Re: The 10th Anniversary of 9-11
You compare the kennedy assasination to 911, indeed a true comparison, controversy and they both involve science. Where you leave the tracks is by including Obamas birth certificate. There is no science behind that , only the hatred for a black american who became president. Conjecture, lie, distortions and right wing talking points, along with people like Alan Keyes and Orly Tainz who are making millions off of the controversy by chumming the waters with fresh useless information is all that is behind the OBAMA birth certificate.
There is NO proof, not a shred other than nonsense spread around. The gullable buy into it because it feeds their hate.
With 911, there are many scientific questions that defy the official explanations.
Nobody is asking you to believe me, all I ask is that you look for yourself and make up your own mind after looking at the facts and not just accept the story as it was told to us. I had no problem with the official story until 2005 when I started hearing about various things. Once I looked into it, I discovered that my mind was changed.
WTC7 is the biggest giveaway of a conspiracy. Most people dont even know about WTC 7 falling in the late afternoon without ever being hit by any planes. It goes down as the first steel structure building to suffer a total collapse and failure in history. Only two other buildings suffered the same fate, towers 1 and tower 2.
Dont you find it odd, that three buildings on the same day collapse by fire when at no time in history this has EVER happened? IN China, a skyscraper taller than wtc 7 and almost as tall as the trade towers is FULLY ENGULFED in flames. Every floor from the top to the bottom. Every room, every hallway.. When it was over, the building and its STEEL STRUCTURE were still standing.
WHY didnt it collapse in its own footprint as the trade towers and WTC 7? WTC had small fires in a couple of rooms and the whole building comes down in "freefall" speed. Thats scientifically IMPOSSIBLE.
this didnt fall down. worst fire than trade towers.![]()
higher flame temps in this building and no collapse of the buildings.![]()
complete engulfing side to side, no collapse.![]()
complete fire throughout building, no collapse. no melted steel.
again, complete engulfing of skyscraper, flames on every floor, no melted steel or collapse.![]()
The trade centers fell in less than an hour each, and these buildings in the photos burned for 1 to 3 days. WTC had small fires and collasped completely in a couple of hours.
Who's kidding who?
DESPITE all these pictures of skyscraper fires where the buildings were consumed completely by fire for 1 to 3 days of non stop flames, and not one of these buidlings went down, people are still willing to accept that WTC 7 went down with this level of fire.
Its amazing how people are not willing to question their goverment for answers when it is clear that they are being lied to. Fortunately, the famlies of the 911 victims are coming together and joining the movement.
The right thing to do for the victims is to find out who the culprits are. The 19 hijackers had nothing to do with building WTC 7 and those that say "they know" who did this are completely wrong.
I just wish people would open their minds and consider the evidence, rather than discounting the theories because of who is telling the story.