You have obviously never worked part time or you wouldn't say that. Part time UPS is manual labor. It isn't some weekend job ripping tickets at a movie theater it's 4 hours Monday through Friday of hard work. The summer heat in a trailer that has been sitting in the yard is like an oven. Christmas is something so bad I've blocked it from my memory. Go bail hay or work as a roofer for 4 hours and then do entry level hub work for the same amount of time (I've done all of the above). Hub work is harder.
Full timers should make more than part timers. I don't think anyone (even the part timers) argue that point. However asking people to do back breaking work without benefits (we are talking about this contract not the way it used to be) for $1.25 more than the 16 year old kid ripping movie tickets is ridiculous.
I have followed forum topics at BC for many years and have never been stimulated to post until now. I worked reload while in college in the mid 80s for 4 years and have been peddling freight since 89. Survived bitter cold in the winter, oppressively humid heat in the summer, periods of severe micro-management by incompetent supervisors during my driving days. All of that is gravy compared to memories of unloading freight out of 100% trailers that had been sitting in the sun all day, loading pups (the worst job of all), and then washing every car in extreme cold with the doors open. And those are just the worst memories. Even athletes who lift weights every day would suffer the next morning after a night or morning of moving boxes at UPS.
So I can't agree more with the outrage of these early posters about the wages and benefits provisions in this contract proposal. In 85 I started at 8 bucks for unskilled work and progressed to 8.50 with seniority. Out of that small paycheck I had to pay union dues so my first few checks were were really light. The kicker at least was knowing that I was insured at 80% because I wasn't on my parents health plan anymore. UPS hired a lot of college students back then and my coworkers were clearly motivated by money and benefits.
Fast forward to 2008. Apparently the starting wages will be the same as 23 years ago. The wait period for benefits will be much longer. The carrot of full time that is out there for the interested is much longer than in my day and the seniority period and wage progression is MUCH longer. So how do they attract good help so that my load is decent, my freight is in good shape by the time it gets to me, and all the other variables that we depend on part-timers for are taken care of?
Part-timers have been screwed in negotiations for the last several contracts. It is time they used the power of their vote and stood up for themselves. Don't be bought by some signing bonus or be coerced by management. I'm not happy with some of the proposals such as a split wage increase and I am pleased that some work issues such as 9 and a half days and TAW are being addressed. But this contract hoses the part-timers. Contact a steward and go to local meetings for more info so you can fight for the right of a decent contract in exchange for very hard work.