Au contraire, You wish to shrug off fault after injecting a smug self righteous opinion, you anted up to the table and dealt your own cards of fate, so who's fault is that ? Whenever challenged or someone disagrees, trp crawls into his fetal position, hand out negative reps like detention slips, and makes up his own opinion and presents them as facts, then proceed to call the other guy a pea-brain. You were humilated with the ruling of the Constitutionality of the Arizona bill along with Jan Brewer, and now making a spectical of yourself by claiming to be the intelligent authority of this 9/11 thread. There's no point for me to gloat, if you don't recognize science, or facts. I'll take the higher road and just let you continue digging your own spider holes of fuzzy math n' logic and dogmatic umbrage.
You could have quite a career as a fiction(or is that comedy) writer, Michel Moore probably would pay you 10s of dollars for this false diatribe. I sent you a message intended for you alone to keep this discourse off this thread(which I never said was sacred), but you wanted an audience. I would have been more than happy to have kept it just between you and me. I figured one highjack of a thread was enough. As far as decrying the pile on, I have done so numerous times in the past, BTW you can shove your kudo's, I neither need nor want them.
I do make up my own opinion, I don't rely on Keith or the uber left whackos . I don't rely on Glenn Beck, O'Riely, or uber right whackos(yes, at least I admit they do exist).
Your assumption of my perceived humiliation is quite amusing as well. The matter of the Az law is not over yet and as I said early in that debate, if the SCOTUS rules the law unconstitutional I will say I was wrong. I really doubt that you or KOB will do the same if it goes your way.
Please point out any place I claimed to be an authority on any topic. While you are at it, please point out any wrong opinions I presented as facts. Now, do you have any other trivial opinions you want to discuss? The intent of the tread is already gone now.