A Simpler Time


Got the T-Shirt


Well-Known Member
How about delivering $50k of Rolex watches....c o d? Made the O R S come get that cash on the spot. We had a customer that sold high end prom dresses and such. Drove a Ferrari and always paid cash. Would give us $100 tips for lunch. Big, fat , sweaty guy....straight out of a movie. Early 1990's....
That’s insane. I would’ve done the same, come take this cash or send an armed guard.


Well-Known Member
I remember when we got our first trucks with 6 digits. It just seemed wrong.
When I was a shifter we had 4 digit trailers that never left the yard. Storage and customer counter use only.

Also had a couple of 4 digit really small cabco style pkg cars you couldn't even stand up in. The Mechanics yard use a pkg car that had a gas motor compressor to do air ups and other things. The gas motor, dual iron lung compressor, was so noxious you didn't dare stand to close to the back of the pkg car or you would pass out from the over the top half burnt fuel from the barely running burbling motor!!!!!!

All mules (shifter's, yard dog's) were 4 digits too.

Off the leash

Well-Known Member
When I was a shifter we had 4 digit trailers that never left the yard. Storage and customer counter use only.

Also had a couple of 4 digit really small cabco style pkg cars you couldn't even stand up in. The Mechanics yard use a pkg car that had a gas motor compressor to do air ups and other things. The gas motor, dual iron lung compressor, was so noxious you didn't dare stand to close to the back of the pkg car or you would pass out from the over the top half burnt fuel from the barely running burbling motor!!!!!!

All mules (shifter's, yard dog's) were 4 digits too.
How bout the am when all the trucks started up and the others were waiting in line to get out of the barn, the air was blue! Where was osha? Lol. I don’t no how I made out of the job alive. Lots of alcohol. The job was so stressful,I new 2 drivers who literally just never came back to work, wouldn’t even respond to the union. Both were on the job for many years, but they were alcoholics. Gotta believe the job had a little to do with it.

quad decade guy

Well-Known Member
This company will NEVER have enough equipment, supplies, or personnel. It's the way they operate. I don't see it ever changing.
I don't know about enough....but my tractor is new and nice. Hell, having a radio with bluetooth is Star Wars stuff compared to what we used to have. And we have lot's of feeder drivers here. Lot's.


Well-Known Member
My first PC was 70214. It was a P400. It was a converted bread truck. When UPS first got rights in Texas, they were desperate for package cars.
My first was 12346. P-600. Why in the world do we both remember that. I drove the last P-400
in our building. Blew out the rear one night returning to the center. Looked just like the one in my avatar