8years with the company I got fired for marijuana use


Well-Known Member
What.... ?

Have you ever read the contract ?

Section 3.8 Reasonable Cause Testing

"Upon reasonable cause, UPS will require an employee to be tested for the use of controlled substances."

Section 3.13 Disciplinary Action

b. "Refusal to submit to a reasonable cause drug test is a dischargeable offense."

That has to be the dumbest :censored2: I've ever heard.


Lol I was like

"is this guy for real!!"


Well-Known Member
Well, unfortunately, maybe too late for you, but just an angle on all this. As best as I can tell, there is nothing, absolutely nothing, in the contract that compells you to submit to any drug or alcohol test. I've had a Center Manager tell this to me and small group of older guys. He suggested that if anyone knew they were going to be asked to be tested and also knew that they would likely test positive to absolutely not submit to the testing. No matter what they threaten you with, if you simply punch out, notify your BA and go home, you'll likely live to fight another day. If you think you'll be ambushed in the building, punch out in the yard somewhere and just leave your DIAD in your package car and get the hell off the property and home.

I was wondering who in there right mind would "like" your post....

Then it all made sense when I saw who.

You're absolutely wrong and should read the contract again on the subject.


The truth never changes.
The last driver who got busted for ovi was allowed to drive to and from work but was not allowed to drive a "commercial vehicle".


Well-Known Member
DUI is a different story, and penalties depend on state law.

Here, you refuse the test and then plead guilty.

Your license is only suspended for 6 months, instead of a year.

(that's what all the judges and lawyers do when they get popped)


Plus, you get generous driving privileges for work.

Some states, if you refuse.... they can force a blood draw.

Either way, a UPS driver is going in for an evaluation and possible rehab.

It all depends on the evaluation by the SAP, and review by the MRO.

If you are a driver.... think, before you drink and drive.

Smoking dope on the company property and going in to work ? The OP is toast.

There is no financial incentive, for the company to work with him.


Even if they are a "really hard worker"?

Richard Harrow

OP is finished.

We had a guy walked off last year after the center manager picked him up after he had called in an injury.

The center manager was driving him to a doctor and there it was - a bag of the Jamaican Lambswool right on top of the pile in plain sight in this guy's wide open book bag.

He was told resign and keep what you've accrued in pension (he had somewhere between 13 and 15 years) or be fired.

Method Mensch

Well-Known Member
I was wondering who in there right mind would "like" your post....

Then it all made sense when I saw who.

You're absolutely wrong and should read the contract again on the subject.
You might be missing the point. Would you rather be facing a positive drug test or an insubordination charge? Or whatever other accusations they could throw at you?


Light 'em up!
You might be missing the point. Would you rather be facing a positive drug test or an insubordination charge?

What insubordination charge are you talking about?

A positive drug test and a refusal to submit to a drug test have the same contractual outcome....discharge. There is no insubordination here, there is a contractual discharge. @BigUnionGuy already posted the language, but I guess you need a little more help.

Section 3.8 Reasonable Cause Testing

"Upon reasonable cause, UPS will require an employee to be tested for the use of controlled substances."

Section 3.13 Disciplinary Action

b. "Refusal to submit to a reasonable cause drug test is a dischargeable offense."


Light 'em up!
There is no financial incentive, for the company to work with him.

Correct. If they were short staffed and have trouble keeping their staffing levels as needed, the center manager could have "looked the other way."

As is, once he was confronted and asked to take a drug test or resign...."game over."


Well-Known Member
Early on in my career we had a senior driver come in who was still drunk from the night before. We would not let him punch in and our mgt team told him to go home. He came back to work the next day and it was like nothing had happened.


Well-Known Member
UPS fired me for consuming marijuana before I went in to work. It was in property. I stated I was dealing with an addiction and needed help. Despite rumors of “potheads” I have management and co workers who know and will attest to me being a very hard worker, a team player, always with a smile and good attitude always willing to help, and over all a good person. They stated even with a grievance hearing they would not accept me back. Anyone ever been in this situation before how’d it turn out my union rep says it’s not for sure but he/she is sure they can get my job back but that it was going to take time. Any advice other then I have already quit using and am looking into MA classes for help with my addiction

Hold on... so you admittedly distorted your mental state of awareness, right before driving a 12,000lb death machine, and aren't sure why they fired you?

Thats exactly why they fired you. And its a good thing they did.

If you wrecked into a car with children in it because you wanted to wake and bake and killed MY kid... its not even legal for me to say online what I would do to you. No one should be driving a UPS truck who isnt completely sober, let alone tying one on right before work...


Got the T-Shirt
Hold on... so you admittedly distorted your mental state of awareness, right before driving a 12,000lb death machine, and aren't sure why they fired you?

Thats exactly why they fired you. And its a good thing they did.

If you wrecked into a car with children in it because you wanted to wake and bake and killed MY kid... its not even legal for me to say online what I would do to you. No one should be driving a UPS truck who isnt completely sober, let alone tying one on right before work...

I completely understand your point and totally agree.

Based on the OP's statement in post #32.... sounds like he is a part-timer.

quad decade guy

Well-Known Member
My whole center would have been fired if thats the case--including a couple of Center Managers. In the summer after work someone always had a few beers on ice stashed in their pickup.

That was then...I've consumed alcohol provided by the Company at a dinner function paid for by UPS. Never on Company property. It was always kind of tense getting alcohol as a gift from customers and going through the guard shack and all, office etc. Now, imagine someone getting killed or killing a civilian after your parking lot keggers. I believe it's generally overall, a bad idea to do drugs(that includes alcohol) on UPS property. I have a conceal/carry firearm permit. The law states illegal when property has posted signs. So, I NEVER bring a firearm on the UPS property(including the parking lot). Never drank alcohol in UPS browns at a restaurant way off the clock. If ever meeting my family at a restaurant on say a Friday night(to save time), wife always brought a change of clothes. Too much? Well, some * here have wondered how I ever lasted 40 years? That's how. Don't give em anything to use against you is the message.
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Well-Known Member
My former center did not have a guard shack and it was common practice for the guys to stop at their cars to drop off their stuff and start them up before going in to the building. That made it much easier to put any alcohol related gifts in to our cars without anyone knowing.

One day I was on a S&V ride during the winter and my on car and I decided to play a prank on another driver. He had started his car and we turned the thermostat down to cold and put the AC on. He was NOT a happy camper!

I stopped going to my car when I leased one with a remote car starter. :)

quad decade guy

Well-Known Member
My former center did not have a guard shack and it was common practice for the guys to stop at their cars to drop off their stuff and start them up before going in to the building. That made it much easier to put any alcohol related gifts in to our cars without anyone knowing.

One day I was on a S&V ride during the winter and my on car and I decided to play a prank on another driver. He had started his car and we turned the thermostat down to cold and put the AC on. He was NOT a happy camper!

I stopped going to my car when I leased one with a remote car starter. :)

We have to carry all our sleeper stuff through the guard shack and parking lot, this includes our mattress(imagine what that's like, every week). We can't count on our truck being there as it's a rental and :censored2: dispatch gives it away for CPU work! I don't give the company any chance to accuse me of anything.

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
We have to carry all our sleeper stuff through the guard shack and parking lot, this includes our mattress(imagine what that's like, every week). We can't count on our truck being there as it's a rental and :censored2: dispatch gives it away for CPU work! I don't give the company any chance to accuse me of anything.
You guys use a sleeper cab for CPU pickups? Sounds like a real pain. Sometimes the CPU drivers have to back into a door at the Hub with their day cabs instead of a jockey tractor. Takes them a while.

quad decade guy

Well-Known Member
You guys use a sleeper cab for CPU pickups? Sounds like a real pain. Sometimes the CPU drivers have to back into a door at the Hub with their day cabs instead of a jockey tractor. Takes them a while.
I didn't say it was very smart. Think about nasty cpu drivers using your mattress and bedding to lay on. Snacks, water whatever.


Retired 23 years
That was then...I've consumed alcohol provided by the Company at a dinner function paid for by UPS. Never on Company property. It was always kind of tense getting alcohol as a gift from customers and going through the guard shack and all, office etc. Now, imagine someone getting killed or killing a civilian after your parking lot keggers. I believe it's generally overall, a bad idea to do drugs(that includes alcohol) on UPS property. I have a conceal/carry firearm permit. The law states illegal when property has posted signs. So, I NEVER bring a firearm on the UPS property(including the parking lot). Never drank alcohol in UPS browns at a restaurant way off the clock. If ever meeting my family at a restaurant on say a Friday night(to save time), wife always brought a change of clothes. Too much? Well, some A wholes here have wondered how I ever lasted 40 years? That's how. Don't give em anything to use against you is the message.
I was never one to worry.