

Inordinately Right
We just have different views on what should be considered an education. I view the couple months I spent learning how to deliver at ups way more valuable than my 4 years of highschool aka college prep. I think more practical education teaching kids skills or fast tracking them to higher education that translates into making money and not reciting Snapple cap facts is the way to go.

From my point of view most people hardly remember anything they learned in highschool or use it on a day to day basis to make money. It’s just kind of become this societal norm that we pump money into an institution because “education” has become so important. I’m not saying education isn’t, I’m just saying is what they’re learning worth the investment? Shouldn’t we be streamlining this process especially for college students so they can be gaining hands on experience while studying for the things they need to know and getting to work in their field sooner?
I'm sorry high school didn't work out for you my guy.

By your own admission, you were taken to court for truancy..... Maybe if you actually went to school every now and then things would be better for you. We'll never know.

El Correcto

god is dead
I'm sorry high school didn't work out for you my guy.

By your own admission, you were taken to court for truancy..... Maybe if you actually went to school every now and then things would be better for you. We'll never know.
It doesn’t matter that I barely showed up, once I was going to be held back my freshman year they sent me to a reform school and I graduated a couple months early. Also scored a 100 on my senior history TAKS.

That reform school I enjoyed. I showed up they gave me packets to do, it was work at your own pace and the teacher would help you if you needed it. I would of graduated a year early if I had been there from the start.
It was more of a program than a school for girls who were pregnant, 18+ students who had to work jobs and little :censored2: heads like me that the high school was done with.


Man of Great Wisdom
No, it’s a scam because like most federal programs it has expanded past its usefulness and is now becoming more of a hinderance than a help for most students.

Why do future mechanics need to know the difference between plant cells and animal cells or about osmosis? They don’t.

Schools shouldn’t be eating up your prime education years 15-18 years olds with a standardized shotgun approach. You should be learning to join a workforce if you’re more suited for that than being prepped to attend a college which will waste more of your money and prime working/learning years towards a goal that might not be for you.

How many people do you work with that have graduated college and then still went onto drive a truck at ups? I know quite a few. They wasted time on that degree and me skipping that going straight to ups got me a head start on them. I want to see more kids getting that head start sooner. Child labor laws and public schools are a hinderance to our workforce. These teenagers need real workforce experience, not to be writing essays on to kill a mockingbird.

Public schools are just expanding past the usefulness of teaching you what you need to get by in this world, reading, writing, math into this unnecessary level of education that we are paying tax dollars towards and it’s not being used by most.
Sounds like an evil plot to eliminate a well rounded education and create more people willing to congregate in mobs wearing red ball caps and chanting.

El Correcto

god is dead
Trying to co-opt "mobs" like you guys did "snowflakes?" The Dems are the original mob of snowflakes.



Well-Known Member
Don't know how many of you guys saw this but during his confirmation hearing AG nominee Bill Barr made note of the fact that DOJ no longer bothers to petition SCOTUS to take up Roe vs Wade anymore.After 46 years pretty safe to say it's finished law and the bible thumpers need to focus their attention on the reasons why a woman seeks an abortion.


Well-Known Member
From us Bible thumpers:
It is dumbfounding to live in a country where building a border wall seems to be immoral and yet killing babies is not a big deal.
What is immoral is high profile celebrities knocking up girls out of wedlock (aka Steve Garvey, Tom Brady etc) then simply simply move on to some young woman yet the country continues to idolize them , their fame and their money.


golden ticket member
What is immoral is high profile celebrities knocking up girls out of wedlock (aka Steve Garvey, Tom Brady etc) then simply simply move on to some young woman yet the country continues to idolize them , their fame and their money.
Just because there are parents who are a-wholes, is no reason to kill babies!!