A Simpler Time

bigblu 2 you

Well-Known Member
Used 4 clipboards to keep from changing areas. Had an old biker wallet with a chain for cod cash 10grand or more at times. Hated when the carnival came to town they always paid in change.I was always leery of bad areas with that cash. We had Avon and fingerhut every week that blew us out. Anyone remember there 6 digit? I would also tape my pickup log on the back of my clipboard then cut it off to turn it in,can’t remember the truck number but the first one I drove had wooden shelves and a engine cover as big as a table in the cab.

Well-Known Member

Back From Break
It's definitely not getting any easier

Physically, maybe not. Although the newer package cars sure make it easier.

But, mentally, it is a whole lot easier. ORION tells you where to go and MapNav tells you how to get there. How easy is that? The only thinking we need to do now is to make sure we get our airs and businesses off on time, because ORION doesn't seem to care.
Physically, maybe not. Although the newer package cars sure make it easier.

But, mentally, it is a whole lot easier. ORION tells you where to go and MapNav tells you how to get there. How easy is that? The only thinking we need to do now is to make sure we get our airs and businesses off on time, because ORION doesn't seem to care.
Thinking breaks up the monotony of this job.
And the stop counts we have now , if you went back a decade or so ago I would have had a helper for four or five hours during peak with the same amount of stops

Off the leash

Well-Known Member
Physically, maybe not. Although the newer package cars sure make it easier.

But, mentally, it is a whole lot easier. ORION tells you where to go and MapNav tells you how to get there. How easy is that? The only thinking we need to do now is to make sure we get our airs and businesses off on time, because ORION doesn't seem to care.
Yeah it was tough going out blind on a route, which was quite common, with only a map book. I saw cover drivers literally get sick in the am because of the stress. You never hinted that you had a little knowledge of an area because they would send you out on a route there.

Off the leash

Well-Known Member
Thinking breaks up the monotony of this job.
And the stop counts we have now , if you went back a decade or so ago I would have had a helper for four or five hours during peak with the same amount of stops
I had helpers with their own personal vehicles years ago. It was freakin great! I would set up meets during the day and give him a new batch. Some days I was done a 3pm waiting to start my p/u run at 4. The union stopped that.

Off the leash

Well-Known Member
It works out well for the drivers. On car helpers get in the way a lot. Very few worth the time. When I was younger I almost never used them. The older I got the better they looked.
I had one female helper who was as wide as she was tall! Walked like she was taking a stroll. Took twice as long to deliver a residential area with her! I got rid of her in 2 hrs. When I called the center they laughed their asses off, they sent her to me on purpose because they new I would snap lol