doesn't have time to be selective. She's an expert because she watches a lot of crime dramas.


nowhere special
Had an argument with my stepdaughter about this. She thinks police should always be aiming for a leg or shoulder, never shoot to kill. Doesn't want to hear that things often happen very fast and officer doesn't have time to be selective. She's an expert because she watches a lot of crime dramas.
Aim for center of mass.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Had an argument with my stepdaughter about this. She thinks police should always be aiming for a leg or shoulder, never shoot to kill. Doesn't want to hear that things often happen very fast and officer doesn't have time to be selective. She's an expert because she watches a lot of crime dramas.
They should be trained to shoot as a last resort, this cop had other options.


Retired 23 years
Had an argument with my stepdaughter about this. She thinks police should always be aiming for a leg or shoulder, never shoot to kill. Doesn't want to hear that things often happen very fast and officer doesn't have time to be selective. She's an expert because she watches a lot of crime dramas.
Because the bad guys always do it like that? Tell your step daughter to get shot at a couple of times and see if she still thinks like this. :-)