

Retired 23 years
According to Wikipedia "no major federal financial assistance was given to the survivors of the Oklahoma City bombing." I guess I don't know where this 1.5 million per family for 9-11 came from but I thought I had read that a lions share of it came from the feds.

After further review Wikipedia says the figure was 1.8 million per family , it came from a special act of Congress and it was pay off money so the families didn't sue the airlines.


Well-Known Member
According to Wikipedia "no major federal financial assistance was given to the survivors of the Oklahoma City bombing." I guess I don't know where this 1.5 million per family for 9-11 came from but I thought I had read that a lions share of it came from the feds.

After further review Wikipedia says the figure was 1.8 million per family , it came from a special act of Congress and it was pay off money so the families didn't sue the airlines.

Beyond the obvious costs to the airlines themselves even if they prevailed in such lawsuits, one has to wonder what might have come out in the evidence as countless lawyers and firms began to dig into all aspects of the events of that day and leading up to it.


Well-Known Member
Saudi Arabia To Receive Largest-Ever Single Foreign Arms Deal From The Pentagon

Posted in Liberaland by Yashwanth Manjunath • September 14, 2010, 1:38 PMET •
By Yashwanth Manjunath

When totally innocent moderate Muslim-Americans like Imam Rauf and his wife Daisy Khan try to build an interfaith community center to promote religious tolerance and unity two blocks from Ground Zero on the site of an old Burlington Coat Factory, that is supposedly a slap in the face to the victims of 9-11. But selling 60 billion dollars worth of weapons to the country where 15 of the 19 actual 9-11 hijackers were from, whose government helped finance the actual attacks against us, and whose royal family has close ties to the mastermind the attacks, barely makes the news. If you’re repulsed by this, do not worry. Obama cannot do this without the support of Congress, and I am sure the watchful protectors in the Republican party who care so deeply about the 9-11 families will step in and prevent the sale of the weapons. Bret Funk, a spokesman for Sen. Christopher S. Bond (R) of Missouri, where parts for the friend-15 are made, said that the deal is important to the country’s “strategic, national interests in the Middle East” and that Bond hopes it will preserve jobs for the fighter-jet production lines in St. Louis (So much for the Republicans).
Of course, to be fair to the Saudis, their government is not a single, united, monolithic entity. There are multiple Saudi princes and only some of them are tied to al Qaeda. So only some of the Saudi people have the blood of 3000 dead Americans on their hands. It isn’t like they have been involved in anything else since 9-11, right? Except for the fact that the Saudi people are also funding the Sunni insurgents in Iraq who have the blood of 4400 dead American soldiers on their hands.
So let’s review American foreign policy over the past few years: We needed to invade and occupy Iraq, which had nothing to do with the 9-11 attacks. We were told they might have had weapons of mass destruction with which to attack us. We needed to invade and occupy Afghanistan because the Taliban government harbored al Qaeda in exchange for the millions of dollars in Saudi oil money with which they were bribed. But we never even discuss invading Saudi Arabia, whose government helped fund the al Qaeda terrorists and whose money was used to bribe the Taliban and also finance the 9-11 attacks. In fact, we make the largest arms deal in history with them so defense contractors in this country become rich. If those weapons (or the money we give them when we buy their oil) are used to kill thousands of Americans both at home and overseas, who cares?
So here is a question for the people in Washington and their puppet masters in the defense industry: how much Saudi money is an American life worth?


Well-Known Member
Well that part is correct. What does a picture of Bush have to do with the Obama regime? Nothing I'd guess but I see the dimocrats are still trying to blame him for their failures.

Since when have we called American Presidential Administrations, regimes ?

Is it the homophoic picture that has you full hot and bothered, or GW's legacy of having a deep throat, hand holding, eye gogling, close, intimate relationship with Saudi Arabia's Prince(s). Half of which, we shouldn't trust them further than you can throw them. Now after the divorce of Baby Bush, Obama's Cupid henchmen of the Defense Ministry, had this marriage proposal predestined, and already set up to stroll down lover's lane just like his predecessor, and make sweet love to the Saudis once again. With the prospect of adding thousands and thousand of jobs as a kickback, Washingtom and the M I C waited for the perfect recession to pull this off. Who do we trust these days ?

“Plans to go ahead with the package, which has been under secret negotiation since 2007, have been known for some time and have raised angry objections from Iran and to a lesser extent from Israel, an even closer US ally which is anxious to maintain its strategic edge over any potential adversary in the Middle East.”



Beyond the obvious costs to the airlines themselves even if they prevailed in such lawsuits, one has to wonder what might have come out in the evidence as countless lawyers and firms began to dig into all aspects of the events of that day and leading up to it.
You and diesel need to get back inside this comfortable Matrix, or you'll catch your death of cold. Brrrrrr!


Well-Known Member
I have to admit, everytime I see a pic of Bush and the Saudi royal in a lip lock I hear that parrot in one of the James Bond movies (sorry I forget the movie title) saying "Give Us A Kiss!"

I also think of Russ Baker and his expose, "Family of Secrets."

But then looking at the actions of Obama, one can't help but wonder if he's got his own family secrets to hide as well. Although I have no problem with the term "regime" what I find ironic is that so many either think the "regime" began 18 months ago or ended 18 months ago, just depends on the animal mascot you cheer for. That's another dreaded disease picked up by public drumming otherwise known as education but then civic marching orders was always the purpose of it to begin with so who should be surprised?

I'd contend it's been a "rockin' and a rollin' along" unabated for decades. What's that bumper sticker say, "How's that change workin' for ya?" Don't feel to bad as the "elephant" in the room is still searching for that "limited gov't" he was promised time and time again and his team's controlled the corridors of power more over the last 4 decades so who here is really the "biggest loser?"

The good news however is that more and more people of all political stripe but of good will and principle are waking up to what the so-called 2 parties really are, asking serious questions and talking to one another and this alone is more dangerous to the "Empire of Rome" that America has become than all the Al Qaeda's that the Middle East could ever muster together. Makes you wonder when they'll tell GI Joe to "lock and load" and search at home for enemies to kill?


In a sane world, your idea of locking this thread would have strong merit and I commend you, Dill and Tooner in your original responses of staying true to the original intent of the thread. However, right after your original post, the shifting of the tracks began almost immediately which then accelerated to where it is now. Truth is, most all threads do this anyway but as much crap as I like dishing out at you, I did appreciate what you were trying to do and the intent of your heart. I'm just sayin'!


Well-Known Member
You and diesel need to get back inside this comfortable Matrix, or you'll catch your death of cold. Brrrrrr!

Thanks for the offer and your heart felt concern for my wellbeing but I'm quite comfortable where I am. The real question for you, are you comfortable with me being where I am and then knowing about it?

How's that steak taste? You got a phone call, Smith is on the line!


Well-Known Member
You leftists started that with Bush. Just trying to fit in. :happy-very:

I think Deez forgot...(selective hearing maybe)...:wink2:

OH say it aint so joe

Rush tagged this Administration "The Regime" from day one, and eveyday since. He repeats it, and repeats it to no end. Soon after people are embedded with that thought unknowingly.
It may have been thrown at Bush a time or two, but many were interpeting the plausibility of an implementation of martial law at election 08' during a War time event along with the perceived partnership with the M I C/CORPERATIONS, throw in the Chaney-factor running the show, hence the tag "The Facist Regime"...:happy-very:

On the other hand, providing American citizens with a better Healthcare "Bill of rights", and stimulating this country out of a Great Depression, hence the GOP version of the Obama "socialistcommunist" "kill grandma" REGIME....it's so comical, yet the wonderful lovable GOP Machine has the minions so worked up and full of fear, panic, mis-information, and no new ideas to contribute, it really is no laughing matter....

You and diesel need to get back inside this comfortable Matrix, or you'll catch your death of cold. Brrrrrr!

Thanks for the offer and your heart felt concern for my wellbeing but I'm quite comfortable where I am. The real question for you, are you comfortable with me being where I am and then knowing about it?

How's that steak taste? You got a phone call, Smith is on the line!

The Matrix is a system, STUG. That system is our enemy. But when you're inside, you look around, what do you see? Businessmen, teachers, lawyers, carpenters. The very minds of the people we are trying to save. But until we do, these people are still a part of that system and that makes them our enemy. You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it.

Thx Steve, but I'll "Reload" and keep it real with Morphis
Unfortunately, no one can be told what the Matrix is. You have to see it for yourself....

Would you like some A-1 sauce with that steak....:wink2:


golden ticket member
"...providing American citizens with a better Healthcare ...."

You're ready to praise this thing and you have no idea of the final costs. Your prez says I'll be able to keep my coverage if I'm happy with it.......how will that happen when my Ins. Co. is forced out of business?

I hope that after Nov. the health care will be repealed, found to be unconstitutional, or whatever it takes to knock it down and start from scratch.


golden ticket member
".......Thx Steve, but I'll "Reload" and keep it real with Morphis
Unfortunately, no one can be told what the Matrix is. You have to see it for yourself...."

This explains a lot.....you are in a make believe world !! Money grows on trees, right?
Get into the land of realism and put down the kool-aid.


Strength through joy
Rep. Darrell Issa, the ranking Republican member on the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, published a new video today inviting citizen watchdogs to send in photos of the green "Projects Funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act" popping up around the country.
Entitled "Signs of a Failed Stimulus: Be a Citizen Watchdog," the video seeks the investigative help of Americans "fed up with both President Obama's failed 'stimulus' programs and the taxpayer-funded propaganda signs used to promote this $862 billion boondoggle which has not fulfilled its job-creation promises."
Issa put out the challenge: "Seen a sign? Take a picture and send it with the address and location to [email protected].



Strength through joy
Your Stimulus Dollar at Work in Africa



Well-Known Member
Rush tagged this Administration "The Regime" from day one, and eveyday since. He repeats it, and repeats it to no end.

If you did not know that Rush also mocked you leftists you need to get out more. He has gotten extremely rich making fun of you guys.