Well-Known Member
I heard around February 22nd. Retro comes a couple weeks after I'm sure.
Just curious why wouldn't they(persons making less than $15) be getting retro pay? They worked without a contract for months.
They will. Everyone will be getting a retro check...even someone who got hired this week. The only people I can think of who might not be getting one is someone who is no longer employed by the company.
My understanding from the contract language is if your start date was before Aug 1st 2018 you’ll get $15/hr where everyone hired on or after Aug 1st gets $13/hr.
I’m so confused now lol. Nobody has received the $15/hr so would they get retro pay at least from Jan 21st?
I Admit the website has old news but if you go to a meeting you can get answers for any and all questions. Very transparent and open. IL be at the next meeting on the 3rd Sunday of the monthHow quickly will UPS and 705 move to ratify the contract? It's not as if there's a large financial incentive to go slow. Hey at least our president has found something to do in the meantime.
The current 705 slate is all about keeping it's members uniformed. It's not as if there is a world wide way to connect with people and disseminate information.
Teamsters Local 705 - Chicago, IL
A great place to see headshots and read about the 2013 contract.
Do any of you know the amount per hour for the retro check? I'm hearing .70 an hour for all the hours worked does that seem correct?