Right Bush did it ---according to you and Obama Bush is responsible for everything !!
Island, you are a free thinker, i asked to take out the politics of it all, and look at one piece of 911 and apply science to it. Do you think the firemen in the videos i posted are liars? Do you think they were a part of the conspiracy before 911 was completed?
These firemen are experts in what they do. They know what an explosion is and isnt. Look at their faces, bloodied from debris traveling at high rates of speed, IN THE BASEMENT.
Forget GW BUSH, he was too stupid for something like this. He was only the figure head that could be used for this plan. Something more evil was behind the scenes. Too bad hundreds of firefighters who were eyewitnesses to the explosions were killed and we will never hear what they had to say.
Why is this issue so hard for you all to consider? Was the story of 911 that compelling that you would reject science and accept a narrative of 19 hijackers causing all this mess by themselves?
Why do the doubters accept that melted steel from the towers and WTC7 could come from office fires and office type furniture ranging near 1000 degress, but it takes 2500 degrees to weaken steel?
How does that make sense to anyone? BUSH is responsible for many things in this country and around the world, and his damage continues everyday. Like Reagan, he blamed Carter for 7 years of a bad economic policy and I am sure you believed that one, right?
Obama has done some good things, and In my opinion, has failed in others.
Todays politics are so consumed with destroying each other, that "we" are lost in that debate and its "WE" that end up destroyed. The fat cats running the country still stay rich, and the rest of us get screwed.
All I am asking is to think outside the box on ONE ISSUE on 911. Look into it. Ask questions. You dont have to believe anything I say, look for yourself.
Listen to the firemen in the video I posted. If you think they are sincere and honest, dont you think we should investigate if there were explosions in the basement and first floors?
If there were, dont you think we should find out how they got there? Who placed them there? Why they were placed there?
These were questions that the 911 commission ignored.
America cannot ignore it. The truth is out there.