710 vote results?


You can't hurt my feelings, I left them at home.
RTW is the lazy reform movement. Get to meetings, prove your leadership, Don't sit back and wait for republicans to fix your union with RTW and anti-prevailing wage laws, cause you won't have a union

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I wish I could believe that they are simply lazy. I'm sure a percentage of them seek reform in that misguided, chaos creating way by backing the big corporations in pushing RTW but I believe the vast majority of them have been brainwashed by right wing radio and Fox news to believe they are good for labor. Isn't it amazing that they can't reason that if large corporations, billionaire owners, CEO's and the like back RTW'S BY dumping billions into republican party campaigns to push agendas like this, that they certainly aren't looking out for the interests of the union workers, or workers in general. Can you just hear the CEO of UPS in the board room at a meeting discussing how he backs RTW laws because he cares about his union employees and wants to make sure that there union memberships remain intact so they can keep paying the highest wages in the industry with the best benefits. WTH!!! Some of these "union" members really believe that RTW increases unionization. That's right Atomic, Big corporations want RTW because they want more unions, more union labor and higher wages. That's it!!!!!!! Wake up people!


Light 'em up!
Any info on these four??
Improved vacation pay for more than 6,000 Local 710 members

On the payday immediately preceding an Employee’s vacation he shall be paid his vacation pay computed on the basis of forty-five (45) hours per week at his then current straight time hourly rate. Beginning in the vacation year of 2015 one (1) week of eligible vacation pay shall be computed by multiplying fifty (50) times the Employee’s straight time hourly rate, two (2) weeks of eligible vacation pay at fifty (50) straight time hours for vacation year 2016, and four (4) weeks of eligible vacation pay at fifty (50) straight time hours vacation year 2017. Beginning in the vacation period for 2018, all eligible vacations will be paid at fifty (50) times the Employee’s straight time hourly rate.

Increased flexibility for use of holiday and vacation days

When the Company allows an employee to take an entire workweek off without pay, and said employee has an optional holiday or single vacation day available, the employee shall be allowed to use the optional holiday or single vacation day.

Increased credit in wage progression for part-time workers moving to full-time

Those qualified part-timers currently in the progression who have worked in the package car classification or feeder classification within the past twelve (12) months (it used to be 6 months), who subsequently bid into a permanent opening after working as a vacation coverage or seasonal drivers shall have all days worked as such driver deducted from the applicable progression for package or feeder drivers in this agreement.

550 new full-time job opportunities for part-time UPS worker

11. The parties agree that providing part-time employees the opportunity to become full-time employees is a priority of this Agreement. According, the Employer commits that during the life of this Agreement, it will offer part-time employees the opportunity to fill at least five hundred and fifty (550) (500) permanent full-time job openings throughout its operations TENTATIVE AGREEMENT covered by this agreement. It is understood that the five hundred and fifty (550) jobs will include any full time job openings.

The Employer shall, wherever possible, reschedule part-time employees to make additional full-time jobs or combination fulltime job. Existing 25.11 Employee shall not be forced to leave their jobs for coverage work. No part-time employee shall be laid off or suffer a loss of a job as result of creating a full-time combination job under this Article or Article 46. More jobs may be added by mutual agreement after six-month reviews. In order to enable the Union to enforce and monitor this provision, the Employer shall provide a quarterly report to the Local 710 Business Agent containing the location of each job created under this Section during the previous quarter and the identity of the jobs combined to create the positions.

The number of full time jobs created under Article 25 section 11 of the 1997 – 2002 and the 2002 – 2008 Agreements shall not be reduced.

Part-time employees shall be selected for full time openings in accordance with the procedures contained in this agreement.

friend there is a reduction in volume causing layoffs, the Employer’s obligations under this section shall be null and void.

(a). Full-time Combination employees will be offered extra work for their assigned shift using company seniority. When scheduling extra work on a holiday or special sort. Qualified full-time combination employees will be offered extra work, with in their sort, using total company seniority. It is understood the employees performing this work will be paid for the hours worked on these days at the applicable overtime rate provided they complete their bid work week.

Improved vacation pay for more than 6,000 Local 710 members

On the payday immediately preceding an Employee’s vacation he shall be paid his vacation pay computed on the basis of forty-five (45) hours per week at his then current straight time hourly rate. Beginning in the vacation year of 2015 one (1) week of eligible vacation pay shall be computed by multiplying fifty (50) times the Employee’s straight time hourly rate, two (2) weeks of eligible vacation pay at fifty (50) straight time hours for vacation year 2016, and four (4) weeks of eligible vacation pay at fifty (50) straight time hours vacation year 2017. Beginning in the vacation period for 2018, all eligible vacations will be paid at fifty (50) times the Employee’s straight time hourly rate.

Increased flexibility for use of holiday and vacation days

When the Company allows an employee to take an entire workweek off without pay, and said employee has an optional holiday or single vacation day available, the employee shall be allowed to use the optional holiday or single vacation day.

Increased credit in wage progression for part-time workers moving to full-time

Those qualified part-timers currently in the progression who have worked in the package car classification or feeder classification within the past twelve (12) months (it used to be 6 months), who subsequently bid into a permanent opening after working as a vacation coverage or seasonal drivers shall have all days worked as such driver deducted from the applicable progression for package or feeder drivers in this agreement.

550 new full-time job opportunities for part-time UPS worker

11. The parties agree that providing part-time employees the opportunity to become full-time employees is a priority of this Agreement. According, the Employer commits that during the life of this Agreement, it will offer part-time employees the opportunity to fill at least five hundred and fifty (550) (500) permanent full-time job openings throughout its operations TENTATIVE AGREEMENT covered by this agreement. It is understood that the five hundred and fifty (550) jobs will include any full time job openings.

The Employer shall, wherever possible, reschedule part-time employees to make additional full-time jobs or combination fulltime job. Existing 25.11 Employee shall not be forced to leave their jobs for coverage work. No part-time employee shall be laid off or suffer a loss of a job as result of creating a full-time combination job under this Article or Article 46. More jobs may be added by mutual agreement after six-month reviews. In order to enable the Union to enforce and monitor this provision, the Employer shall provide a quarterly report to the Local 710 Business Agent containing the location of each job created under this Section during the previous quarter and the identity of the jobs combined to create the positions.

The number of full time jobs created under Article 25 section 11 of the 1997 – 2002 and the 2002 – 2008 Agreements shall not be reduced.

Part-time employees shall be selected for full time openings in accordance with the procedures contained in this agreement.

friend there is a reduction in volume causing layoffs, the Employer’s obligations under this section shall be null and void.

(a). Full-time Combination employees will be offered extra work for their assigned shift using company seniority. When scheduling extra work on a holiday or special sort. Qualified full-time combination employees will be offered extra work, with in their sort, using total company seniority. It is understood the employees performing this work will be paid for the hours worked on these days at the applicable overtime rate provided they complete their bid work week.

Thanks for the info.


You can't hurt my feelings, I left them at home.
Don't know much about Coli, how is he handled his new position

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He has been thrown into a sh#@ storm. I suppose he has been doing the best he can with what he has to work with. That being said, he is a pawn for his superiors in Washington. We received that message load and clear with the new contract proposal/railroad job.