

Well-Known Member
There is more to come of that. You know it, I know it.
As long as there are people like Tie and Baba that want to burn Korans and keep the enemy peed off, it will continue.

Sorry but I don't think tie and baba hijacked a few planes and killed three thousand people. That's kinda weak even for you.


Well-Known Member
"Your weak attempt to relate some obviously mentally sick whackos with organized, concerted , terrorist groups is astounding. Thanks for an even more insulting highjack of the thread meant to bring memory of an attack on your own home land."

TRPLNKL.....take your negative rep and cry me a river of crocidile tears.....Your silence speaks volumes while this thread was already hijacked by those portraying Klein as a child molester and of those not capable of forgiving the Muslim people for 9/11. Why do Muslims need people's (mostly white Conservative Christian's) forgiveness to begin with ? We are talking about 19 murderous criminals and their network that falsely used their religion as excuses for political purposes and martyrdom.

It is so tiresome of hearing that 1.5 billion muslims are responsible for 9/11. The point being, by exposing Domestic Terrorists who have envoked their religious tenents for their atrocities, we have not, as a society paint such a dark picture like we do Muslims....Should we tar all rightwingers and all Christians with the same broad brush that ignorant people want to paint all Muslims with?

Here's what so sad and much more insulting that takes away remembering the events of 9/11, the victims/heros, and their families....

This Christian minister who vowed all week to go ahead with plans to burn copies of the Koran to protest the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks despite warnings from the White House and the top U.S. general in Afghanistan that doing so would endanger American troops overseas, and missionary workers.

Right wing pundits compares the hateful act of burning Qurans to building a community outreach center with a prayer room 2and 1/2 blocks away from ground zero....

Fox attacking President Obama's decision to attend a 9-11 memorial at the Pentagon rather than the World Trade Center site.

At ground zero, Sept. 11 gets political
In between, on the streets near ground zero, anger frothed over with ugly exchanges. An elderly woman was knocked down and and was tended to by police, a Muslim man with a small child in a stroller was shouted at for several minutes by an anti-mosque protester, and an attention-seeking man ripped and burned pages of the Quran.
The anger wasn't limited to the mosque issue. Anti-abortion activists set up shop on Church Street, where a candlelight vigil in support of the mosque was held the night before by organizers who didn't want to hold an event on the anniversary, and set up graphic signs often shown at anti0abortion rallies.

Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0910/42016.html#ixzz0zIuFXGXu

So sorry Trplnkl, to have insulted and hijacked this thread in your opinion, but if you can get over your little hissy fit, there are much more insulting events going on to bring down the memory of an attack on our homeland as I listed above.....so sorry you can't handle the Christian Holy Right Wing Domestic Terrorist references.....
I really didn't want to get into this off topic highjack of your's on this thread, but you forced my hand.
TRPLNKL.....take your negative rep and cry me a river of crocidile tears.....Your silence speaks volumes while this thread was already hijacked by those portraying Klein as a child molester and of those not capable of forgiving the Muslim people for 9/11. Why do Muslims need people's (mostly white Conservative Christian's) forgiveness to begin with ? We are talking about 19 murderous criminals and their network that falsely used their religion as excuses for political purposes and martyrdom.

It is so tiresome of hearing that 1.5 billion muslims are responsible for 9/11. The point being, by exposing Domestic Terrorists who have envoked their religious tenents for their atrocities, we have not, as a society paint such a dark picture like we do Muslims....Should we tar all rightwingers and all Christians with the same broad brush that ignorant people want to paint all Muslims with?
It seems that listening to Keith O has sapped all of your ability to understand what I was trying to convey to you, so sorry it went < swooosh> right over your head.
Obviously the neg rep did exactly what I intended, it got your attention. However your lack of understanding of a couple of short simple sentences trumped any common sense you may have had. The POINT IS, the domestic terrorist whackos you posted all acted alone or with maybe a couple of accomplices. On the other hand the jihadists that flew planes into the WTC and the Pentagon were part of a world wide group numbering in the tens of thousand(or more) people that are driven by their interpritation of their own "holy book".
You have never read where I said that all muslims were terrorist jihadist. What % would you think a fair estimate? 1%...more...less?

Here's what so sad and much more insulting that takes away remembering the events of 9/11, the victims/heros, and their families....

This Christian minister who vowed all week to go ahead with plans to burn copies of the Koran to protest the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks despite warnings from the White House and the top U.S. general in Afghanistan that doing so would endanger American troops overseas, and missionary workers.
What is sad and gives legs to muslim haters is that when the minister vowed to burn korans(which BTW was not something I was in favor of) that obviously belonged to him or his congregation , right way thousands of muslims vowed to KILL Americans. Were there any threats of death to muslims from objectionists of the mosque/cc to be built just 550 feet from ground zero? If there were such threats, they were few and far between.
Right wing pundits compares the hateful act of burning Qurans to building a community outreach center with a prayer room 2and 1/2 blocks away from ground zero....
550 feet.....the "blocks" in NYC are very short in distance.

Fox attacking President Obama's decision to attend a 9-11 memorial at the Pentagon rather than the World Trade Center site.
Was it Fox News or one of the opinion shows doing this? There is a difference. I have not heard it, but I don't watch Fox near as much as you might think.

At ground zero, Sept. 11 gets political
In between, on the streets near ground zero, anger frothed over with ugly exchanges. An elderly woman was knocked down and and was tended to by police, a Muslim man with a small child in a stroller was shouted at for several minutes by an anti-mosque protester, and an attention-seeking man ripped and burned pages of the Quran.
The anger wasn't limited to the mosque issue. Anti-abortion activists set up shop on Church Street, where a candlelight vigil in support of the mosque was held the night before by organizers who didn't want to hold an event on the anniversary, and set up graphic signs often shown at anti0abortion rallies.
Did you see all this on fox news as well? Please don't pretend that all anger comes from just the "extreme right", cuz you know it just aint so. It is a fact, when you get that many people together in one place there may well be violence( I do not think it's right, just possible) As far as the anti-abortionist, if they have a permit (?) they have the right to demonstrate as well, showing those videos is what they do. I would be very surprised if there were absolutely no left agenda issues being addressed also, but I doubt that Chis Matthews would tell you about those. Where there is an audience, there will be performers.

Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0910/42016.html#ixzz0zIuFXGXu

So sorry Trplnkl, to have insulted and hijacked this thread in your opinion, but if you can get over your little hissy fit, there are much more insulting events going on to bring down the memory of an attack on our homeland as I listed above.....so sorry you can't handle the Christian Holy Right Wing Domestic Terrorist references.....
You call it a hissy fit, I call it...calling you on your BS. My addressing your "Christian Holy Right Wing Domestic Terrorist" references was simply to point out the vast difference in number of supporters of "Christian Holy Right Wing Domestic Terrorists" vs. muslim jihadists. If you can't wrap your brain around that, maybe it is just too small.


golden ticket member
If THEY believe in a book that has this quote in it.......

""And fight in the cause of Allah with those who fight with you, and do not exceed the limits, surely Allah does not love those who exceed the limits. And kill them wherever you find them, and drive them out from where they drove you out..."

Then I dont want any part of these people! This quote is from the Koran and I don't want to hear from anyone about it being taken out of context!! The Koran is "the Bible" for the Muslims.... and not just radical ones. They all believe in the Koran.

Therefore, they hate me and would kill me given half a chance!!


Well-Known Member
...and burning their "Bible" would serve what purpose (other than further inciting the Muslims, especially the radical ones, and putting our troops even more so in harm's way)?


Staff member
But as a Christian it is not what they believe and how they act, but what I believe and how I serve my Lord as He has commanded. Ain't that a kick in the rear?!


golden ticket member
But as a Christian it is not what they believe and how they act, but what I believe and how I serve my Lord as He has commanded. Ain't that a kick in the rear?!
But now, circumstances come around where they are shoving their beliefs in our faces......I won't keep quiet about that!


Don't want to take away from the point of the thread but, while I am not familiar with all of these cases, I am not aware of these 'right wing extremists', as you are fond of calling them, perpetrating their crimes in the name of Christianity.
Very well said. Some people take matter's into "their own" hands and some wait upon the Lord.
I think the theme is that extremists of anything are terrorists in their own way.
No cach, diesel said, CHRISTIAN extremists. Does this mean that I have to go out and defend my God against naysayer's? That's the good thing about God almighty, He already did everything, from creation, to dying on a cross for the forgiveness of my sins, no martyrdom required, just faith.

Back to the thread. I was out on comp and my wife woke me up, just after the first plane had hit, telling me what was going on. We stayed and watched the TV till we had to leave for a Dr appointment 2 hrs to the south. It was the talk of the Dr's office. Whenever I see a documentary on 9/11, tears well up in my eyes. I remember!
I want apologize to More for being one of those who steered her respectful thread off the tracks.

I stand by what I said I should have been mature enough to take it somewhere else.


Better check out "internet stalking" or "internet discrimination"on google.

I wouldn't be the first case !
You threaten someone with internet stalking?????????? After what you did last night, I will make it my mission to see that you are gone. :nono2:


Actually, Tie and cach, I changed my mind , I will be calling RCMP myself, to sue you for falshe allegations on the net.

They, in conjuction have ways to find your ISP and server, and your true identity.

I had enough of this crap.....

And lawyers from TV that will help me for free ( ofcourse with their commision charges)... but well worth it !

To drain you from all resources you may have, and give you guys a nice felony record !

Like watching a 10 year old throw a temper tantrum. But then ten years old are probably his only friends and only as long as he continues providing them with pretty beach balls.

anyone want to tell this idiot the mounties don't do lawsuits?

Or that the mounties would tell him to stop posting here if he does not like the abuse?