A message from Thomas Paine


Perhaps this will come as a shock to you but some of us don't want our money taken from us only to be given back as "social programs". Some of us would like to keep our money in the first place. Or as this government has been doing by borrowing against our children's future in order to give us more "social programs". You can keep the social programs, I want my liberty.
If the tea baggers were so concerned about their children's future, we wouldn't have seen parents allowing so many of them skipping school to act as propaganda puppets for something they don't understand.

I thought this was a protest against taxes? If it was about government spending, why didn't this happen six years ago?

Care to address your false claim of 20,000 attendees at the Alamo?


Well-Known Member
And you want to be taken serious with that comment...lol

We all know Keith Overbite won't let you know how Obama is destroying this country so I guess somebody has to do the dirty work. In your book I guess that makes them right wing extremists.

Just because you mentioned it...Here's Huff on your Gal Pal Greta defending MSNBC...
Atleast you admit you have no credible source for that information.

And Gingrich and Army and Beck and Hannity and Cavuto and Gibson and Limbaugh and so on, and so on....There's nothing wrong about a Grassroot protest, but since when does a News Agency such as Fox encourage and endorse people to go out and demonstrate against our Gov't. Is that the job of a News Org ? To become the news or report the news.
Fox simply covered the events. A lot of this was started when Bob Basso began his Thomas Paine videos that were posted on youtube.

Fox will only show you positive clips and scenes from the various Teabagger's demos. You will not see hateful Obama/Democrat signage, nor scenes such as this:
There is no better proof (except for FoxNews involvement) that Tuesday's "Tea Bagging" had absolutely nothing to do with taxation than this video clip. A man in Florida has a bunch of Tea Baggers cheering until they realize he is not up there demonizing Obama and Democrats. They cheer when he tells them that Bush inherited a surplus, cheer when he tells them their taxes went up with the deficit under Bush, then the all cheer loudly when he asks them "how many of you make under $250K a year?"
Only then, after he tells them that the new Obama tax code cuts their taxes, does the crowd then realize they're just a bunch of cheer mongers, not listeners.

That entire excerpt shows that whoever wrote it had not the faintest idea on what the tea parties were about. Sad really.

Instead of addressing the creative writing and content of the Shuster commentary, you chose to shift attention towards Fox Cable News Ratings which adds nothing to your argument or this thread. Then you go so far as to quote Neil Cavuto's exaggerated head count of 20,000 and present that as fact. Cochise was dead on to call you out on this misleading tidbit. And you call me the liar.....
The 20,000 figure came straight from the people who operate the Alamo. I trust their head count.

This may come to a shock to you, but you don't make over $250,000 at UPS and you will be getting a tax cut unbeknownst to 95% of the clueless tea-baggers. Now, why single out THIS Gov't only.. Gov'ts have been exploiting and borrowing against our childrens future for years, with Reagan, Bush I and Bush II by far the worst culprits of not re-investing in our country and childrens future, just the war machine, space fantasies, and corperations with their lobbiest friends. Now were at the mercy of the Corperations which are to big to let them fail. And you call that liberty ?
Its funny the way you and coshise continue to throw out this little tax credit like it makes a difference. Whats even funnier is the way you two actually buy into it. Its like Obama is the magician making a hankerchief dissappear into his fist, and you, the fools, actually believe he made it dissappear, not realizing its just an illusion. $13 is nothing and will mean nothing if Obama gets his Carbon cap and trade scheme put into place. Some estimates are that it will increase the average family's energy expenditures by $3100/yr. So lets do the math, the average family gets an $800 tax credit on their income taxes, but pays $3100 in new energy taxes so thats $3100 - $800 = $2300 in NEW taxes! But I thought Obama wasn't going to raise taxes on people making under $250k/yr.? That may be true when speaking about just the income tax, but taxes will be raised or created elsewhere to ensure we are all paying "our fair share".

Just to make a point no corporation is too big to fail. Whoever fails will create a vacuum of demand within its industry that will be filled by that corporation's competitors and or new businesses that spring up to pickup where said corporation left off. Short term pain for some longterm gain is a very simple concept that today's politicians cannot grasp.
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Well-Known Member
If the tea baggers were so concerned about their children's future, we wouldn't have seen parents allowing so many of them skipping school to act as propaganda puppets for something they don't understand.

Those parents who have no other choice than to enroll their kids into the government sponsored daycare known as government schooling were doing their kids a huge favor by actually teaching them something good about our country.

I thought this was a protest against taxes? If it was about government spending, why didn't this happen six years ago?
I can guarantee you the people at those protests were not pleased with Bush's wasteful spending either. To continue that practice and even accelerate it the way Obama has is downright wreckless. I hate to break the news to you, but you can't raise taxes on just the rich high enough to pay for all this. Eventually you and i the average working joes will pay for this in higher taxes somewhere down the line. If we don't force our government to curb its wasteful spending then our children and grandchildren will not have the same opportunities as you and I have. It needed to stop under Bush, and needs to be stopped now under Obama.

Care to address your false claim of 20,000 attendees at the Alamo?
The people who operate the Alamo is where the 20,000 figure came from, as I said earlier I trust their count versus the uneducated guess of a few police officers there for security.


Well-Known Member
Considering the ideas of Thomas Paine, I wonder what he would think of this entire thread and all the points any of us have made as well as what we've done with the legacy he and others left us?

I'm not convinced any of us would fair to well in the eyes of one Thomas Paine!



Well-Known Member
BTW: The original Boston Tea Party was in reality an act against the State who used taxation to grant monopoly advantage to a priviledged Corp. entity at the expense of the larger Free Market.

It's amazing how we just continue to go in circles and repeat ourselves over and over again with the same ole problems and the same bad outcomes.