

Long Time Member
Klein....I've supported you and went to bat for you, but you're messing with Sacred Ground here. Do Not Ever downplay our 9/11 tragedy to a crummy beer commercial. I will give you the benefit of the doubt and state that you missed the point of the Bud commercial because you are CDN and not USA.
I will not give you the benefit of not realizing what is inappropriate and what is not to us Americans (Libs and Cons).

Please THINK before posting. I am not a "Klein is a :censored2: jerk" person, and please don't take my comments directly....but I don't want to go there. Got me?


Moreluck, hate to bragHate to brag? that's like saying Lindsay Lohan hates alcohol. like saying Rob Reiner hates second portions, like Carrie from Sex and the City hates shoes., but our Molson commercial tops Bud by far !

Just watched the video(the one Klein posted.), another excuse for the Chairman of the Board of "everything Canadian is great" to blow his own patriotic horn.
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Strength through joy
klein and any others who wish to embrace the terrorists,
you are FOOLS.
and when with your help they do take over, you will the first ones they kill.
Even they realize your worthlessness.


There is more to come of that. You know it, I know it.
As long as there are people like Tie and Baba that want to burn Korans and keep the enemy peed off, it will continue.
Hey Klein, I just burned the flag of Edmonton,(I 've been doing this once a day for the last year or so) does that give you the right to blow up an American building?
Same , ofcourse works on the other side.

Some people just don't want to forgive and forget.
And the hatred will go on and on. - With concequences.

Why can't we just all get along ?
Again, because of people like Tie and Baba, and they have those same people and attitudes in the muslim world,. too . !

So many of you believe in Adam and Eve.... yet you turn around and make another race or religion, if they weren't humans and not from the human race god once created.

It's 1 or the other.
Can't have it both ways !

Nope, can't have it both ways at all. http://www.frugal-cafe.com/public_h...ives-threatened-911-families-speak-out-video/


Just watched the video, another excuse for the Chairman of the Board of "everything Canadian is great" to blow his own patriotic horn.
Man,I have to agree.
a few words to describe klein


Für Meno :)
ok, I do admit, I missed the point of this thread entirely.
Probably didn't even know I was on a 9/1`1 thread at the time.

I just seen more's commercial, and didn't know it was a 9/11 one.

Sorry folks, didn't want to be unsensitive to this matter.


Well-Known Member
OMG......Christian Nuts can be added to this all-star list of Holy terrorists:....

John Patrick Bedell – deranged right wing conspiracy theorist shoots it out with Pentagon Force Protection Agency Officers, wounding two.

Joseph Stack – anti-government, right wing extremist, flies his plane, kamikaze style, into an Austin, Texas building in which IRS offices are located, killing one American along with himself.

Scott Roeder – right wing extremist and pro-life religious zealot murders Dr. Tiller at his church in Kansas.

James von Brunn – White supremacist, Anti-Semite shoots and kills a security guard at the Holocaust museum in Washington DC.

Jim D. Adkisson – right wing extremist who hated blacks, gays and liberals, shoots and kills two Americans inside a church located in Knoxville, Tennessee.

Richard Poplawski – right wing extremist, believing that President Obama is going to take away his guns, ambushes and kills three Pittsbugh, PA policemen at his mothers front door.

James Cummings – Wealthy white supremacist, American Nazi party sympathizer, shot dead by his abused wife. Police found materials for a dirty bomb in the basement of his Bangor Maine home. Cummings was planing to kill fellow American citizens.

Timothy McVeigh – Right wing extremist blows up the Alfred P. Murrah Federal building in Oklahoma City, OK., killing 168 American men, women and children.

Eric Rudolph – right wing extremist, set off bombs at Olympic Park, in Georgia and committing a series of bombings across the Southern United States, most bombings were directed at abortion clinics

There you have it.
The American Taliban hide under the guise of Christianity.
The Afghan/Saudi Taliban hide under the guise of Islam.


Staff member
I don't know. I have a hard time calling it "sacred ground". I'm not offended by the commercial, but if they filmed one with the Bud Beer Wagon following the steps of Christ, from the Mount of Olives to the chambers of the Sanhedrin to Pilates courtyard, Golgotha and the Empty Tomb, I would be greatly offended. That is Sacred. This commercial just seems quintessentially American to me. Respectful in a slightly melodramatic way.
ok, I do admit, I missed the point of this thread entirely.
Probably didn't even know I was on a 9/1`1 thread at the time.

I just seen more's commercial, and didn't know it was a 9/11 one.

Sorry folks, didn't want to be unsensitive to this matter.

Yea, I guess the 9-11-10 in the title was a bit deceiving.


golden ticket member
This day isn't about "other" bombers. It's about 2 towers in N.Y. just 9 years ago today and all the people who lost their lives and the families they left behind....



Age quod agis

Where were you?

When the aircraft hit the towers:
I was pulling 53' trailer full of GEMS (GE Medical) freight with a single axle Ford tractor, when the AM talk radio show reported breaking news, an airplane hit the World Trade Center in New York City. I was backing that trailer into the dock at GE when the second plane struck.


golden ticket member
I was still in bed (west coast) and my friend from the east coast called and woke me up and said to turn on my TV fast........My eyes didn't leave that screen all day. I just watched the video Cheryl posted in the media section and even 9 years later I find it to be so horribly unbelievable!!