8hr day question.


Well-Known Member
Exactly. That's why air drivers on Saturday use code 05. It's waives the 8 hours, but they still have to take a lunch. It doesn't waive sandwich time.

The purpose of Code 05 is work for hours only, punch to punch. You are not required to take a lunch when you work Code 05 unless you work more than 8 hours. If this is the case you would change your pay code back to 06.

Our Saturday air drivers generally work 4-5 hours. There are times when we do pickup air packages that need to be shuttled to Syracuse. On those days a lunch would be taken but other than that it is punch to punch, no lunch.

Maybe he's just used to opening wide for management. Bet he misses those scab days.

Those unable to discuss the issue in a rational manner resort to personal attacks.


nowhere special
05 just means you don't get the 8 hour guarantee like with 06, so is usually used for under 8 but doesn't have to be that way. If you have over 8 it is pretty meaningless unless its a question of whether a lunch is automatically deducted from paid day.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Geezus!! What are you an idiot!!
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