705 and 710 forced to accept contract.


Well-Known Member
I believe cachmeifyoucan is right...it is supposed to be February 22nd. I heard this date from a few sources. So 2 more weeks to wait and probably about a month for retro check.

He was also right about the show up to work bonuses going away this check. Most of the new hires want to quit and that’s exactly what UPS wants them to do. It’s a smart move on UPS’ part. Give bonuses so they get workers for peak as hardly anyone would stay for $10/hr. Then take bonuses away 6 months later when workers are no longer needed. They will all quit so UPS won’t have to pay insurance or pension. Next fall the process repeats.


Well-Known Member
Yes many are waiting for 15 a hour boy will they be in shock when it's 13 a hour. Then the loss of hours because lack of volume. 13 a hour will be less than 10.35 plus 200 bonus. They get the retro check then quit. Ups wins every time. Then next peak season 13 a hour won't be enough so the bonus comes back again I think they started September 2017.


Well-Known Member
Anyone making less then $15 currently in 705 will not get a retro check, but don't worry your new $15 wage is also frozen for most of the contract. It's going to be funny to see Union stewards explain this when retro checks are handed out and again in August for the raise.
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Active Member
Just curious why wouldn't they(persons making less than $15) be getting retro pay? They worked without a contract for months.


Well-Known Member
Just curious why wouldn't they(persons making less than $15) be getting retro pay? They worked without a contract for months.

They will. Everyone will be getting a retro check...even someone who got hired this week. The only people I can think of who might not be getting one is someone who is no longer employed by the company.

My understanding from the contract language is if your start date was before Aug 1st 2018 you’ll get $15/hr where everyone hired on or after Aug 1st gets $13/hr.


Well-Known Member
They will. Everyone will be getting a retro check...even someone who got hired this week. The only people I can think of who might not be getting one is someone who is no longer employed by the company.

My understanding from the contract language is if your start date was before Aug 1st 2018 you’ll get $15/hr where everyone hired on or after Aug 1st gets $13/hr.

Wrong. Those who attended seniority as of ratification date will make $15 an hour with no retro pay and will not receive a raise until August 1st. 2021.


Well-Known Member
Doesn’t that contradict what was already said in the 22.5 article about pay increases for part-timers. The wording in the whole thing is so screwed up.




Well-Known Member
I believe that employees that meet the conditions of the LOA that I posted will receive the $15 an hour. For employees that did not attain seniority by ratification date or ones that are newly hired, their wages would follow section 22.5 which you posted. I'm not a business agent so I could be wrong...


Well-Known Member
How quickly will UPS and 705 move to ratify the contract? It's not as if there's a large financial incentive to go slow. Hey at least our president has found something to do in the meantime.

The current 705 slate is all about keeping it's members uniformed. It's not as if there is a world wide way to connect with people and disseminate information.

Teamsters Local 705 - Chicago, IL
A great place to see headshots and read about the 2013 contract.


Active Member
I heard week of the 22nd from many, however the union steward did say the pay increase will be on this week's check we will see..


Well-Known Member
How quickly will UPS and 705 move to ratify the contract? It's not as if there's a large financial incentive to go slow. Hey at least our president has found something to do in the meantime.

The current 705 slate is all about keeping it's members uniformed. It's not as if there is a world wide way to connect with people and disseminate information.

Teamsters Local 705 - Chicago, IL
A great place to see headshots and read about the 2013 contract.
I Admit the website has old news but if you go to a meeting you can get answers for any and all questions. Very transparent and open. IL be at the next meeting on the 3rd Sunday of the month


Active Member
Do any of you know the amount per hour for the retro check? I'm hearing .70 an hour for all the hours worked does that seem correct?


Well-Known Member
Do any of you know the amount per hour for the retro check? I'm hearing .70 an hour for all the hours worked does that seem correct?

If your part-time and haven’t worked for 10+ years your not getting a retro check. 80% of everyone got screwed.