just vote no on the contract if you do not like the wage packet.
Its in ups's best interest to raise the p-time starting wage. The turn over rate is ridiculous and if they ever plan on keeping a good p-time work force they need to. Now without the medical for a year that is a concession while they gain 6 months for family coverage earlier. I started for the medical not the pay. How many of our older (25 and up) p-timers are here for the medical? How many will apply for $8.50 next aug with no benefits? With no new 22.3 jobs how long will it take to get a friend-time job in the future? It is not as appealing to a career minded indivdual to start at ups during this contract, and remember todays p-timers are tomorrows friend-timers.This is not the first thread on this subject. A part-time job is exactly as stated, part-time. Part-time jobs=part-time pay. Why should UPS pay higher wages for part-time work? A part-time job is not meant to be the soul source of a persons income. Go work somewhere else part-time for a buck or two more an hour, without full medical benefits. Sure its tough work, but you would be hard-pressed to find a full-time job that offers full medical benefits with little or no cost to you.
Well there are two points here. First of all what they are saying is that now they will not pay for benefits for a full 12 months now and 18 months for spouse and children, yet the reward is zero improvement to the starting wage and only an extra 50 cent bump to the 90 day raise! So in fact for 3 months at $8.50, and 9 months at $9.50, it is only an $8.50-$9.50 per hour job with no benefits, no holiday pay, no vacations, no sick days, no disability coverage, no life insurance and no increase to the chart rates of pay for air driving either by the way. So UPS is saving a TON OF MONEY for the first 12 to 18 months of every new part timer! So if the $14 per hour you qoute is true, please supply verification, then why are we not voting NO and raising the starting pay to $10 and a $2 raise at one year? They are saving $14 per hour for 12 months and a good portion of that for another 6 months so the increases I speak of should be more than offset.It continues to amaze me how people keep forgetting about the hourly cost to UPS for all those benefits you get.
$8.50/hr + $14.00/ hr benefits adds up to $22.50 /hr.
In addition, in some places where the jobs are only 2hrs per day, the company contributes 4 hrs of benefit pay/ day.
If all you want is the money, then you should have told the Teamsters that's the most important thing. UPS doesn't care how it gets divided up, it costs them the same no matter what!!!
Just remember it's not an $8.50/hr job! Why is this so hard for people to understand.
Remember the big fish always eats the little ones!
You mention the $14 cost including sick days, well they do not get any for 3 years. You mention vacations but they get zero 1st year, 1 the 2nd, and 2 per year for the next 8 YEARS. You mention medical but as it is now they do not get benefits for 90 to 120 days, no vision coverage for 6 months, and no dental for 12 months as it is now. The social security match is paid regardless as it is by all employers.KTB,
Your making my point. To be a sound business that operates within some costs parameters, UPS would gladly pay a higher wage rate if they didn't have to pay an additional $14.00/hr in benefits. That $14.00/ hr pays for your sick days, vacations, medical insurance, dental care, vision, retirement plan, social security match....
I understand $8.50 is a low wage and I understand that our people work hard, the point is you can't have it both ways. I can assure you the Teamsters don't ever want the benefits taken away and the money paid in wages. Think about it, how many of those part timers ever use their medical, how many will ever draw a pension, this is money that helps the teamsters keep your benefits level where it is today.
The teamsters love the low pay rate because turnover is a good thing for them. Every dollar paid into the benefits that are never used by a young kid is gravy. The Union doesn't care how many people UPS has to hire. They get the initiation fee for everyone of these people that do come to work here. Ask the leadership if they would be willing to absolve the benefits and go for a larger part time hourly rate and see what they say? They'll twist it and say that UPS should be able to offer both, it's just not economically feasible.
Remember the big fish always eats the little ones!
Great ideas!!!!Exactly, Like you said in your 3rd point. "it's hard to balance that against exorbitant managerial pay and incentive packages as well as escalating top hourly pay."
We don't need our top hourly pay to go up any more than it already is. Maybe a cost of livng type system at most.
We need to draw in better quality part timers and the reality is, $$$ talks.
Maybe keep the start at $8.50 but after 30 days seniority bring it up .50 then another 30 up it $1.00 then after 90 maybe up .50 then after a yr. bring em up $1.00
So after a yr. in the part timer is at $11.00 hrly. Then from there.... You get the picture exelerate the 1st year or 2 in raises to draw in people with potential to last and work well and these early raises will reduce the risk of lossing them. Make them prove themslve's the 1st 90 then give them a reason to stay.
The drivers know how important it is to keep good quality and long term pre-loaders and sorters. It can help in many ways and a crapy below Mcdonalds grade part timer can make your sort's in the truck a real nightmare!!
Plus the part timers will 1 day be taking up into driven positions cause they will have 1st bids before outsiders so do you want a lower class of drivers moving in during the next 10 yrs or so or do you want a secure future with good potential drivers???
I just read all the posts in this forum... what is this I hear about having to wait a year to 18 mths to receive benefits for myself and my family? I am going to be starting work on October 23rd. I am going to be working as a pre-loader. I am trying to find out when my benefits will actually kick in. My wife and I currently have no benefit coverage, so it's important that we know when the medical, dental, and vision will kick in for the both of us.
This is not the first thread on this subject. A part-time job is exactly as stated, part-time. Part-time jobs=part-time pay. Why should UPS pay higher wages for part-time work? A part-time job is not meant to be the soul source of a persons income. Go work somewhere else part-time for a buck or two more an hour, without full medical benefits. Sure its tough work, but you would be hard-pressed to find a full-time job that offers full medical benefits with little or no cost to you.
Not only are the wages a bad thing. If you are planning to go full time. GOOD LUCK! They want a 60 day probation period. They will abuse members who are on the brink of full time. And to and insult to injury it will take you 3 years to make top pay. So you will make little over minimum wage starting out, no benifits for a year, work an average of 10 years or longer partime, then when you get a chance to drive they will play with you for a couple of more years, so now you've been wating to make a good wage and you've been with UPS for 10 to 12 years and it will be 15 years into your slavery here to make a decent wage. So your 401k will suffer because you were not able to contribute for the first 15 years. The Contract offer is the worst in UPS history!!!!!!!!!!!!!![]()